The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2419 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Tanaka predecessors!" The shadow of the hills pushed the volleyball to the left side of the stadium at a critical moment.

Tian Zhonglong said that there is a state in which the ball is ready, looked up at the high air rolling volleyball, and the field did not want to do it, directly after jump straight line buckle.

I all ignore the opposite three-person high blockbuster.

! The fierce man in the field was finally played in the palm of the Tiantong, and he fately flew over the court.

Working out! Both the five-color and Niu Island have not been able to save the tread of the field.

2417! Wushou won the bureau of the second game.

"Good ball!" After the score of the field, he couldn't help but shouted.

In the face of the three-person block of the other party, the field is basically fearful, it seems excited, he is a bloody man, actually aiming at the palm of the opponent's palms.

Bold but cautious! Night-hard wind saw the potential of the field into a super attack hand in this point.

"Super beautiful deduction!"

"I really didn't expect this and still calm down!" The students on the stage boiled.

After this point, Jiu Island Ji's servant's serve is broken, and the Wuye has almost the second game of the second game has taken into the pocket.

On the court, the West Valley is lower, and the day is rounded, and the monthly master is served.

The second game, in addition to the players outside the night length, the crowds of the wild are no longer completed by the night.

Moreover, the more key scores, the players in Wuye are getting calm.

! No choosable, the moon island sent the volleyball to the frontcourts opposite.

The white bird is very fast, and the volleyball is sent before the net.

Bai Bird launched the fast offense of the front row, the white cloth jumped almost no land, Tian Tong launched a deduction in the day.

Snapped! Let Tian Tong are surprised that the guy who is not a nine-yield of the noodles, actually jumping so high, the right hand also blocks his own deduction.

Is a touch!

The volleyball played in the right hand to the day and popped the wilderness of the wild.

"The opportunity ball!" The moon island appeared in the position of the ball, and the volleyball mat was in the air.

"Let me come!" It's the high-high high-high jumbler on the happiness, once again launched the attack, this time he jumped higher, the strength of the ball was more.

boom! The jump in the field is very sufficient, the bulls, strengths, and falls are good, can be seen, the state of the field is rapid.

However, all people didn't think of it was that Niu Island was lifted, and saved the killing ball in the field.

I have not participated in the defense, especially the Niu Island that maintains volleyball, and suddenly falls to save the audience exclaimed.

"Niu Island!" Bai Bird Ze is even surprised, they rarely see the cow island so desperately save the ball in normal training.

"Even the Niu island must be full, what else is eligible for the field!" Dafa lion suddenly jumped on the left side of the ball.

Bai Bixian Erlang Tosh is instantaneous, and the white bird is buckled from the left arm of the Saver to the Grand Ping, a series of offensive lines, and instantly completed.

Dang! The volleyball runs through the block of the shadow mountain in an instant, which is heavy on the floor of the black.

1824! The white birds have retained a bureau, and they have not completely abandon the second game.

"Ded out, big flat!"

"still have a chance!"

"Take a point!"

Saving a bureau, watching the Birds on the stage, the group of the group of Bird Ze is crazy, and the cheers will be bigger than the first game.

The feeling of death is a emotional release of everyone's feelings.

120 chapter, pull back a game (seeking for a self-defined)

The white bird Zhablea area, the big flat lion sound. ♀ ♀ ♀

The stadium is over, the bangs are sound, and the big flat lion is not used to use a stable serve because the bureau is used to use a stable serve.

The second game, Wushu is now holding multiple bureaus, but the players of Bai Birds are let go of the hands and feet, which is transformed from the position of the king to a desperate role.

boom! The servant of Da Ping lion is fast, and the power belt on the ball is also big, but the wild is no more threat to the wild, and the West is easy to connect the ball.

Since I just picked up Niu Island, if the aggress of Niu Island, the State of the West Valley is getting better and better.

On the field, the multi-level attack in Wuye, the three major attacks were running, and it was seen that Wuye was willing to this.

However, Bai Bird's players are also desperately defensive at this time, and the big flat lions even picked up the large-length hammer buckle in front of the Internet.

Then, when the volleyball bounces, it is just that it is just a ball in the center.

Bai Bird, the fastest reaction is the five-color work, and the unuso, the fastest reaction is actually a night-catching that just completed the deduction.

The night-length wind is slightly surprised that the big flat lion can actually lead to the large angle deduction, but he did not hit the place, but after landing, he gave up.

"Good amazing bounce power!" Tao Li and Fujiwai were scared by the night's bounce, very few people can jump twice a row to achieve such bumpers and heights.



"Pushing!" Bai Birds and the wildflowers shouted.

Night wind and five-color two-year-old double arms almost simultaneously on the air volleyball, the height of the night-long hopping is even higher than the height of the five-color work, he is high.

"Ox!" The five-color work desperately push the volleyball above, but the volleyball is a silk.

Instead, the night-length wind wrist slightly pressed, the five-color work immediately lost his body balance in the air, and the volleyball fell to the front field of the white bird.

The white bird is more than the strength, even the big flat lion is not a good place, not to mention the aerial power of the most good at night.

Once the air is in the air, there is absolute confidence in the night, so that the whole land is lurking at his feet.

"Finished!" The white bird should be aid in the heart, and many people even closed their eyes, and they did not dare to look back.

! However, all people did not think of the Bai Bird's five players Tianxong will land in the volleyball, and use a unconventional action to give the volleyball back.

Is feet!

Tiantong uses the volleyball to the air, has to say that his dynamic vision and the innate neuro response make people amazing.

If it is not the presence of the night, the physical quality of the tale will definitely let the wild ambiguity.

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