The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2357, Chapter 2357, Chapter 2357, Chapter 2357

! Ze Village has quickly jumped quickly on the right side of the ball, and hit a fast attack killing.

46! The tactics who entered the horses were taught by the servant.

"It's evil, the child is too fast! When the exercise competition, the ball is still a door, and now there is a model." The consciousness cleared the fist.

"I want to attack our weaknesses, not so easy!" The Ze Village and Night Changshui, who have landed land, and the turn of the face, turned to the face of the ball and the Sichuan and others.

"Strong pressure, this is that Wuye is no longer the original bullion!" Everyone in the Qingfei City is clear, today this game is definitely a bitter battle.

On the field, the game continues.

The shadow and mountain suddenly attacked two times, but he was pre-judged by Chuan Chuan, sealed.

74! Qingfei City West seems to be suppressed in the open-in-wild high school, and the Sichuan's limelight has also covered the shadow and mountain flying.

"It's evil!" The shadow and mountain bite frown, obviously anxious.

"Yingshan, you are can't breathe it quickly by the stinky guy!" The night is deliberately stimulating the mountains.

He understands the mentality of the shadow and mountains. If you want to fight with Kawaki, he will be high, and it is high and low, it is a night long, which may be stronger than the attacker in the shadow.

However, the night-length wind does not want this game to become two major two-handed depends, from the perspective of the various pre-estiminal movements of Chuan Chi, the night grows can guess that he must study a lot of Wushu High School. .

Moreover, the shadow and mountains are in the middle of the Sichuan, and the Sichuan's contemporary, and the Sichuan is very understanding of the shadow, he knows how to use the character and psychology of the mountains and mountains.

And Chuanli wants to pull this game into the category of tactical and strategic warfare, but the night grows wants to crush the galaxy in the west with absolute strength.

If there is no super ACE, there is no such thing as a super ACE heavy scorpion, there is a strongest white bird in the county.

Dang! The field strongly built it in the front row.

57! The two teams have been unfair, and the competition has laid the tone of the whole game for this final.

At this time, the night is once again rotated to the front row!

Chapter 055, glue (seeking for a self-defined)

"Daisy!" After the opening of the Burden of Tanzhong, jumping with the West Valley to celebrate, the bloody man is always so passionate, and the whole course has echoed the screams in the field. ∫ ∫ ∠ ∠ ∠ ∫ ∫

In the field, and Sichuan swept a night long style, the eyes were more sharp, "" I can really trouble! "

The servant, and the shadow and mountains gently throw the volleyball over the plane, followed by the whole person jumped in the air, the body stretched in an instant, the shadow and mountains put out the pose to play the ball in an instant.

"Pay attention to his serve!" The third grade spring spring in the West is shouting.

! However, Yingshan did not make greatly dance, but suddenly spurred in the air, pushing the volleyball with the palm of the palm.

It is the hanging ball in the frontcourt, and the teese of the shadow and mountains has changed.

"Front in front!" The rock springs were surprised.

Everyone in the Qingfei City wanted to rely on, and the vitality of the shadow and mountains, but the shadow and mountains pushed the volleyball to the front of the net.

"Awesome! This kids of the shadow are a lot!" The off-site black rises nodded.

On this sky, there is a hand, a flower, a fish, a fish, and then the rock springs will hit the volleyball to the sky.

"Opportunity Ball!" The great excitement of Tianzhong called.

At this time, a white figure on the West Site on the cypse of the green city is moving high-speed, which is bombard.

Is the 1st player and Chu Chuan!

He vigorously took out his right hand, turned the penalty of the rock springs into a high-stricken kill.

The ribbon, the volleyball with a violent side to flutter on the right side of the Wushu High School.

"What!" The shadow and mountains were surprised, he did not expect and the reactions and adjustments of Chuanchu and adjust the ability.

bass! However, before the Wenye high school, a fundamentally cached black lightning figure suddenly jumped in front of the net.

Dang! The high-grade night length of the high-tee has been extended, followed by lower pressing, and the smart smart smoky button is directly in the wind.

67! This is no longer a single iron wall, this is a single-hand iron wall!

Hunch! The volleyball that was blocked by the night long-lasting wind is like a big hot pot, and it is heavy and the Sichuan foot is fried.

"I am evil! When is the child moved to that position!" The venue is from the coach brows. When the night long wind wheel is replaced to the front row, the defensive defensive in Wuye almost enhances several grades almost instantly.

A person affected the entire team's offensive and defense system and ability, which was first seen in the past More than ten years of coaching career.

Even if Bai Bird's Niu Island is beneficial, it can only be an attacking ability to improve white birds. In the defensive end, Niu Island is generally not too much, and it is not involved in the ball defense.

This is to save physical strength, use more energy to attack, after all, vigorously deduct and vigorously jumping the ball is extremely consuming.

However, at this time, the night-long wind on the field is completely like an unknown ironman, the hair ball, the ball, and blocks, and he seems to be omnipotent, and it is completely huge consumption.

"Blocking, long wind!" Ze Village and night length jumped up, hit a chest.

"Cut" Tsunda's shadow and mountains have been deviating, and the low hands and nights have grown.

"Hey, this game is not only the battle of you and the Sichuan, this is the battle of Qingfei City and the wild!"

The mountains continue to serve.

! This time the shadow is directly trying to dance, not only the speed is very fast, and the angle is drilled, it is obviously the night-lived wind.

Although the shadow and mountains and night wind do not have a place, a two-handed hand does not have any comparison, but since the entry, Shadow Mountain has never extinguished the heart of the night.

If you want to become better than everyone, even the person is your own teammates, this is the necessary mentality of the chief player.

! The free crossing of youth, the free crossing, desperate, wants to pick up volleyball, but finally has not been able to pick up.

77! The scoring is equal to the score, and more important is to completely reverse the situation on the field.

At the gymnasium, the aid group of the Xikuo noisy in the Qingfei City is now the arstue.

"Get good, shadow mountain!"

"Let's come again!" The Wye High School is a jubilant.

On the other hand, all the people of the Qingfei City West are dignified, and one team has a first-class player enough to make people's headache, and the wild high school is far more than one.

! The referee has blows a whistle that requests a pause.

"Hey, the Qingfei City West is called" "

"Only hit the order, how can I call it?" I saw a champion on the desk.

For 30 seconds, the volleyball team can call two active suspensions, in Japan high school volleyball, and there is no technical pause in the career competition.

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