The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2384, Chapter 2384, Chapter 2384

On the field, I didn't have long after the high school stiffness in the corner of the Kagawa, and the Huashan Fei Xiong 'Moon Island fire suddenly broke out.

The vitality of the shadow and mountains and the moon island's blockbuster began to play power and continuously.

The tee of the shadow and mountains has been more obvious, more pursuing false, and speeds through the past months and night.

He knows that there is no advantage in his strength, but in the control of the ball and drop, the shadow is still stronger than the night growing in the normal state.

Nakaichuan High School Free People Nantian is very solid, but this does not mean that he is a national level player. He does not have the ability of Xiglo, it is difficult to pick up the tee of Yingshan.

Even if Nantian reluctantly lifted the tee of the shadow and mountains, the Attack of High School in the Kagawa High School is only a bit of this point.

At this time, the bulldo is a high moon island to show his block technology. In the face of increasingly good, you can block the ball, the moon island is directly blocking, other difficult balls, monthly island Change the hand posture, use the tray to hold the Bai's button, rest assured to give his own body to teammates.

At this time, the overall strength of the Uenhorn High School is reflected.

Ze Village and West Valley plus the three people in the fields of the fields, and there is almost no weakness in the high school in the corner of the corner.

2517! With a rear rush to kill in the hot male field!

The Wushu High School was crushed with a large score of the two more than the big score, and the head of Ting Ting County Competition is eight.

"Haha, I still have to rely on this uncle to end the competition!" After the Tanzhong Dragon, I laughed after the slamming ball.

"It is good, the shadow mountain!" The result was ignored by the gorgeous gorgeous in the wild.

The Hakugawa High School, Hundreds of Hundreds of Stations Standing in the same place, moving.

"Before you lose?" Before this game, Baili has always believed that volleyball is a simple movement because he rely on the body talent, and he has become a trump card, leading the name of the Nagawa high school to enter the county. Contest.

However, in the first game in the county contest, he really saw something called volleyball, what is called technology.

"Okay! Everyone has a good play, the opponent is not a general team! They are the eagles of the wings, and you are just the eggs that have just been produced!" The coach of the Nagawa high school walked into the court, took the body of each player. .

"Let's fight tomorrow!"

"Yes, the coach!" Zhongjiao high school is in the excitement.

This failure is not necessarily a good thing for this young team, especially for hundreds of people.

"Well, we will go, prepare for the next game!" There is not much non-discriminy, and there is not much nonsense.

There is nothing to summarize in this game. In the face of high school high schools in the corner, there is no strength to play.

"The nickname of the opposite, I am afraid it will become a major obstacle to our next year and after year!" Naji filial piety turned his head to disappear in the mouth of the player channel.

"Maybe, his talent is indeed enviable." Ze Village, nodded.

"Oh, how do I feel that he will be hung by Xiangyang in the future!" The night's wind went to this silly.

Technical and tactical literacy can be cultivated, but the players are naturally born.

Have a game with Baiyi, the night's wind, I think this guy is in addition to height, the IQ is very low, so high height encounters that it will not hang, and persistently believe in its strength.

Such a high player seems to have a blue-collar player at night.

Of course, if you can encounter a teacher's guidance, everything will be very different.

But you have to know that this coach can not be met, at least so far, the night-length wind has not seen any top coach in the world of volleyball teenagers.

Including the Coach of Qingcheng, the night-long wind thinks their coaching level is difficult to Dagan.

Otherwise, the night grows can not rely on the hard practice in just a few months, and the other party is no temper.

083 chapter, Mars splash (seeking for a self-defined)

Miyagi County Stadium player channel. § § § §

After the end of the Wuye and the Kagawa chase, everyone prepared to return to the next game to prepare tomorrow.

At this time, there are two teams that have ended their first round of competition early, they are the super strong teams in Miya Prefecture.

The Bai Bird Academy and the Qingfei City West and the Wusong Three teams have just gathered in the lobby from three channels.

"Hey, and Chuan, your game is over!" Ze Village photo face and Sichuan greeted.

"It is Zecun. I heard that you have won two meters high guys, it is worthy of the champion of the district qualifiers!" And Sichuan's more acid.

"Hey! We will revenge this county contest!" The rock spring blocked in front of the night, and he said solemnly.

"Ah, there is a matter of this!" The night grew well, did not look at the rock springs, and walked from him.

"The stink is still so mad!" The rock springs were tempeared.

At this time, the night long wind and a shallow purple squad have focused on their eyes, and the two people are murderous.

"You are the bullous island of Bai Bird." The night greetings looked at the tall cow island.

Niu Island is sharp, and there is a strong confidence, while the opponent gas field encountered before the night is completely different.

"Night Changfeng!" As the main opponent in the county contest, the Bai Bird College Volleyball Department has studied Wuye High School, Niu Island Ruo Li Nature Understand Now Wuye's attack and defense core ace ACE night long wind.

"There is alsochum and rock springs, I heard that you are defeated by Wushou!" Ruo Island scanned a rock spring and Kawague.

"That is just an accident ..."

"How can it be so smart, this guy is here ..." and the face of Sichuan and rock springs suddenly black.

"In short, this is the final high school contest for the third grade of the third grade, I wish you a good play!" Niu Island Ruo Li is a pair of people.

The third grade of Wuye and Qingcheng two teams are naturally large.

"It's really hot !!" Ze Village brow straightly, before this year, Zip Village did not think that Wuye had and white birds a battle, but now it is different, and even the game is winning the Village. Self-confidence has risen to a new height.

"Hey! We will advance to the national contest, so this is not our last contest!" And Sichuan's rebuttal is weak.

"The representative of the county contest can be promoted to the national contest is only one!" "Niu Island is in the face," I accept the challenge of everyone. "

"What are you talking about, challenge, I have never lost you!" The nozzle arc of the night, no longer restricted the white bird and the green city in the hall, "I will take you from the throne Take it down, let you know what is called a person, there is a day outside! "

"What!" Who did the white birds received this provocation, and was still raised by a new year in a first grade.

"I don't know the high-grade kid!"

"It's really mad!"

"This year, I have to teach the wild, if they can rush out of the next half!"

"Okay! We are!" If the face is completely black, if the face is completely black, he is born with the night, and he is raised in the heart.

Generally speaking, Niu Island is not too concerned about the opponents in the county, but this time, the night grows is completely fired.

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