The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2447 of the Chapter 2447 of the Prince of Tennis

"Superning system, open my attribute! System! System!" Night long wind discovered super god system still in sleep, unable to call out.

"Well, it seems that this world should be small, the system is limited!" Some helplessly shook their heads, and the night-long winding can feel that his body muscles and strength are still, but the ability to get before, including gas Things, the like, not available.

"For example, I am used to it anyway, which is the scene of the pothole system, I am being amazed!" Night live wind did not think much.

When you come, then, you have always been his personality, and it has traveled so many thousand mysterious worlds, and his withholding capacity is far from the beginning.

Night long wind is a real trail, and this is not his first cross.

"The identity of this system is small Shami?"

An unbained information flow into the braille, the stinging sensation makes the night feel like a slight frown.

In a short while, the forehead blue gentle is slowly retired, and the night is re-opening.

"Lei Yin Temple, only one of the lives is still the old man, you are picking up, my kao, life is really miserable." I know that I now have the night's night's night, I can't disappoint, but although the orphan is inefficed I also get free, he didn't care much.

"The end of the Yuan Dynasty, the world also has Wudanglin, this background seems to be a bit familiar, will not be a hetling dragon?" Night long-windingly viewed the information flow in the brain.

002 chapter, the old monk

"Forget it, I will go to the afternoon immediately. The stomach is hungry, or solves the things here first.? Miscellaneous?" I don't understand, the night is very hard. "

The old monk did not pay attention to the difference between the night, and the old monk appeared in the old man. If you finish your dining, you can eat your own tableware to turn back to the house, leave the night length. The wind, from the beginning to end, it is a bright backbound, and the night long is in the end of the old monk, and the old monk naturally didn't look at him.

In fact, before night long-term wind, the system setting is the same, in this wild, unreasonable hill, it is clear to each other, but very little communication.

Seeing the old monk slowly into the house, the night is not doing, just silently eating his own meals.

In these years, the temples have basically broken the incense money, but they are the so-called mountains to eat mountains. Although the water is eating water, the hills are not name, but they are not lacking some of the fruits, and the land is still in the temple, occasionally in the previous season But don't worry about survival.

Waiting in the feast of the Buddha is not eating, even the oil is also very small, so the so-called meals on weekdays, but it is some thin porridge and vegetarian dishes, it seems to be very cold.

However, the cold is eating these vegetarian foods. It feels quite good, this is natural organic vegetables, the world that is in the night, these vegetarian disinsteps can be very rare.

The old monk is in front of the door, suddenly turning his body, quietly looking at the night long.

The evening wind passed through the mountain. At this time, the value of the winter solstice is hard, and there is no hot hot in the summer. There is still a strong hot, the mountain is always big wind, and the temple is in the temple. As a result, the candlelight on the table is also awkward, the black smoke is suspended, the faint octrite has not yet passed, it has been blown out.

Night long-winding eyebrows, exploring the body sitting in the air, blocking the breeze behind.

At the unintentional view of the candle, the old monk's figure is unintentionally, the night is very windy, the movement of the dishes is also quietly slowed away. The candlelight jumped between the two, and the light shot blocked the nightly wind, he couldn't see the expression on the face of the old monk, did not understand what this old monk is watching.

Since I come to this new world, I don't have hope for this initial, I can't be the old man who sweeps the land!

This old monk looks that it is a bit blot, and that is so older, but the eyes are quite sharp, it seems that it can look at night.

"I have to work in the night, remember to get the door." The old monk saw the night's long wind, and the tone was laminated.

After finishing, he turned to go back to the house, and the body was gradually swallowed by the darkness in the house.

Although the old monk leaves, the night length is to stop the action of eating, caught in thinking.

"Is this old monk feel my different, or say that he is a high-end man?" The low voice in the mouth, and the night grew up and packed the tableware and slowly closed the door of the temple.


Although the days in the temple, although poor, the surrounding but never lack the firewood, the night is growing, and the fire is burned to bath.

Night wind has passed a lot of world, but this time seems to be a martial arts ancient world.

The ancient times means that the backwardness, the super god system is sleeping, and the night's long wind feels everything to do with his own hands. Some egg hurts, and some fresh feelings.

But the night-catching wind also knows that he will not stay in this shabby temple, this calm life is not long-lasting.

If this is a martial arts world, a happy enemy, full of flowers, three thousand passengers, a sword is cold in 14 states, is the rivers and lakes in the lounge.

What's more, in this mountain, in addition to the old monk, there is no personal shadow, time has long, night long style feels yourself.

"When you are familiar with the environment here, you will prepare for running, and I don't know if this old monk stays here." The night is thinking about it.

Under the body is a slightly hot water, the transpirated hot air is filled with the whole small cabin, and the pupil of the night-catching, which gradually lost the focal length, which begins to habitually langar.

The firewood under the wooden barrel burned, and it was a burst of screaming from time to time, and the sky has gradually darkened.



The old monk sat in a simple futon, he did not start reading the book.

The temple has been a bitter, and the pure copper Buddha statues placed in the lobby are also sold by his brothers. The place where the Buddha is naturally placed naturally, and now it is placed, just a simple spirit.

The Spiritual Position.

Simply single four words, engraved on a simple wooden sign, there is no good to offer, even there is no fragrant candle.

The only oil lamp point is next to the old monk, he lowered his head, and he kept the bead in his hand.

After a time, he walked toward the bookshelf next to it.

In that, many brothers sold everything in the whole temple, including the bronze Buddha statue, including the plaque on the door hanging on the door, only this bookshelf and books on the shelves.

At that time, I was chaucain. Every day, the living person was thinking about how to live to the next day, and some people will go to the Buddhist scruggamments, even if they take the whole bookshelf, they can not sell it. The price, his brothers can't afford this naturally.

These books are more than Chinese, and there is also Sanskrit and Tibetan, and I don't know where this Lei Yin Temple is coming.

It is looking for a long time, and a shabby book is over from the corner of the bookshelf.

At the dim light, the old monk saw the writing on the cover, it is a Buddhist "heart", just a Buddha book that is just ordinary.

That is the Buddha who has to make a must-have a soul of the death of the death.

The old monk has never seen this Buddhist scriptures for a long time. In the past, the whole Central Plains has been in the wild. It is a dead person everywhere, most of them are buried in the ground, even the tombstones are not doing, and they will talk about him. When he recited this Buddhist scripture, it has been several decades.

Tasting for decades is too long, long enough to let him forget everything that has never turned over, since the old-held seat, this Buddhist scriptures were closed in the shelf. Quietly dyed dust.

Now he has to turn it out again.

He thought that it was the last time.

The old monk is still slow, the sound is hoarse, and it is difficult to understand, and I don't know why.

Stars outside the window, half the moon half hidden in the cloud.

003 chapter, master sent ancient coil

The next day, in the morning. Π π ÷ π

Night-catching winds early open their eyes, in this ancient world, there is no entertainment in the night, as a cultivator, he doesn't know what to practice, it is not possible to run.

Therefore, the night's long-lasting wind is naturally slept very early, and it is early to wake up early.

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