The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2369 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Night wind is a hanging ball, not just one point, but also puts further pressure on the hearts of Qingfei City West.

The next serve will be vigorously jumped or a hanging ball. Such questions rises in the hearts of every player in the West.

Snapped! Snapped! Night wind turns two down volleyball in the servant, and then deliberately in a burst.

"Female kid, fast, fast!" The rock spring is very dissatisfied with two sentences.

Night wind is not anxious, until the referee reminds, he will throw the volleyball high.

This is also a psychological war, so that the longer the opponent is waiting for him, the greater the opponent's inner pressure.

! Volleyball rolls up in the air, this time the night length is jumped after two steps, and the whole person flies towards the sky.

"It is a posture that is vigorously jumping!"

Snapped! However, in the field, it is not a violent sound of volleyball, but a shortness of somewavens like wave.

"The mistakes?" The coach was shocked, "no, it is a hanging ball!"

! Volleyball is fast in the air, much faster than the hanging ball.

It is more unexpectedly in the west of the Ye Ye City, and it is actually suddenly changing in the air.

It is clear that the volleyball without rotation is actually changed, and the free people in the Qingfei City are judged in an instant.

And this ball is very high, the speed is not said, after the network, suddenly change in the air, the trajectory is simply floating.

"Dai!" The rock spring shouted.

"Give it to me!" Form a flying fish, the arms clamped, and the speed forwarded forward.

His reaction is not so uncomfortable, and the action is not so fast!

Snapped! However, when the cruise in the air, the truncated posture, the volleyball was not picked up by him, but the border is popped up.

At a moment of travelers, volleyball actually has a sudden change, which makes the root base without an orthogon.

2324! The night's wind continuously scored, saved the last point of the game!

067 chapter, white blade battle (seeking a self-defined)

! When the referee blows the unusual springs, the audience will react around. Miscellaneous

"It's also the continuous ball of Wuye No.1!"

"Is this the rhythm of it?"

"Scorpio, he has already taken twenty! It's too powerful!" Some of the excitement of the excitement of the excitement, just like his home team.

"When does this child learn to jump into the ball?" Surprising in the unhappy in the troops.

The unusual excitement excitedly excitedly, and the filial piety of Nango Kan is excited to hate himself.

"Dry, long wind!" Wu Mango Changzhun Village and night long wind, "" Take a point! "

"Ah!" Night wind came from Zecun.

At the end of the second game, the players on the wildflowers were slightly tired. Now the burden of the team is pressed on the shoulders of the night.

"It's also a hanging ball, which is really just a new hand of two months." The entrance coach in the Qingfei City is now going crazy.

The Sichuan West Half, and Sichuan still remains calm, and the servant of the night is unpredictable, but he didn't panic.

"We still have a bureaus!" And Sichuan shouted and wanted to encourage the morale of his teammates.

However, at this time, the eyes of other players in the Qingfei City have been inevitable, and they don't know what kind of ball will be issued again.

Unknown is the most terrible, and the young city West is already shaken.

"Be evil! Be sure to take this point!" And Chuan's thoroughness, he knew that this time was unable to say that it was only used to prove that the Shengya West is still a victory of the game.

!! At this time, the night-length eye-catching, the night-length eye-catching, the whole person seems to be burned, and the confidence has risen to the extreme.

What tactics, what defense, what is the opponent, and the night is completely regardless.

Take a division and then take it again, and the night is once again entered the rhythm of the self.

"I can score each time!" The self-confidence of night long has expanded to the extreme.

bass! Suddenly throw the volleyball, this time, the night's heart is too lazy to play, directly from the place.

It is also a shot of the ball!

This time the night grows higher than the at the end of the first game.

Dangdang, when the night is in the air exhibition, use a huckle-style dome action to raise the volleyball, the volleyball is in the middle of the cycle in the West Half of the Qingfei City.

"What!" And Sichuan is completely unbelievable, the volleyball is high in front of him, and the wind brought to his jersey.

And Chuan Qi is not moving, he can't move one step.

2424! The night-hearted wind puts the two teams back to the same starting line.

"!" The wilderness of the Wushou Qi Qi rose.

"Unbelievable serve!"

"Is it a volleyball? It is a shell!"

"Monster high school students, monster high school students!" The entire integrated gymnasium is too boiling.

At this moment, the response group in the Qingfei City is completely dumb, and the whole course seems to be hosted by the night.

"Hanging ball, gherring the ball, vigorously taking the heavy cannon hair, the guy this guy is fully controlled the game. The first grade is a first grade!" Urban is unable to describe the feelings at this time.

In addition to talents and nesting geniuses, he could not find reasonable reasons to explain the critical moment of the night long wind continuous moment.

At this time, the entry coach in the Qingfei City sideways, the second bureau has been suspended, the second bureau is suspended, the Qingfei City West has been used, and the Qingfei City West is pushed to the edge of the cliff.

"It's still not over!" On the field, Sichuan is the only player in the Qingfei City West team.

He has been desperately picked up again and a balloon!

In fact, the ball of the ball is not too big, after all, he just learned.

The lifting of the night can rely on the servant, or because of the change, it is difficult to tempted.

"Shenzhen!" The fish jumped up and louched the volleyball and yelking.

"Yes!" The second grade of the Qingfei City came to the country to react, jumped up with the ball and slammed the volleyball.

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