The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2329 of the Chapter 2329 of the Prince of Tennis

However, several people from Ze Village ignore the night's wind, they are really unhappy.

Regardless of the will force, people's physical fitness is the limit. If a person is desperately practicing, it is really likely to hurt himself, it is not as good as muscle.

Of course, it is not the average person who can achieve a large number of persistent anaerobic exercises.

"Is it so long?" The night-long sweeped a street lamp outside the gym, and did not feel the flight of the time. "Today, I will practice here."

Night winds have some meaning, returning to the locker room, and wipe the sweat, just prepare to go home.

Such a person's practice night is getting used to it, but the night grows really wants that the game is actually fighting in the game.

Before and Qingcheng high school exercises is too easy, but let night long feelings feel very interested.

Therefore, after listening to the sound high school in the Wudian consultant, the night-long's opponent is very expected to look forward to the last day of Golden Zhouzhi.

"Hope this time, don't let me be too disappointed!" Night wind span on a shoulder bag, leaving the locker room. Soon I came out of the school gate in Wuye.

"Well?" The night-long's situation ganglou came out of the school gate, and a familiar figure was blocked in front of the night.

"Waste Water Sister?" The night's wind is a bit surprised to look at the iceberg beauty in front of him.

"Night Jun!" The clear water is still a face, it is difficult to see what she is thinking.

When you call it, suddenly the night wind floats, the moonlight is sprinkled in the two people, and the atmosphere falls into inexplicable silence.

"Do you have anything for me to find me?" The night grew is a step forward, almost harvested with the clear water.

"Well!" The measuring mean did not be scared, and the face was not surprised. It was just the right hand, and a gift package was separated between the two people.

"It's a beautiful iceberg, when can I keep calming!" Night wind just wants to tease the water mean, I didn't expect to calm the water than he imagined.

"The reward of winning the exercise competition." Qingshui knife looked up at night long wind, and the two eyes were on a moment.

At night, we will take a gift package. He tried to see fluctuations in the cowards of the water, but he didn't see anything.

"That ... goodbye, Night Jun." Looking at the night length of the gathering package, the clear water did not say anything, turn around, leave the night long wind stand in the same place, watch her back, Decocted by the unlimited moonlight.

The night-long wind did not know that under the cold weather, the red heart in the body was jumped at the speed.

"What does this feel?" The night grew away, focusing on the orange gift package in your hand.

Night-catching winds have recently been immersed in exercises, and I have long been forgotten to defeat the Green City High School, but the purge mean has not forgotten.

Any open outer packaging, printing into a white T-shirt.

"T-shirt?" The night cost has spread the T-shirt.

It is in the back of the T-shirt, but I'm in the back of the T-shirt, I actually printed four Juan Xiu's Chinese characters - 'a ball into the soul.

"Have she noted this detail?" The night's wind is surprised, he remembers that he is just a slot, and the water is remembered, but also in such a short period of time.

And the four Chinese characters printed are actually what they want at night, which is the most surprised by the night.

In the cold appearance, it is a delicate heart than anyone, and the clear water is really good.

The second day, the second gym.

In the morning, the long morning and early morning appeared on the court, only this time, the night-hearted topped a pair of dark circles, obviously not sleeping overnight.

"Everyone, I have worked hard!" I took a few hours, the gate of the gym was opened.

The Wutian Consultant and a strange middle-aged male on a top yellow were coming in, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Collection!" Ze Village convened from the Wushu High School.

"I will introduce it, this is a junjie who started to serve today, everyone welcomes." Wutian pointed to the juvenile.

"This is the same as before, there is no change." Wu huked a gymnasium, showing the expression of missing.

"Hey! Is it really a coach?" All the people in the wild were shocked.

"This gentleman is the predecessor of your volleyball, is also a grandson of the coach!" "" Wu Tian consultant explained slightly.

"The grandson of the coach!" Everyone was a surprise, apparent that no one knows that there is such a grandchilder.

At this time, there was a smile: "Okay, there is no time! I want to see your foundation, so I started the game."

"There is a game!" Night hard heard the game, two eyes were light, and it was not familiar with this coach, and only later understood it again.

"What about opponents?" Ze Village was shocked.

"I have been looking for it, it is in Ukumi-machi!" Uujun revealed a confident expression, and then took out the phone.

After half an hour, there were a few guys who were wearing casual efforts into the volleyball hall.

"Sorry, suddenly come to you!" Wu raised people and won the past.

"Hey! Dedicated!" The coming is a fashionable expression.

"I will think that it is a bigger member of the old age!" Some surprised the island, it is a twenty-five young man.

In Japan's so-called Nishi-machi, it is equivalent to China's street office, and the team of this name should be some middle-aged players.

"It seems that the members of the long graduation of Wuhe High School Volleyball Dome!" The night's face didn't understand.

"Well, start the game!" After a few people in the UHT, they would be able to start the team's exercises.

Because there are insufficient relationships in the city, it is temporarily joined the team of Naka-machi.

There is no change in the formation and previous exercises in Wuye High School, and the front of the team is the island, dragon, Nesse, and the back row is Nakano, West Valley and Sen.

Chapter 028, Harm-machi (seeking for a self-defined)

There will be this side of the oysters, which is more than 180 or more, and the West is also severely pulled down average. ∽ >> insects

However, in terms of experience, the inner meeting is the Uen High School, which is mainly based on first grades.

In the city of the city, each member is playing all the year round, and the experience is very rich, and there is a strong Saiguo and the strong spirit of the strong, the strength is not to be underestimated.

Young talents fighting experience skills, this team's encounter can be said to be very interesting in Wuye High School.

! Sure enough, the game will first launch an offense.

Naoto Tropics gave a height of 185 cm, the latter easily tied the ball score.


"Oh, not bad! Trust is great!" Dragon has a thumbs up to Sugang.

"This control, powerful, just press online!" Night long wind discovered that there would be no such good deal with him.

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