The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2348, Chapter 2348, Chapter 2348, Chapter 2348

When the wind right in the night, the volleyball is suddenly deformed, then the acceleration of a moment, the entire volleyball is an elliptical ball type, and the heavy bombards are between the greens of the green.

"Ah!" The disregard of Qinggen's consciousness, he only felt that his arms were like a heavy hammer, directly unable to get down.

Dang! The volleyball that snipd into the Ida iron directly fell in the bottom line of the Ida industrial half.

30! Yusky High School opened an open momentum, and the absolute iron wall of Ida seems to be a paper paste, it is uncomfortable.

046 chapter, the real iron wall (seeking a self-defined)

On the stage, the Ida Industrial Assistance Group is dead, and the residue of the respondents just have to be strong. = Miscellaneous ∥ ∥ =

On the field, the players of the Ida industry were also accommodated in the town.

"Is my illusion? No. 1 Yinji is stronger than Niu Island!" Ida industrial instructor pursued eyebrows.

If the most powerful ring iron wall of the Iard industry is unable to play, their advantages are unfosit.

"The height is not low, the bounce, the key is to force so strong, this little child is born for sports!" The journey of the coach was burning at night.

The most fascinating is also the progress of the night-length wind in the volleyball basis and the feeling of the ball.

When I saw the night's wind, I was clearly obvious to see that the night's wind is a volleyball, will make a low-level mistake of the ball, and the button is often bound.

However, in short than two months, the night is very good, and it is a very old man. It is not to see the high school students who have been exposed to the volleyball.

However, on the field, it is more disadvantageous to the Ida industry, and the night length wind wheel is replaced with the front row, and just right position and green root.

"Are you afraid?" The night's cold eyes did not look straight to the roots.

Qinggang did not speak, just staring at the night, the two eyes intended in the air, Mars splash.

"It's too exaggerated, so high heads are actually suppressed by Wushu No. 1!"

"Who is the first, how did you never see it before?"

"The big news, the district qualifiers can actually have such a league!" The discussion of many onlookers on the table.

On the field, Shadow Mountain continued to serve.

I have sent three vigorous development, the effect is general, and the shadow and mountain feels some feminism, which reduces the amplitude of their own movements and pursues the drop in the serve.

! There is no problem in the Ida industry, and the free people have rushed and stabilizes the tee of the shadow and mountain drop.

"Show!" The two passions of the Ida industrially becomes anxious, and the Ida industrially needed a frontal direct score to stabilize the situation.

Original Ida Industry is the main team, when the team is in the wind, the player will rise straight, but once it is embarrassing, the Iard industry is difficult to turn over.

! This time, Matriopted chose to give the ball to the green root that moves in front of the net.

Qinggang is also very strong with night long. He high speed is moving a wide range of moves. I want to use my body to change the speed of the night, and vigorously deduct my score.

However, when the green roots jumped, when the body was ready to bought the ball, the night's long wind suddenly appeared in front of him.

Single iron wall!

When the night is long, it is first until the whole person covers the sky.

Qinggang first realized what is called a real iron wall.

The three-person Ida iron wall that rely on the player is just a fixed iron wall, and the iron wall of the night is moving.

When the green root is forced to stabilize the body in the air, I want to buckle the ball to hit the night long wind arm, and when I went out of the border.

The night-long's right hand lights-like movement, it turned out to directly put the greens of the green roots.

A loud noise, the volleyball was fried in the hem of the green root that has not yet landed.

40! Night live wind and three points, and the attack and defense has built green roots.

"How is this possible?" Ida industrial in the table responded to everyone.

"Well!" The night-to-earth wind and side of the NETT, and the imperial high in the Wushen High School is still improved.

"This is what is not enough, this is the strength to hit!" There is a viewer on the table.

On the side of the scene, I sit in the replacement of the cuisine and positive clear water meshes, the game is just beginning, and the night's wind starts various brush data.

"It's really hot, the stinky boy!" On the stage and Sichuan frowned watching the night, the growth of the night grew is more amazing than he imagined.

"The iron wall of the Ida industry is going to be taken today, and it is still a person ..." Jintian is also lying.

I used to think that my own single iron wall of the night's wind is already marble, and now I see the expression of Qingzheng, and the Jintian is actually a bit of fun.

"Coach, is it to be paused?" Ida industrial replacement is chaos.

"Can be evil! Night long wind, why is you?" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Players like night long winds and physical fitness players are unknown in the country. Similar to the first shadow and mountains in Beichuan, it is also known as the county.

Many of the Ida Industrial Coach was pursued before the game, and it was surrounded by the flying trend of the shadow and mountains, and now the Wushu High School suddenly came out of a strong monster level player, he was of course very depressed.

On the field, after this goal, the ungroeches made the moon island to remember the West Valley. This is to strengthen the block, put the Rhythrough of the Ida industrial.

! At this time, the fifth strong jumping guspsenami finally issued a first point.

50! The shadow and mountains also gradually got into good, and the balance of victory began to completely reverse the high school.

"It is good to get well, the route is good!"

"Very good! Continue, continue!" Ze Village encouraged his teammates.

For a time, Zhun Village found that he suddenly became thinner in the team, and the first grade player was faster than what he thought.

I was in the world of Ida industries, I was found to be found in the Uenhous High School, and the hearts of Ze Village were extremely happy.

However, Ze Village did not have much, he still shouted, the team could not have a big idea when the ball is in the wind, and the opponent is not a fish, last year's fiasco is also in the eye.

"Dry, Changfeng, Shadow Mountain Jun!" Sitting in Nahara, the double boxing, the night grew and the shadow of the mountains were completely exceeded by his imagination.

The competition continued, and the greens were rotated to the back row, the night long winds and the island and the shadow mountains formed a wall of the wild.

The Ida industry could not break through this real absolute iron-defense, until the shadow mountains played in their own.

16! The Ida industry relied on the unusual mistakes to win the first point of the game.

In this case, it is still not a pause in this case.

It is not that he doesn't want it.

Lost a game is not terrible, terrible is that it is impossible to respond to the opponent's attack.

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