The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2361 of the Chapter 2361 of Wangzhen System, Prince of Tennis

1417! The Tsing Yasui finally stopped the momentum of continuous loss, and at this time and the tee of Chuan Chuan.

Snapped! Snapped! And Sichuan stood in the servant, left hand, and scanned the ball and dignified.

"I have to recover the score, and I have been a big battle!"

"Come on! Ah!"

"I don't have any problems!" Two people in Tianzhong and West are shouting in the back.

Bang! However, after the kawn killer, he fell to the net, and passed directly from the middle of the two, just hit the boundary of the boundary.

1517! The brighter, the more boldly, the boldness, but the serve is not only pursuing angle and strength, but also is also very adventurous.

"Oh! Dry well, and predecessors!"

"Haro!" The aid group for a long time in the Xiye City West is finally awkward.

"It's amazing, and the servant of Chuan." Sugar and Ze Village were not sigh.

Tanaka and West Valley are unspeakable, and the tee of Chuan is too standard, and it is a position that is the most difficult to handle two people.

"Where will the next goal will be sent?" Wuye high school is full of face.

"I finally have to have to force ..." The night is cold.

There is no way for the killing of Kawawa, the night grows.

If it is a basketball, the night-catching wind will not hesitate to prevent a defense and Chuan Chi directly to die.

However, volleyballs will have a pair of confrontations, and when they serve, the initiative is completely mastered in the hands of the serve.

bass! It is also high jumping, and Sichuan has a beautiful posture that vigorously jumped.

Snapped! However, this time, and Sichuan did not make the killing, but the pre-row of light hanging.

Moreover, there is a slight change in the net after the Internet, and it is a bit more jumping, but it is much better than the jump ball.

"Front, in front!" Wushu high school everyone took a hands on a mess.

Days and Nikoufa have ridiculous, but they have not succeeded.

1617! And Chu Chuan, continuously relying on the servant!

After the shadow, this game seems to becomes a verger of the personal capacity between the two people and the two people.

059 chapter, entering the status (seeking for a self-defined)

"It's evil! It's playing!" The siki is a squid to jump, and it is obviously unsatisfactory for himself. ≦ ≦ = = insects

"Don't care, we are still leading, continue to defense!" Zhun Village reminded the wild people.

At this time, the wind is also looking at the burning and smashing, stepping down, ready to prepare fish.

In terms of enterprising, the current Qingfei City West and Wusong high school can be said to be a lack of good, they can rely on, weapons that can continue to be distinguished may only be with Sichuan's murder.

"When I got a decision!" The servant of the Qingfei City, and the left hand of Sichuan took the volleyball, shouted.

"Oh!" The people in the Qingfei City responded loudly, and the momentum rose a lot.

The fans on the stage also stretched the neck at this time. They are some people who understand the ball, and naturally know the first game's decisive moment.

"You must not lose the first game ... I can't get into the second game with a disadvantage of 0 to 1. At that time, Xiaoyiong will be back!" And Chuan's thoroughness is dignified, and the eye is killed.

call out! Suddenly, and Sichuan left hand, volleyball was throwing up, and in the looks of the Taiqing Leaf City West, there is a rhythmic assisted resonation, and the Sichuan has several steps, high jumps, and complete the body in the air.

! Then, it is also a thrilling jump, and the volleyball slashes and fly after flying through the ball.

Falling into the middle of the night, the middle of the village, and the fall of the drill.

"This ball will come !!" Just next to the night length, there is no bright spot in this game.

Night wind did not hesitate, directly step forward, he believes that the Wusong's custom sea will be able to pick up this sharp serve.

! Ze Village has grown his eyes. His body has not completely squatted. The movements of the hands of the hands are not completely completed, but he is also perfectly picked up and the killing of Sichuan.

Ze Village is not a day, nor a field, and his ability to deal with the hair is second only in West Valley in the Uenhorn High School, and the basic work is very solid.

Three years of hard-working uninterrupted training is not just talking.

"It's good to get good, the elder generation!" The West Valley couldn't help it.


Naji Xiaoxiao does not look at the air-flying volleyball, but sweeping the three people moving in the Wusong High School.

Days, Tianzhong and the night grows on the back insert!

"They will definitely send the ball to the night long, the little boy! Left, left!" The rock spring was deadly locked in the night length. He and Jintian formed a stopper to block the next night.

And Naigang fillet indeed pulling the volleyball high to the center of the ball, it was indeed the back of the back.

Compared to the homes and mountains, I want to solve problems from time to time, Juno has never been unconditionally believed to believe in their teammates, and believe in the ace players in the team.

You know that our attack is, you can't stop!

"Said! Naigang!" At this time, the night's wind is already standing in the air, one in the air, then the left hand's buckle.

Bang! Volleyball in the night, almost instantly runs through the blockbuster of the youth, and the night-catching ball is that it is difficult to block any strength or the height of the ball.

"Dai!" The rock springs did not land yet, and they went back and shouted.

The freedom of the Qingfei City West is desperately moved to save the ball. He responded very quickly. Before moving, it is moving in place before landing, and do a good job in the position.

Dang! However, when the volleyball hit the pair of arms, he felt how heavy this goal is.

"Damn!" Form a body, such as hitting the hammer, and he is almost.

The variant of the volleyball is flying high, flew directly on the ten meters high of the field, and was carried out by an onlookers.

1816! This is another point.

"Good!" After the ball is successful, the night is roaring.

"Be deduct!"

"Changfeng, beautiful!" high school momentum is large.

"Directly deduct it on the stand, too violence!"

"This is simply killing the ball, the No. 1 in Wuye is sacred!" It was a turmoil on the stage. The West Terring in the Qingfei City, which has just gotten, has become a sword.

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