The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2416 of the Chapter 2416 of the Chapter 2416 of Tennis Prince

On the field, Bai Bird also began to strengthen offense.

From the beginning of the game, the offense of Bai Bird is not complicated, and it is full of high and fast attack.

With the strong attack of the Grand Ping Lion Yin and Niu Island.

1319! Bai Birds pulled back two points, and Jura, I just got it yet, I haven't fully entered the game, and I have been caught by my opponent.

The Wushu High School troops, the urenexeous, sweeping the opposite side of the gods.

"The teacher has not changed, he loves strength and height, always looks for and collects powerful players with all personal abilities."

"No matter how strong his personality is, how is it, as long as he attaches his strongest standard, this Spartad's selection mode makes white birds can have done a long time."

Urbanity is a player, and it has been paired many times and white birds, and it is very understandable to the style of the meadam.

"Well, their tactics are very efficient, with super scorengers as the core. I can't imagine that if the long wind is in the white bird, there will be many white birds that are the core of the heart!" Wutian on the side Although the consultant is in contact with the volleyball, it is very accurate.

Bai Bird is used in the team, the lower limit is generally very high, and it will not be weak.

The strength of the team's upper limit is the ability of the team's core ace, the stronger the ace skill, the stronger the white bird is also.

Now the second game, the reason why Bai Bird is suppressed by the wild, in fact, Niu Island is not fully played, or he is temporarily pressed by the night long wind.

On the field, Wuye continued to attack, relying on the strong attack of the field, they won a point again.

2013! Wuye has already got the 20th point of the second game, and the second game is not far away.

At this time, Wuao Raise is finally sent to Mountain Daozhong, and he wants to use the player of Yamaguan.

"Come on, Yamaguchi!"

"Oh!" Yamaguchi replaced the day, stood in the tee of Wuye.

The first time I watched the stage of the county contest, the Yamaguchi said that it is not tension, but he forcibly pressed his inner fluctuation, the expression became incapacitated.

"I also want to help the Wushu, the moon island." Looking at the back of his partner, the mountain mouth deeply called a breath, do a good job.

"It's good ..." The month of the island is not returned, and the mouth is in the mouth.

A slap, the mountain mouth gently jumped, after the body was launched, the volleyball seems to be taken.

! Volleyball shakes around the air, suddenly falling after flying through the net.

Quality is quite a good game!

Bai Bird Players have studied the competition video of the Uen, but they are not deeply impressed by the Yamaguchi, which is obviously insufficient to estimate the label of the mountain.

Dressed up with the five-color work, white birds are hard to maintain volleyball to the air, but at the same time, their rhythm is also obviously chaotic.

"It's good, our chance!" Ze Village shouted.

"Niu Island, give you!" The mountain shape helplessly worn the ball to the high altitude, and it was the second pass of the adjustability. Such a passive ball is not high, and the ability and judgment of the main attack. force.

"Moon Island, stop that guy!" The back of the back row is drinking.

"Give it to me!" Yue Island looked up, staring at the air rolling volleyball, and then moved quickly with volleyball.

117 chapters, key points (seeking self-defined)

The white bird is half a field, and it is also staring at the cold in the air rolling volleyball. There is no too much adjustment. He step is to jump directly. ψ

"Give me a high ball is enough!" Niu Island's murdered eyes seem to tell him that it is the absolute king of Miyagi County.

Dang! The violent deduction of the left hand, Niu Island suddenly enhanced his strength, and the volleyball directly went on the defense of the moon island, and he fell in Ze Village.

1420! The white bird is from the open space to the scene, and only the cow island is beneficial.

From his eyes, you can see that he will always believe that you are the strongest one, the heart of the strong, this is the quality necessary for a sports king.

On the border on the wildfield, only a ball of mountain mouth is directly replaced.

Although a good pitch is issued, it has not been able to score, and the mountain mouth has lost its role in the field, and only the next place is replaced.

Many times, functional players are such a cup, and they don't have many opportunities on the court, so they need to seize every opportunity that may catch, it may become a strange troops.

"I know that the guy will not make it easy to make the throne." The night's eyes looked at the back of the nick island, and his mouth was slightly lifted.

Birds and Bird Zone, the five-color works.

With the commencement of the Bai Bird Ze Meng Group again, five colors issued a high quality and high-quality jump.


"Good!" The Half Half Village of Wushen was very stable and received five colors.

"The death, and Ze Village!" The five-color work is very uncomfortable to raise his whole enemy to Ze Village.

Wuye quickly attacked, this time the shadow and mountain did not hesitate, and the ball directly gave the night.

Night-hard wind and Niu Island are also a positive contest in the second game, this time it is a night-long style, and the jumping is the burner.

In an instant, the frontal confront between the two teams attracted the eyes of all audiences.

drink! The night long is a step forward to the air, lightly, forced lag in the air.

"This guy!" And Niji Island expressions at the same time, and his body has begun to fall and the night is still rising.

Dang! Without any suspense, the night-long wind is directly deducted on the Niu Island, and the gap between the two people is very obvious.


"Too strong! Night wind players!" Fujiwai called.

"White Bird Ze needs someone to stand up at least the outbreak of night long wind players, they need to be more Kung Fu in the Internet." Tao Li Hao saw blood.

"It's too strong! The guy in Wuye is too strong!"

"Does even the Niu Island can't stop him?" Bai Bird Ze should support a group of turmoil.

"Very good !!!" The unhappy is rare, and he is very clear that the key to the winning and losses of this game is that the night grows can compress the gourd island to what extent, can suppress How long is it.

Seven points points, the two teams continue to carry, Ze Village, the high-end master.

The five-color white birds put the tee of Zecun, and the two guards were just turned.

Then, the white birds of the volleyball are maintained, and the white cloth finally trocked the ball again to Niu Island.

Niu Island has not been influenced by the ball just, and is still a mechanical automation.

The volleyball is playing in the right hand in the moon island, this time the moon island is good, the volleyball flews to the height of the wild halfway.

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