The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2380 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

I have seen arrogance, I have never seen the long wind in the night, I don't put the Miya Premier Birds College in the eyes.

"Good! Everyone also begins to practice, this is the summer we can't miss!" Ze Village has also been loud and loudly of the people.

"Hey!" All people in the Wushu high school should drink, soon, they quickly trained the world.

Time is like water, a month of time has passed.

In this month, Wuye has conducted a hell training.

One month later, the team's body muscles were more obvious, and the physical reserve was greatly improved.

The fastest way to advance this month is defensive, and the wild in the wild has strengthened the ability of each player to include a biopsy.

In addition, the day, and the jade island is the greatest, because the two people are high.

In terms of tactics, due to the growth of the year and the growth of the moon, the ubene attack routine and tactics are more abundant.

This is a team that will not satisfy the status quo. Their goal has long been promoted from the national competition, which has become a national.

The level of the team is required by the national team, this is the biggest change in Wuye this month.

Sendai City Integrated Stadium.

Wuye high school people wear neat black jackets again came to this gymnasium, and the county contest will open today, and Wuye will also conduct their first game.

The opponent is a high school in the corner.

"Well, go in! This time we absolutely break through the national contest!" Ze Village mobilized before making the final game.

"Oh!" All the people in the wild should drink, and they walked into the gym.

Walking in the Qing Dynasty and the night grows in the end, today's clear meal has tied a horse, it looks more and more cute, but the appearance is still cold.

"Sister, what happened before? Why do you always make this expression, do you have a high wall to protect yourself?" The night grew is intentionally said.

Water mean did not answer, or she didn't know how to answer.

"What!" Just at this time, walk in the forefront of the night, he looked back, a guy in the 9th meter wearing a jersey from him silently.

"Wow! The guy is the high school in the corner of Kagawa, and they actually have such a high player!" Yamaguang is also shocked.

"That is their Lord will be hundreds of people, height is 201 cm!" Naji filial piety has got an opponent's information from the ungarian heart yesterday.

"Actually more than two meters, I only 162 cm!" The day is shouted.

"The difference is 40 cm!" I nodded in the West.

"Almost is a height of a Piku!" The island did not forget the knife.

"Amount ..." The day suddenly felt very tired, "I seem to be with Pika Church ..."

"Ha? What is your boy saying, Xiangyang!" The night is speechless, I don't know what this kid is thinking.

"If I am with Piku, I have two meters high." Tour.

"You are not afraid, today you won't go to him, I will find the guy can't find the north, you will try to play your usual training results." Night wind shot the shoulders of the day .

Every time the game is inevitably nervous, and this time, it is also understandable to face the opponent with these two meters.

Night wind feels that it is also a pity that the body to play volleyball is also a pity, he will still have a longer height, and everything may be completely different.

Although there is a free person, no one can deny that volleyball is the movement of the long people.

After ten minutes, the two team players came to the court.

Because it is the relationship between the county contest, the number of people who arrived today is quite a large number, with at least a thousand viewers.

Of course, most of these are rushing to the Bai Bird, or simply rushing to Niu Island.

There are even many universities scouting, they are coming to investigate the state of Niu Island, and then look at the Bai Bird College has other very talented players.

! Just when the two teams warm up, the hundreds of high school in the Kagawa high in the high school were suddenly buckled. Volleyball slammed from the top of the mountain, and hit it on the floor.

"Hey!" Yamagouzhong was shocked.

"Goodball! Bai!" The Nagawa High School shouted, this is the means of giving the opponent to the opponent before the game.

"Wow! Good high guy!"

"The angle of the button is also very powerful!" There was a speaker on the table.

079 chapter, height advantage (seeking a self-defined)

After the talented bulls, the black people will turn their attention to the night. ● Miscellaneous / Zhi / Worm ●

In general, the night-length wind will not let the opponent be so arrogant before the game, and this time, the night's wind does not pay attention to Baidu, still doing the warm-up exercise before the game.

"Changfeng, this kid is what is today, this depressed style is not as him!" Ze Village was a bit surprised.

"I guess the kid, I didn't take the opponent at all." The West Vacker.

In fact, the night's long wind did not take the angle of the high school as a decent opponent.

Although the opponent has a long two meters or more, from the sound of the buckle of the buckle, the night is probably knowing that this guy is not worth mentioning.

Many times, in the volleyball court, people are easily confused by the players' height, although the height of the two meters can make the bulls of the ball very powerful, but this does not mean that his deduction is to pull thousands.

Without speed and strength, the power of heavy guns will be greatly reduced.

After twenty-minute warm-up exercise, the two team members stood their positions in their own half, and the referee also blew the whistle started in the game.

The first game of the county contest, the Wushu High School sent a full main lineup, and the lineup during the previous area qualifiers were exactly the same.

In the high school, the first front, the first front row is the 100th of the 201 cent, the second pass is 173 cm, the ancient animal husbandry is 182 cm. The back row is the main attack on the balloon and rice Heng, and finally the offensive Marmen and freehand Nantian.

As far as the average height, the high school in the Kagawa is not as good as the high school in Wuye, the only height advantage is only this.

"This high oppression is not covered, even if it is also difficult to see the giant of more than two meters in daily life!" On the court, Zip Village was attracted.

"What giants are two meters, I didn't think he had to have a gas field!" The night long face is disdain.

"This little child ..." Ze Village is also speechless and cannot refute.

For Ze Village, the two meters is indeed a giant, and the noctuous night-long winding of the frontier whisper is more than one meter, the two meters height or more, he has seen a lot before.

In the eyes of the night, people who are highly high are to see the physical quality. It is like the wilderness of O'Neill, and like Big Bamboo Braudley, it is high, but it is hit it on the court. goods.

Wushen High School, first serve, serve, the monthly fire.

After a month of special training, the progress of the moon islands is quite large, and his dance ball is very powerful.

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