The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2410 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Wind Jun, tired?" The beautiful messenger of the iceberg is rarely giving the energy drink, and the tone has never been gentle.

When the night's wind, I looked at the messenger, and immediately put a drink, haha ​​laughed.

"Sister, what are you joking? How can you be tired of this warm-up strength!" The night is still arrogant, "But if the sister can massage me, it will be better."

"Well!" The night's long wind did not expect that the clear water melted, and his hands gently took the shoulders of the night, and gently massage it.

"Wow kao!" All people in the Ukan replacement have been watching, and the fields and the West is full of envy.

"Well, everyone should not make trouble." Wu rushed to stand seriously.

"The first game, the long wind is 19 points." Wu rushed to the wild, "We didn't have the second point to get the score."

"Everyone knows that the long wind is a personal monster. Even if he can also fill a five games." Wu rushed to the right hand, "But don't forget, the volleyball is not a person's sport, each of us You must contribute your strength! "

"It's like the first part of the first game, only by the team's work, we can turn that point into us!"

Urbanity is quite anxious, and he rarely bes so angry, because Wu Yin High School has not played a real level.

"Yes, coaches!" All people in Wuye high school were filled with embarrassment, they were not nervous, but they were also obviously not to let go of their hands.

"Hey, Moon Island, Day, everyone! What are you worried about?" The expression of the night's wind and the people are very different, the face is excited, "I can't easily encounter a bit of opponents like a bit, how do you not happy?"

"Changfeng!" There are several people in the wild, no one thought of seeking the strongest in the usual training, and laughed at this time at this time.

"Haha, it's ok! How can I let your boy out of the limelight!" Tanaka laughed.

"Yeah, we are the challenger, there is nothing to lose." Ze Village is also relaxed.

The merits and shadow mountains are still frown, and the shadow mountain is uncommon to take a point in the end of Bai Baixian, and the arrival is very unsatisfactory.

"These two guys!" The night long laughed shook his head, and immediately closed his eyes, and the brain recalled that he had nothing to do in the first game.

Night-hard wind knows that the same arrogant guy in Wuye will not be silent. When they really need them, they will take out their own state.

Believe your opponent, do what you should do, this is a victory equation that night is always convinced.

! On the court, with the referee whistle, the second game of the Miya County Competition finally started.

"White Birds! Bai Birds! Bai Bird Weight!" The Bai Bird Ze should be amazing, as if to win the first game, they have opened the gate to the country.

"This game should we have to play!" Ze Village, who left his mind, shouted.

"Oh!" All the people in the wild responded in quo, the expression was much better than before.

"The second game must be achieved, first take one point, work!" The big pacific sound shouted in the serial area of ​​the servant.

"No problem, senior." The five-color shot shouted in hand, and won the first game and gave him a great confidence. He became more and more believed that the white bird is a battle, and the goddess will always stand on them.

bass!! With the two crisp sound, the five colors issued a good quality and good jumping ball.

"Yes!" I just took the ball, five colors felt the sound of the volleyball, and he had a self-confidence.

boom! However, there is no other five colors to score, and Ze Village is squatting, and the volleyball mats.

Perfect one! Wushu's custom sea nephew back!

"Beautiful one!" Fujihara sighs.

"Cut!" The five-colors of steadily landing, he did not expect the Ze Village that was unsuccessful in the first game.

111 chapter, bankruptcy version of the wind (seeking a self-defined)

Half ambigutrient in Wuye, Ze Village stabilizes the volleyball to Shampia, at the same time, four people before and after the wild began to move. ∪ ∪ ψ ∪ ∪

At the same time, there is a lot of promotion, the second bureau is open, and the wear care is a new tactics. It is to mobilize the enthusiasm of other players in Wuye and share the offensive pressure of the night.

"Block the night!" Although the four players in Wuye are moving, but most of the attention of Bai Bird is still on the night.

Especially the block genius Tianxong is more than the white bird coach to arrange death and dead, don't have to take other people's attack.

! The shadow and mountains ignited by the first bureau of the white cloth at this time at this time, he is obviously more serious. He income in the eyes of all people's trend and Bai Bird's defense.

A moment of brain judged, and the shadow and mountain chose to hold the volleyball to his own body.

Rear row offense!

After the Wusi Carade Ze Village, did not stop in the land, but directly participated in the attack, after step down, it was directly the single arm's deduction.

Opposite to the face, the big flat lion is no longer available,

Ze Village is directly deducted straight, 10!

"Oh, west!" This is the first active attack score of Zecun Dada in this competition, and Ze Village, who took the score, shouted.

"Dry!" The troops and the Wuyang consultant stood up and screamed, and the score was much more excited than the night long wind.

"Niceball" reached out after night, and didn't look back, and the Tacit of Ze Village.

For Zecun, the night growth wind is always unlimited, and will always pay back the sea of ​​ueynchronic needles.

On the court, Ze Village is getting played, and the volleyball is directly in front of the white bird.

! Ze Village serves a good drop, but the speed and strength are too bad, and the masters of the promotion of the masters are stabilized.

Bai Bird has launched the C-fast attack on the 3rd position, and the white cloth trocked the volleyball to Sichuan.

Sichuan West sneak attack, 11!

The second game, the night-long wind did not completely seal the net, he could not completely block a lot of offensive.

At this time, the main attention of night long wind is still in the murderous cattle island.

If you want to quickly pull back a game, the most important thing is to let Niu Island can't play his superior attack.

On the field, the second game of the competition has just slowed a lot, and both parties have consumed a lot of physical fitness in the first bureau.

!! However, with the night's wind and Niu Island, the two people have to attack the heavy guns.

twenty two! The second game has entered the rhythm of the expressway.

White Bird Zhabi, Jiu Island, Rulei's serve.

At this time, the anger strip has been on the verge of cow island that is on the verge of full value, and the angle and drop in the jumping are also more drilled.

It's like a whirlwind volleyball, and the ball is wiped to fly to the back of the Uenhoh.

"Oh!" This time, Tian Zhonglong did not hesitate to save the ball.

A loud noise, even though the arm movements have not been completed, the field is also born with the shoulders of the beeji quality and high-quality dance.

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