The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2400

"Niu Island! Niu Island! The strongest!"

"The serve is directly scored! It is a three-strong player in the country. This brand is absolutely the top level in the country!" Fujihara exclaimed.

"The current high school is really no, this kind of tee speed and power are not lost to the professional player!" Tao Li also sighing.

"Sorry, I didn't pick it up!" Ze Village is behaving very calm.

He is actually used to this ball, in the game in the Wushu High Square, the serve of the night, often gives the village.

Even if it is judged to the ball, I know the fall, but I can't stabilize the volleyball, because the strength of the volleyball is really too big.

It is very difficult to pick up the physical quality of the player, Ze Village is good, but it is very difficult to pick up this kind of tee and if you want to pass by it, it is very difficult.

Snapped! Snapped! When Niu Island, if you take the ball of your teammates, you will be a shot of the ball in the servant.

At this time, all people in the wild couldn't help but refunded a small step.

At this time, the night-long wind in the back row did not grasp the serve of Niu Island, and his ability to send a lot of capacity, but it has not yet to the top level of the country.

In contrast to Ze Village is that the quality of the night grows is more than enough, but the technology he sent by him has not arrived yet.

However, the night is not worried at all, because the expression of the Uenish Guardian Kiyu, the ultimate expression next to him, is enough to let him feel.

At this moment, the West is full of feet, the center of gravity is slightly sinking, and the hands are unfolded, and the body is completely facing the bull island.

"Come on! Come on! Come!" The eyes of the south are in the light, the adrenaline in the body rose speed.

"Let's send it, let it go!" The West Valley can't help but smash.

Bang! At this moment, Niu Island is like a more violent heavy robin that is more violent than before.

The spherical speed is rotated, and the four surrounding air is agitated, and the volleyball even has a large change before landing.

Ze Village wanted to move, but he couldn't see the road, and his feet could not move.

The West Valley is completed in a moment, the body's center of gravity is very fast, and the hands of the hands of the hands.

One passage of thousands of hammers is completed in an instant, there is no excessive action, which is the art of the hair.

! A crisp sound, the West Valley unloads the huge strength of Niu Island, and the volleyball is stable.

"Get it!"

"Beautiful hair ball!" The two explanations couldn't help but laughed.

The cheers of the Bai Bird Ze, the cheers on the stage are even more likely, and the big screams of the duct students are.

"Be sure to take this point!"

"Staring at night, long wind!" White Bird Ze's two leapuetment white cloth decisive, Bai Birds two block players, especially Tong Tong's death, lock in the night.

Night winds are also very fit, from the back row, the whole person jumps in the air, the body is completely opened, and the right hand is extremely pulled.

At this moment, the shadow is lightly jumping in the best two-handed position, making a pose of the ball.

At this moment, everyone in the scene knows what is going to do in Wuye, give the ball to the night, let him complete this attack.

However, it is unexpected that the shadow and mountain flying trend is about to Trust the ball. The body suddenly in the air side, the left hand is oblique to the volleyball in the air.

Dang! Extremely rapidly concealed twice.

78! The shadow has won a very critical point. When volleyball landing, the defensive defensive of Bai Bird is completely free.

"Daisy!" The public is excited to jump at once!

Chapter 100, stop Bai Bird (seeking for a self-defined)

"Beautiful action, is the second attack of the nine brigade of Wuye's nine brigade, this first grade is not simple!" Fujiha is very surprised. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

He also heard of the name of Huishan Feidion, after all, China Times is still a small mood, but Fujihara also knows that Shamping Mountain has selection of Bai Bird College.

This matter has been reported to the top of the super black horse in the top of the Volleyball Week.

This fierce secondary attack is not only told Bai Bird, but there is not only a night with a night, but also his hills, but also hit the face of the selection mechanism of Bai Bird College.

Such excellent talents have been known as the white birds of the genius concentration camp, and Yingshan is still a first grade, and there is also a growth room.

"Dry!" After landing, the night grew and the shadow of the mountains, even he didn't think that the shadow and mountain will secondly attack, and the opponent is more impossible to guess.

"What a dazzling double combination, the night-long wind and the shadow of the mountains are a pair of kings for other teams. This year, Wu wild can break through the white bird, the country's other teams have a headache!" Tao Lizzit angle Smile, he likes the young people with talents, and I hope that volleyball can develop better and better in Japan.

"It's great, the seniors of the West!" When he heard this praise from the mouth of the shadow, a few people were a bit surprised.

"Sure enough, you must do it, the third goal is perfect, and the gourmet is the servant!" Ze Village's mouth also exposed a smile.

"Haha, I will not lose to the small valley, and the next goal is looking at me!" Tian Zhongxun was vibrant.

At this moment, the night grew is picked up, he found some teammates who underestimate their own.

The ball can be scored, most of the credits are in the south, and he really uses the whole body to resolve the tee of Niu Island rotation.

This is very difficult, I have the best of the night to think that it is possible to do at least five mens.

There is also a lot of shadow and mountains, and the ability to grasp the time is stronger. Just now, it is paralyzed, and the shadow mountain Tourist will basically score.

However, the effect is absolutely less than the effect of the second attack in the shadow mountain, because once the mountains and mountains prove their ability, the defensive defense of Bai Bird will inevitably be treated.

"The hateful guy, actually changed as fast!" At this time, the five colors of Bai Bird half glared at the mountains.

"Trouble guys get more and more!" The Tiantong expression is weird, and it is not very excited.

"Wushou! Wushou! Wushou!" The cheers of the Wushan students gradually became bigger, and the finals of this county contest did not say that they had an advantage, and they were unexpected.

On the field, the tee has changed the advantage of the tee after breaking the bull island.

The night cost is standing in the servant, and the left hand is playing volleyball, and the eyes swept from the white bird.

"This time I changed the night long wind player, from the previous game data, the night-long player's tee ability is the strongest one of the players in Miyagi Prefecture, and the split rate of each game has exceeded 60, very Amazing data. "Fujiwei looked at the data in his hands, and some couldn't believe it.

"Well, the opponent before the wild is not strong, the strength of the white birds is average, and it should be not so easy to send it directly to the branch." The peach plums just fell.

Night winds throw the volleyball high on the servant, and directly on the ground directly.

Highlights the ball and bombes!

The first serve of the night, I want to show the momentum, and his goal is also very clear.

Niu Island is beneficial!

Bang! Along with the speech of the audience, the night grows in a height, the right hand is fierce, and the volleyball will run through the ball net with an oversized angle. .

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