The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2326 of the Chapter 2326 of the Prince of Tennis

The rear rust is changed to the monthly moon island, a simply profound positive jump, in the case of greatness, and the tee of the moon is is quite luck, actually playing on the net, slowly rolling the ball Finally, falling in the half of the Qingcheng high school.

The front row players in Qingcheng high school did not respond, 2418, Wusong high school got the game of the whole game!

"It's evil! It was taken by them!" Jin Tian, ​​which fell to the ground, did not save the ball, and his face was unhappy.

"Calm! It's still not a panic, we have the opportunity." The more you go to the crucial moment, and the worse of Chuan Chuan, there is at least in the high school in Qingcheng.

Snapped! Snapped! The fast attack counterattack in Qingcheng High School, and the direction of the vulnerability and the night length windroom at the position of Sichuan.

It is a chance of Jintian!

Gao Yue Jintian didn't want to waste this opportunity, he didn't wait for volleyball to fly to the highest point, but a fast down-balloon.

Dang! However, in this moment, the night's long wind suddenly appeared in front of Jintian, and a single block.

"Why is he here, just clearly in the beginning of the stadium!" Jintian was wound as a nightmare, and it could not hide the horror.

"It's okay! I haven't ended yet!" Songchuan in Qingcheng High School is desperately to save the blocks of the night grow up.

"No! It's been over!" Nightly cold voice made a cold in the high school in the Qingcheng high school.

I only saw the night's wind continuous jump, and it was a high level than the block. The right hand turned out to reach the ball and played a fast probe.

024 chapter, overwhelming victory (seeking a self-defined)

! The volleyball that fell in the high-speed, fried in front of Sichuan, followed by high flying, flew to the stand on the second floor of the gym. ""

"Hey!" After watching the masses, it was the collective exclaimer after a while.

2518! The four high schools in the county in the county have chopped the eucalyptus cuts in the Wushu high school.

It is not too much to describe it with an overwhelming victory.

At this time, the smile of Chuan Chuan was invisible, and it was a uncomfortable expression. He saw the shadow of the white bird Ze University from the night, which made him no monster who did not resist the power last year.

"Damn!" Jintianyi people also showed unwilling expressions.

"Well, you have a good, you are a boy!" And Wushu High School is a unique shout, especially the bloody male field is even more exciting.

This game has won more than he imagined!

"The column!" Ze Village is calm, and in the heart, it is actually a hurt.

Two teams are taking forward, then they are respectful, "Thank you for your advice!"

"Ah," At this time, the Wudata advisor outside the field issued a strange voice.

"What happened, consultant?" Nahoa did not understand.

"... It's so powerful ... Volleyball is really powerful!" Wu Tian is full of red.

On the venue, at this time and the handshake of Sichuan and the night grows are in the hands of the smile, the two are unknone each other.

"And Sichuan predecessors, your team also needs efforts!" Night long laughs.

"Oh, each other! Next time, when you encounter it in the official game, the victory will be us!" And the Chuan Tolertoire.

"When you come, I hope that you will be too surprised when you arrive at that time. I will not have been in place." Night long laugh, no longer paying attention to Sichuan turned and left.

"This little child ..." and Chu Chuan were can't say if the night grew.

No matter what he has played today, he did not play a state today, and Sichuan can find countless reasons.

But losing is lost, and the loser is always there.

"The earth, I can't believe that the long wind is not a new person of the volleyball!" ..

"Indeed." Ze Village has wiped sweat in the towel. "The kid is a newcomer on the volleyball court, but the reaction and experience look like the first time to participate in the sports community. He used to say that other projects in China Is the national class player. "

"Well! It is reasonable!" Naoto nodded.

"This is not important. The regional qualifiers of the national contest immediately are the most important thing. Almost, the guy is also coming back ..." Ze Village's eyes flicked.

"Ah! We are the patriarch of the wild!" The mouth of Naugan has a smile.

2nd Stadium.

After the exercise in the Qingcheng High School, everyone returned to the gymnasium in Wuye.

Although there are competitions, today's training, Wusong high school is also carried out, and practice has continued until the evening. The sky is completely dark, and the people ended the hard training.

Time is too late, no travertion at night's lives.

Today, today and Qingcheng High School makes the night-long experience, especially in vigorously jumping, carefully observing the original and Chichu killing, and the night long does determine the technology action of making their own dance.

These require time to finish thinking, light is not practicing.

At this time, it reflects the importance of a team coach. So far, the night-long wind has not seen the coach in Wuye, only one consultant who does not understand volleyball.

After asked the Wudata consultant, the night-lived wind got the Wutian consultant will find a way to solve the answer of the coach.

So this time, the night is still only to think about how to improve the basic skills and various technologies on the volleyball court.

On the small road outside the Wushu High School, the orange light puts the hair of the wilderness of the wild.

"Today, the game is really happy, but the tender man's serve is really amazing. If he will participate, the game should be very difficult!" Tian Zhonglong is going to the front, in the mouth, poor And Sichuan became a stinky man.

"Those guys should have not yet taken out the truth, the four in the county is so weak, then it is not intended." Night is behind the brain.

"Your kid is really ... arrogant!" Tian Zhongyi, then hooked the neck of the night, haha ​​laughed, "But I am more and more like your boy!"

"Sorry, Tian Zhongchuan Chang, I am not interested in men." The night is very speechless.

"Say it back, is you not with the stinky man with the stinky man, why do you have to be robbed by other schools?" Tanaka called.

"Yeah, the first famous school in the county is high in the country, why don't you go there?" Nahara is also confused.

Timark of night, the newcomers, such as this kind of volleyball, do not know how high-middle volleyball is coming to Wuye, but the top two passwords in the county are too strange.

"That ... I didn't take it." The shadow mountain didn't matter.

"You didn't have not been taken?" Tianzhong and others were shocked.

"Yeah, there is no recommended letter, I have not admitted to the normal procedure, I don't understand the content of the exam at all." The old way of the homes and mountains.

"Hey, then why are you coming to the wild, is it also worshiping a small giant?" The day is rushing to ask.

"Because I heard that the coach who has retired is to come out." Yingshan Shen Sheng.

"The coach of the ukna is very powerful?" I heard a coach and the night's live wind came.

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