The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2377 of the Chapter 2377 of Tennis Prince

In his opinion, the night's long wind has completely exceeded a high school country, and he knew that the night-length wind did just start playing volleyball.

Whether it is any movement, he can be familiar with and quickly reach a high level, and the hearts of the heart rise this idea.

"I can evil! If you don't stop him, don't we stand, do we stand in a performance of his performance?" The rock spring is unwilling.

But responding to the rock springs, the night is not a good time to dance again.

2013! The score gap is still expanding!

On the desk, the people must be crazy, and they did not expect a high school students to witness the super outbreak of such a non-nameful player.

"He has completely entered the state of self!" The ungaries are also dead and staring at night.

In fact, every person in the Sendai Stadium is not allowed by night long wind.

"Call ..." After continuous strengthening of strength and speed, the night long windpin started to undulate, after all, he is not a robot, so the continuous tee is also tired.

But there is no change in the night, and the tactics of the old man have completely stimulated the fighting spirit of the night, and the current night is completely ignored any tactics and opponents.

"Plate the ball on the other side!" This is the only idea in the night-long's mind.

"Coach!" The young players on the Western Square of the Qianfei City were in the coach of the replacement.

There is also a chance to suspend, now I am completely sitting in the coach.

This is no longer the problem of tactics and strategies, and the night cost is now hot, and the god is killed, and the Buddha will kill the Buddha.

Going to calling to suspend his rhythm is no longer meaningful, because the entry discovery, after the first time to suspend, the fire of the night is even more fierce.

"Never try to irritate the boy!" This idea was deeply impressed with the depths of the brain of the entrance.

On the field, Zecun and others were completely visible. Everyone who everyone knows that night long is going to do, and it is very clear that once the night's storm is walking, it can stop his only himself.

Dang! Dang! The servant of each crimp in the night, is like a heavy stone, the chest of each person.

! I have sent the ball from the night, and I will send the ball, 1424!

It has been vigorously jumping in a row, a fast than a speed, a big force, until the last night's long wind, the ball is circled, and his series of incredible tealers have declared the end.

"Well?" After the night long hair ball mistake, some doubts bowed to their right hand.

At this point, the right hand of the night has been red and swollen because of the continuous tee, the index finger and the middle finger are more conviced to two sausages, but the night grows actually unreasonable, and I didn't feel the pain at all.

What is the whole body's investment!

When you can't even feel the pain, you have invested 100% whole body into the game.

"The game is all!" The Wudata adviser outside the field has some hair, waiting for the referee to blow a whistle, when he is always the world, he has come to God.

I just got the game of the whole game, and the mistakes of the Qingfei City were returned to a match.

But now the gap on the scoreboard is enough to make everyone in the Qingfei City.

At this time, the Tsing Yusheng West is replaced with the tee of Chuanchu.

"For the guilty, this is really cruel!" Wuhao's heart swept a look and did not send the ball to the servant and Chuanchuan.

"Hey ... ... and Sichuan predecessors!" At this time, there were many female fans in the watch and Chuanxi daughter powder to start crying.

Throughout the game, and the Sichuan is unforgettable. He once fully pressed the shadow and mountain flying, and his serve also won more than very.

But I can't stand the rush to the face of long wind.

At this time, Sichuan is standing in the servant, there is no feeling of no more helper, the lonely hero.

"Can I save the team? Can I get eight serves as the kid?" As the ace in the team, and Sichuan inexplicably torture himself.

"I haven't lost!" The last arrogant and Sichuan once again throws the volleyball, and the whole speed is jumping, and Sichuan is in the air, then the right arm hit the air roller. Volleyball.

He seems to have vented the depression of the normal game to this.

! However, Sichuan seems to be too hard, and the volleyball with strong rotation seems to be more faster than usual, and finally hit the ball online, the rebound is back, just swim from the right side of the Sichuan.

A sound, the last volleyball hit on the wall of the field, high-elastic.

2514! - The referee blows the whistle of the whole game.

Wuye High School burst three times from zero to the top four of the top four in the county, except for the second cycle, the rest two, Wuye is a big bit.

From the perspective of scores, this seems to be a consolidated contest.

Only those who have seen this ball know that it is not a weak city, but there is a person in Wuye.

"Well! We won!" The wilder jumped together Qi Qi.

"Changfeng, don't do it!" Ze Village and night long wind.

"Ah!" Night of the night, nodded, took a towel from the hand to the team, and did not see several people in the Qingfei City, and retired back to the replacement.

At this time, a few people on the Western Square of the Qingfei City were almost poured on the floor. Ren, let's drop on the floor, and they may have no problems, but the inner heart is completely killed.

"The predecessors in Chuan, this game should be hit by him!" The shadow and mountains flew and stand in the same place, and the Sichuan, and then replaced with a break.

- The main referee blows the general whistle at this time, and the hands are pressed into the inner, and the two team players will be saluted.

"Okay, go to the queue!" The coach walked into the venue, and took the back of every young city West player, the last one was and the Sichuan.

"Yes!" And Chuan Chuan did not think that he would be so unhappy, and the heart was painful than the fiasco of Bai Birds last year.

"stand at attention!"

"Thank you for your advice! You have worked hard!" The two teams played two rows.

At this time, the people in the Qingfei City were full of bitterness, but the hearts of the wilders, but they won this in the west, and they were three to zero.

Chapter 076, her smile (seeking a self-defined)

Snapped! Snapped! The coach of the ureare coach and the needle carefully, and after each game, he will make a summary after a game, analyzed the lack of insufficient and need to improve. ∞ ∞ σ ∞ ∞ ∞

Today, this game is really a matter of fact that there is nothing to say too much.

The only thing that can be said is the mistake of the second game of the tactical strategy, so that the second game has some suspense.

"Okay, today everyone is doing well! End, let's eat, I invite!" Urban heart is not only winning, but he has a strong wind in this game. Wushen core tactics main ideas.

"Oh!" I heard someone asked someone to eat, the day and the fields were very prosperous, and they were hungry.

"Eating, eat!" The night is touched to touch his belly, and it is also empty. This game has continuous outbreak, and the physical power consumption is not small.

Of course, the limit is far away from the night, this guy can play a man who can play a hundred and twenty-sector high-intensity top professional football game.

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