The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2394 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

"Oh, I am interested. If you are killed, you should be very interesting!" Bai Bird's deputy attackant seemed to see the night's dilemma, it seems excited.

"Hey! What super newcomers, this year's best newcomers are my five colors!" The white bird is a freshman five-colored five-color head.

"Don't care, this year's Wuye is indeed different from the past!" Two leaders white brow wrinkled.

Night-hard wind just now, the ball is undoubtedly a change in the psychology of the white birds, which is an example of not being inversely contrary to CAO.

After fifteen-minute warm-up, the two team players stood a row.

"Now, the Japanese High School Higher School Summer League is eliminated in the finals of Saigong City County, the Competition of the Sae High School to the Bai Bird College!" The finals of today's county contest will live live in the sports station in Miyagi County.

Many Miyagi County volleyball veteran also watching the battle, and the General Assembly also invited the forefront of the top Japanese volleyball national team Tao Li Hao two to serve as the auditorian guest.

"The audience, the audience, welcome to watch the finals of Miyagi County Men's High School volleyball county contest. Today, we are very honored to invite Mr. Tao Li Hao, former national team, take the monet, Mr. Tao Li, say hello to everyone!" Fujihara is also a chair of today's explanation.

"Hello, I am Tao Li Hao!"

"The game is now going to start, Mr. Tao Li, who is optimistic about who can get the only national contest today?" Fujihara thrown the most annoying results of the general explanation.

"From the historical record, the Bai Bird Academy takes an absolute advantage. They are all one of the popularities nationwide this year. But the Uenhorn High School is also swept in the district qualifiers to sweep the cycling city West, this year they are very fierce, very There is a team with rushing. "Tao Li played a Taiji, and he didn't say anyone who losed.

This is the case, who is strong, who is weak, and I know.

093 chapter, the final battle (seeking a self-defined)

"Well, Mr. Tao Li said it is very reasonable. ≒ ≒ ≒ ≒ ≒ The king of the county Bai Bird College. "The explanation of the scene in Fujihara also introduced the first hair of the two teams.

There is recent names in Wuye High School, and the two cores of the team are very popular in the middle of the team, and the wild and mountains have soon soon, but the wild is still a so-called black horse, and there is no name in other regions in Miyagi Prefecture.

Bai Bird Academy is different, all players in the team are the national star players who have been convened from all over the world, and they are quite famous in Miyagi County.

Volleyball Week and Miyagi County Telts also often broadcasts and reports white birds, so their first players are small in Miyagi County.

Of course, the Bai Bird Academy is most famous or the team 1 player ACE ace player island.

As a Bai Bird's Captain, Niu Island is very famous in the country, known as one of the top three, his famous arrogance, and even recently introduced the news that Japan's national team youth has invited him to enter the next team.

Many volleyball clubs in Japan also extended the olive branches to Niu Island early, and they can see their talents and famous arrogance. There is no enemy in Miyagi County.

In addition, the other main players of Bai Bird Ze are also a one-class master, the third grade of the main attack hand, the flat, the body is 182 cm.

Vice-Party 5th player Tian children, height 187 cm, first-year main attack hand five-color work, 181 cm high.

The second year of the second leader Bai Baixian Erlang, the height is 174 cm, the second grade of the second grade is 188 cm, and the body is 188 cm, and finally the three-year ranking of the free person, the height of 174 cm.

The main line of Bai Bird is mainly based on the third grade, they have grinded for three years, and there is a high degree of mileticity between each other.

As far as the average height, the white bird is also placed here.

Plus the jersey between the purple white, the Bai Bird College and others seem to have a confidence that the king will never fail.

"White Birds! White Birds! White Bird We!" The two team players just stood in their own half, and the call of the Bai Bird on the stage had a shouting of everyone to turn over the ball.

Wushu High School today also came to refuel for his own school, but the number of people and the squad were not as good as the white birds, and the sound was soon being overwhelmed.

! With the referee whistle, the finals of the Miyagi County Competition officially started.

First, it is the Ze Village, Ze Village, Wusong High School.

"I finally walked this step!" Ze Village has deeply called a sigh of relief, and the eyes swept through the opposite ball net.

The main people of Bai Birds were obviously ignited by the ball of the night's long wind, and everyone's expression is very serious, and a pair should eat people.

On the day of entering the Wuye High School Volleyball, Ze Village is imagining that he can be on the court, and it is facing the king of anti-Miyagi County, the road to the National Competition, open the road to the national contest.

This day, I finally arrived, and the village of Ze Village, who had a big heart is not exempt.

"Secretary, are you not afraid?" The night's wind is a bit of wondering, and it is a bit of abnormal Ze Village.

"What is your boy saying!" Ze Village was excited by night, immediately got off the distraction in his mind, "To start, people win today must be our wild!"

"Oh!" A few people on the wildflowfield should drink.

In the face of strong Baiyu Ze Xue, there is no great psychological burden based on young players.

! On the field, Ze Village is a jumping ball to send volleyball, and the fall is the frontcourt.

"The game started!" Explains the vine in Fujihara, waiting for a long time, the game has finally begun.

Snapped! Bai Bird Ze half a field, the deputy attackant Sichuan West is too steady and stabilized, and the frontcourts of Ze Village, fast and powerful, very standard.

"It's amazing, it is the Chang Shengjun in Miyagi Prefecture!" The outer exterior, the first one pass the first one of the white birds, and it is never a general opponent.

Ze Village Dadi this teenager is very riot, and the opponent in Wuye has encountered such a quality of the hair. It is generally the busy foot.

The white bird is divided into labor, and the player's movement has a professional player's style.

"Staring at Niu Island!" Ze Village reminded his opponent's opponent.

At this time, the night length of the rear row was retired after retreat, and the eyes were locked on the bull island.

In general, the first ball of Bai Bird's offense must be an end attack, which is beneficial to improve the momentum.

Snapped! However, Bai Bird's two-handed Bai Baixian Erlang did not give volleyball to Niu Island, but used very hidden actions to rearward.

"Be careful, it is the back of the offense!" The field of the field is not falling.

White Bird Ze half a lightning white figure has jumped, and its sprint speed and bounce are very amazing.

Dang! The rear buckle is killed, and the super fast attack is the first grade new grade new grade of Bai Bird.

White birds in the master like a cloud can sit in the first grade, the position of the player is enough to see its talents.

"Not good!" Ze Village turned his mouth in the dark, the block players in the front row in the wild were cheated by Bai Bird, and there was no waiting for them. Five colors had completed the fast attack, and the speed is very Powerful.

! However, the five-colored fast breaking ball did not score, but was attached to another lightning figure.

It's a night!

"It's so fierce, it is so young!" The night is cold and coldly swept away.

"Can be evil!" The five colors were obviously dissatisfied, and they gave a look at night.

"Good, long wind!" Ze Village excitedly called, "Shadow Mountain cover!"

When the West is no longer a court, the ability of the night-length improvement is more and more unexpected.

On the field, the pre-row of Bai Bird Ze has locked in the night-length wind. They have seen the recording of the miles, and the core of the Ueno High School is a night-long and shadow mountain.

The shadow and mountains are gently jumped in the right side of the ball, but the Wushou has launched a surprised attack on the white bird.

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