The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2345 of the Chapter 2345 of the Prince of Tennis

Night wind and the end of the hidden mountain do not seem to have any effects, and after the game, the error rate in the Uenhorn High School decreased.

Changbao High School is better than the first game, they don't want to lose too ugly.

However, the reality is cruel, and the players in Changbo High School have done their efforts, but their usual training and team objectives and fightues are in the wild in the wild.

After Sugang and Yamaguchi loyal, they all actively express themselves.

No one will sit on the cold bench, especially for Naoto, and his inner heart is also eager to play together with the night.

Najo can be born in the third grade, which is already his last blood, and the last summer.

Dang! With the fast attack of Naoto Kan, Zen Village is successful, and it will attack the hand.

2510! Only half an hour of time in Wuye High School broke through the first round of the district qualifiers at 2 to 0.

"The end!" The pool looked up at the ceiling, and he was dripped with the sweat of forehead.

At this moment, his inner heart has pouring a feeling of unmisting, it is not sweet, why can't you work harder in these three years?

The one of the people who was very powerful today, today has grown to such a team's medium-sized column.

It was a huge contrast to let the pool.

Chapter 043, Ida Industry (seeking for a self-defined)

In fact, in the competitive sports, this ' ''s incident has a lot of incidents, once the wind, the righteous opponent, there will be a situation in the distance. - -

For a simple example, how much is the NBA superstar small emperor James, how much is it in the high school and James?

The first thing I thought is that Terfel, the first control of the first control of the whole American high school students, and Zeng and James jointly trained the training camp.

Later, James became a small emperor, Terfel went to CBA after an unsuccessful NBA experience.

Who else? Shannon Brown!

Zeng Jin and James have got the MVP of Jordan training camp.

In addition, there is an iron king, the iron king, who is currently played. He has been in the past, and his uncle actually called James, and said that my nephew said that my nephew was better.

In the end, there is a possibility that everyone can't think of it. It is the famous players in my country, chewing the green arrows, easy Jianlian, and Jella are also treated as a cultivation of James.

So much more famous brothers, in the end, it can achieve James's ability and influence, and there is no.

There are still many such stories, Duncan and Camby, the first high school students in the United States, Thomas and Kobe ...

Everyone in them has been very jealous today, but they really walk on the road of the king, only the most firm and most reluctant guy.

Will Changbo High School Volleyball Mare Is there a hard work?

No, they also work hard, usually, they are not lazy.

But they are absolutely not the one most effort.

The pool is almost quite equal in the country and Zecun earth, but now Ze Village is strongly struggling than the pool of the pool.

Whether it is technology and physical conditions, it has been opened with great gap.

This is the gap between efforts and exercises!

The same is a cold bench in the low grade, and Zen Village has never given up the position of the main force. His training is twice that of the pool, even more.

Two people's desire to victory and the gap between the love of a movement and persistence of the belief, ultimately decided to have different fate.

It is true that success is not working hard, and it is not a little luck on the road of the king.

Ze Village's teammates are also much stronger than the pool, but can have such a teammate is the training that Ze Village has not given up.

If there is no three-year hard training, the Talent Pingzhun Village cannot be stationed at this nowhere to be stunned, even becoming the team's custom sea.

Don't want to lose, want to win?

That's hard, since it is not a born genius, it will become a diligent genius.

Including Qingcheng High School and Sichuan is a good example. Talent is that he is absolutely not as good as Shaoshan, but now and Chuanche is a recognized chief two lectures in the county.

After the end of the Wuye High School and Changbao High School, the two teams were salmon.

Wushou successfully entered the next round, and the last summer of the pool is over.

"Ze Village!" When the Wushu High School returned to the locker room, the pool of the people called Ze Village.

"Pool?" Ze Village has unexpectedly stopped.

The pool and the singer looked at Ze Village.

The pool is quite excited. Although he knows that this word is very second, he still does not hesitate to reveal his heart.

Snapped! The expression of Ze Village's excitement is extremely solemn. He holds the hand of the pool, and nodded.

"Well, everything will be given to me!"

Seeing the serious expression of Ze Village, heard the promise of Ze Village solemn, and the pool was red.

"We also have games, first!" Ze Village greeted to return to the locker room in Wuye High School.

Looking at the back of the blacks of the wild, the heart of the pool is lying in the heart.

"The guy like me to end the community activities in the country, there is tens of thousands of people in the country, and to break through the qualifiers in a layer of layers, and finally advanced to the country is too difficult!

If there is a story, the guy promoting the country should be the protagonist, and I am the kind of support, I have a role in fighting with the protagonist! "The pool is aware of the man's consciousness.


While promoting the second round in Wuye High School, their opponent Ida Industry also won the opponent with a big score of 2 to 0.

In other words, the second round of the Uenhorn has encountered an Ida industry with the iron wall.

Both sides have a short break before the second round of competition.

Taking this rest time, the night long and the shadow of the mountains came to the Sendai Stadium, and I practiced a passage.

Just when the night grows and the mountains and mountains, the warm man suddenly came over.

"Sugang, is the game began?" The night is a little doubtful, this is not long.

"No, I have something to want to please you!" Naho's expression is very serious.

Night windmares with volleyball in your hands, gaze straightly.

"Our next round is an Inda industry. We were last year because the iron wall stopped was very miserable. I and Ze Village are very unhappy, but this time we must destroy this high wall!" Nahara It is rare to show sharp eyes.

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