The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2363 of the Chapter 2363 of the Prince of Tennis

"The status is excellent!"

"His hand feels like a fire!" At this time, all people in Wuye did not dare to be near night, because he was too strong, and the whole person was like burning.

On the field, Wusong High School has got a place.

All people in the Qingfei City did not directly abandon the first game, they still worked hard to wanted the score back.

And the continuous score of Chuan Chuan and the flower rolls allows you to see the hope of the desperate reversal competition.

! However, as the night long wind is rotated to the front row, his death block once again let the attacking hand of the Qingfei City feel desperate.

2519! The night-long style finally used a born killing mode to end this kind of competition.

"Dry well, long wind!" Say this dared to hit the night.

"Shoot ..." The last wind and the people in Wuye high school, and then spit a turbidity.

Continuously serve, coupled with the bucklers and high-speed mobile blocks, while the night length is full, the physical consumption is also like a flood, the consumption is very large, and the whole person is like sweating. Water.

Then it is under soaring, which is evaporated by the hot state.

"Wow, it's too powerful, No. 1 No. 1!"

"Who is he, I am now his fans!"

"That person is not a high school student, is a professional player!" After the end of the first game, he was a noisy on the stage.

At this time, I walked back to the night-hearting wind, slowly raised the right punch, responded to the audience's cheers, and I ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

"It's too incredible!" Even the resisted group of the Qingfei City, there is a laightener, and more people are both hands, can't believe everything I just saw.

And Sichuan is a number of servants in the county, but the serve of the waves just frenzy, the night is over, and the Sichuan.

terrible! The students of the youth city West only use such words to describe their feelings.

Snapped! Snapped! Night wind and substitute everyone also hit a palm, he saw that the shadow is already doing warm-up exercise, ready to play, his mouth rays an arc, "The kid must be very unwilling!"

"Night Jun, Perfect." Qingshui necrost reached out to the night long-lasting wind.

"That is of course, sister." The nozzle of the mouth is more strong, and he suddenly entered the state, he did not think of himself.

061 chapter, the strategy of ureward (seeking a self-defined)

The Supreme Motip of the Qingfei City, the entrance coach kept analyzing the situation on the field, and the second game should be made. Α α √ α

Grasping the night long wind to be rotated to the back row, keep score, and the serve of the dead night is in the eye. It is an urgent thing.

At this time, the fire in the Eye of Chuan Qi is not only extinguished, but it is more enthusiastic.

Last year, I was defeated and painful for Bai Bird, and Chuan Chuan never wanted to experience the second time.

Five minutes later, the two team players were prone to fight.

The second game started, and the shadow and mountains and night-long winds sat in the tension and did not appear.

"Damn, Wu Kaizi is not worthy of our young city West?" When you watched the night, you were actually pressed on the bench, and suddenly angry, and the waving waved to make a big journey of the Qingfei City.

On the field, the Night Changshi and the two Du Nikin cores of the shadow and mountains were sitting in the field, but the offense of the wild did not stop.

Under Nakahara, the moon island and the field began to distinguish it, this game, the Naji performance of the substitute is quite eye-catching.

When Sugar is on the court, the offense in Wuye High School is significantly more reasonable.

In this regard in the team offensive ability, Nakohara is definitely weak in the shadow of the mountain.

! On the field, the Qingfei City is fast, and the rock sprinkler score.

After the night, the weak defensive links in the wild are undoubtedly, in the blockbuster, the body is not a climate.

twenty two! Qingfei Chengxi seems to start finding the feeling of attack, and at this time, it is turned to the tee.

"Hey, the wild is as if it is gone!"

"What is the number of just now?" There was a viewer on the table noted that night long wind did not play.

At this time, the defensive formation of Wuye High School also made changes, and the two major hands of the West Valley and Zecun stood in the back row. Others opened.

In general, people who send the ball are four players cover the entire backfinder.

However, Wuhe suddenly turned into a ball, only two players in Xigu and Zecun sent the ball, which is a high-confident manifestation of Uenhrise.

"It turns out that the two elites cover the ball area, but it is much better than two vulnerabilities." Sitting in the night-long style of the tits.

Urnipers have a very good strategy of psychological war. The second game is not intentionally debut, and if Zhidun and West Valley can lead to the killing of Chuanchu, it means that the wild is relying on this hunger. The lineup can be played with the Qingfei City West.

When the game was plastic, when I suddenly replaced the night, the wind and the shadow of the mountain were on the scene, accelerated the rhythm, and a wave of rogue took the opponent.

The strategy of urenex care is not to be non-trails. Of course, the premise is that the two people in the West Village can be linked to Chu Chu Chuan, otherwise, the night grows will soon be replaced.

"Come on!" On the court, Ze Village and Xi Valent shouted.

"Less you less people!" And Chuan Qi's eyes were surging, and he waved his volleyball in the name of the Jiya City West Association Group.

bass! Then, it is a strong jumping ball posture, and there is no reservation in Chuanche, and it is full of efforts.

boom! The volleyball with the high-speed rotation of the sphere with high-speed rotation, near the reporter is suddenly changing, whistling volleyball has drawn a distorted arc in the air, flies to the left side of the Wusong High School. The dead end.

The speed is extremely fast, the power is large, and the angle is a ball that can be said, and the ball of Chuan Chuan played the power of killing 100.

"Earth!" Saimi suddenly turned back.

"Give it to me!" Ze Village is a cross, in the air to control his body, the movements of your hands have no time, he uses the right hand with your right hand to felt the volleyball.

A loud noise, Ze Village magical leads and Chuanke's murder.

"It's too handsome! The elder generation!" Wuhe High School is boiling.

"It's really a senior in Ze Village, it is definitely a game player!" The golden light in the eyes of the night.

Ze Village is now in the glorious high school in the current group, often being ignored, the night-long winds, the attack, the gorgeous organization of the shadow and mountains, and the ball of the West Valley, these are extremely easy to attract the audience.

Ze Village is the most comprehensive and stable player in Wuye High School. His role is often made by scenes and data.

It can be said that there is no Jeze Village, and the group of

"Shenzhen!" Ze Village Horn Corner Croissants.

"Drying well, earth!" Sugawa looked at the volleyball that flew to his head, Ze Village used one hand to complete the task of perfect, the remaining two pass will be the key to this game. point.

This is a big points!

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