The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2359 of the Herbs of Tennis Prince

! And Sichuan looks back, cut down the red flag down, indicating that the ball is in the boundary.

98! Wushu High School is the first time!

"Haha, seeing no, this is the grandfather's super violent bowl! There can be more than one king card in Wuye!" Tanaka, a buckle, is awkward.

"Dragon! Dry!"

"Tanzhong predecessors, so handsome!" Wushu high school momentum has grown a step.

In addition, the jade coach brow is frowned, and the two super new star in the Wushu high school is not said, the two second grade states in the Xigu and Terminal are also getting better and better. This game seems to be further facing the Qingfei City West. Advantageful direction.

"Very good! On the attack power, we have no opponents in the county!" Urban care is getting more and more confident, the Wutian consultant is full of red, very excited.

!! With the bulls in the field, there is a wave of attack in the Wenyu High School.

Night long winds, moon islands and Zencun three people divergently score, plus a hidden second attack in the shadow and mountain.

Wushu High School takes four points, 13 to 8! Wushu high school is likebound, and the rhythm of the game is getting faster and faster.

"This is the fast rhythm of the wild, we are brought in!" On the Siki Motor, there is a replacement player.

The brow in the next side of the coach is a slow story. "If the speed is too fast, it will be out of control!"

"Come slowly, don't worry! Shadow Mountain, pay attention to the rhythm!" Wujie Station is on the court, reminded.

However, the rhythm in the venue can be reversed, and several attack hands in Wuye have entered the state, and the attack rhythm will become faster and faster.

! Tanaka downs open online!

913! As the coach guess, the rhythm is too fast, it is easy to lose control, and the active mistake in Wuye is beginning to rise.

At the same time, the faster speed is also accompanied by a hidden danger, which is a huge consumption of physical reserves.

In addition to the opening of the night, Wushu High School is the lineup of young players, and the physical reserve is not as good as the cyclan.

Among them, there is a shadow, and he is more than night long. Every time they attacked, he has to pass his hand, but also beware of the second attack of Chuanchu. His physical consumption can be said to be second only to night.

057 chapter, warm men debut (seeking for a self-defined)

On the field, the day will be brought out, Zecun block is out of boundaries ... 10 to 13, 11 to 13 ... Wusong high school began frequent low-level mistakes. Miscellaneous

The Xiye City West is in an orderly manner with the rhythm of Wuye High School under the tissue of Chuan, and has not been caught, but the division is not stopped.

"Can be evil!" After another buckle, it was bordered again.

13 to 13! The two teams have once again become a flat hand, and the situation on the field seems to be quietly reversed.

"Ah, there is a mistake ..." The Overseas Wutian consultant exposed regrets.

"No, you must be suspended, let them calm down!" The ungarian is standing, ready to be paused to the referee request.

At this time, on the field, the West Valley pushed the big buckle, but because the speed is too fast, it is not too perfect, and the volleyball rolls to the airline of the ball.

bass! At this point, it returns to the front row and opposite the acyrics and the two people jump up at the same time. The two people are very fast.

! And Sichuan hide the hands and night lengthy winds, in the same moment, hold the air volleyball.

"And I am more powerful?" The night long-faced corner flashed, and his hands wrist slightly, he was brought more than Sichuan, plus the long arm exhibition, and Sichuan is like The ball is killed by night long-lasting hands.

Dang! Even the stalemate in the moment, and Sichuan only feels that the volleyball is suddenly used in the power, the hands are under death, and the whole person will lose the balance in the air. Volleyball is directly in the world. The floor was fried.

! Lost balanced and Chuan Chuan Pi shares sit on the floor, the dull collision sounds through the entire alley.

1413! The performance of the night-long wind is stabilized!

"Ah!" On the stage and the Sichuan female fan group screamed, they were very worried and the Sichuan clove was hurt. He just now and Chuan Chuan's whole person is almost back to lay on the floor.

For basketball players, this air confrontation is very rushed and gentle, but for volleyball, such a collision is indeed a big test.

"Wow! Good power!"

"It's just directly to rush. Does he really volleyball?" Sendai Comprehensive Stadium is a quiet, followed by a champion, the strong wind of the night, playing the people can't help but laugh up.

"Dry well, boy!" The field is excited and the night is cold.

" !"

"And Sichuan predecessors, are you okay?" The Qingfei City is immediately surrounded by the falling ground and the Sichuan.

"Stinky boy!" And Sichuan's face have some distortions, and the back is constantly coming, and his face constantly convulsions.

However, and Sichuan still stands up, there is no injury, this kind of hard is not easy to be injured, but it will be very painful.

"That kid's exercise is too good!" The vectors of the vectors were frowned and frowned, and the wild high school was preparing to pay the suspension of the uroza and re-sitting back the coach.

It seems that the night is only a point in which a long-lasting wind has stopped the unfavorable situation in the Wushu High School.

But this point is a big points, which greatly enhances the momentum of the Uenhoh.

"You'd better don't be more powerful than I!" The night is rushing to stand up and stand up and gently shake his finger.

"The boy!" And Chuanfu lung must be blown up, but he has to admit that the confrontation of the night and the night-long wind is a wrong decision.

! At this time, the referee made a whistle, and the No. 9 number was replaced by the shadow.

Just now, there is already a bit out of control, and the shadow and mountain flying long life, and the rhythm of the organizational attack, but the Wushu high school is not adapted, continuous loss.

The shadow is too urgent, and it has made a mistake in the middle of the middle.

The best two trips are not attacking skills and the strongest offensive type, but can play 100%, and even one hundred percent players players.

"Be evil!" The shadow wiped the sweat of the forehead and went back to the replacement.

Naji filial piety took the shoulders of the shadow mountain, "Don't be discouraged, just change the rhythm!"

"Sorry!" The shadow is full of face, but he also realized his own mistakes.

Snapped! On the field, the tacit and night long winds played.

"Naigang, you finally debuted, I have been waiting for a long time!" The night is laughing.

"Ah, I am waiting for the ball to give you!" .

"Everyone! Let the Qingcheng see the real attack power of our Wushu!" Juno gatched everyone.

"Oh!" All people in Wuye high school should drink, just like a team.

This is the place where the shadow and mountain is not as good as Naji filial piety. It is a national level of the two leishes, technology and ability. However, in motivating teammates and greetings, now the shadow and mountains are not as experienced. Naji filial piety.

"New Two Leaders?"

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