The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2449 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

If it is calculated, wait until the tenth floor, the practitioner has a thousand people's power, and the waving can reach the 'Kowloon Nine IX' of the Buddhist scriptures. On the time, it is also The maximum limit of the human body can achieve.

After all, the human resources are sometimes poor. On the there are only the "Ten Dragon Ten" of the Rohan Bodhisattva to play, that is the power of the saints of the land into the Buddha, and ordinary people want to play with the flesh I will be my own body that will be my body.

Therefore, if this dragon, if the dragon wave is, the more you need to separate the large part of the internal force to strengthen the body, and when it comes, because of a large amount of true forged, the practitioner is no matter the defense or endurance. It is far more than manpower's limits, enough to talk to Luo Han Bodhisattva.

Also because this practice is simple, the dragon is just a layer of heart, even if it is a practice of practice, only the top ten layers, although there is a so-called 13-story realm, but then How to cultivate the realm, it is not written in the volume, maybe the person who wrote this volume in this year has reached the realm, and the force of the Bodhisattva and the Buddha are directly forced to leave the last key, but maybe he has already Walking into the magic, falling, naturally, will not leave the so-called three-layer method.

"Sure enough, the more difficult it is, the Jinhe Wang Wang encounters the tenth floor, and the three layers of three layers are not possible to practice. Otherwise, it is exceeding the thirteenth floor. The category of people can be said to be a trip. "The night is growing," no matter so much, come to practice the first floor! "

Night wind is going to start cultivation, and there is a root outside the house.

"It's been in the morning, I saw a night?" The night's life smiled and shook his head, this goddess is still a lot of temptation.

"Forget it, let's work first!" I will arbitrarily throw the reel at one side, and the night is long and stretched, turned to the door.

The old monk immediately got up, and the night grew well, I would like to do so early, the old monk is so powerful, whiten is given to the dragon icon, and the night costs naturally want to say.

"The weather is not bad!" Didn't sleep overnight, the night's strength is full, this goods is the energetic guy.

Yangtian ha son, loud laughing, back from a few bundles of firewood in the hospital.

He is going to go down the mountain to the town to change some rice grains. This ancient world is trouble, and can't eat meat in the Buddha's door. Otherwise, the night is always playing some wild play.

005 chapter, cultivation of merits

Decoy for a long time in the temple, daily morning diet is also as simple as possible. Π π ξ ξ π π

I have been using breakfast in a hurry, and the night long is just going to get up, it is the old monk.

"Why, I really like something on the ancient volume of the book. I don't seem to be a bit for it." The old monk broke the wilderness.

"Hey, the things given by the master are nature, and it is very interested." Night long wind nodded, smiled.

"Useful is a good thing, since this, then this thing will be handed over today, for the teacher to come to you, there will be some effects." The old monk smiled slightly, touched a few pearly small things from the sleeve. Place in the night long palm.

"Master, I don't know if this is?" The pearly small things only have three capsules, lying quietly in the palm of the palm, the night is in the heart, and the twist is placed in the eyes.

"It is the number of relesers left in the year, and there is no role in being a teacher. It is just that some years will be, what is the power to help you there." The old monk put the rest of the bowl. Little porridge is sent into the abdomen, and when I got up, I just wanted to go to the house, I slammed it, I immediately said, "Yes, the little wind."

"Wow, this time is really big, the relics! Where is the" some years' is so simple, put in modern times can be the strict and strict, we must buy it in the temple, there is no need to buy What I got, I didn't expect that I actually got this kind of lady. "At this time, I was still in the happiness of Tianzheng, and suddenly heard the old monk, and her face was also a second. Get up, he will consciously put the three relics into the arms, with a few points of charming, "Hey, Master, the apprentice, I don't know what to call the disciple, will not be What other babies have just forgotten to give an apprentice. "

"Nothing, then you are your master's coffin, you don't think." Fantel glance glanced at night, the old monk turned to leave, "You like the ancient coil, the teacher is really very Happy, but some things you can don't forget ... Pack your tableware. "

The touch of sound is from the near future, the old monk, and the door is tied.


at night.

Stars outside the window, dotted the starred moonlight, sprinkled into the house through the window.

The night long-lasting leg is sitting on the G couch. It has a mysterious mark on his hands. It is difficult to spit out from the mouth from time to time, and there is a chest, and there are two kinds of milk columns. circulation.

a long time.

"Call.", Opened his eyes, and then he kept the cold, the cold, the sprinkle, the softness was soft on the G test, and the rolling sweat was soaked. The whole person seems to just from the water. Like the salvage, it is very wolf.

"I am going, this is not scientifically, I am obviously the way to practice according to the method written on the scroll, why did the result not only have to practice success, but it is so wolf!" The big mouth is a while, waiting The feeling of the dissection in the body gradually returned, and the night-long's cold supported his body, and he was a little irritated.

The reach yourself caressing the chest, it seems to have a uncomfortable venting in your heart.

At the beginning, it is a foreign body that has been touched.

The heart moved in the heart, climbed from G, and excitedly reached the arms.

"I actually forgot this thing, it's a fool." Take out the three so-called relics in the arms, the night long-term spin is ignited, and it is excited to rely on the past. "Sleleia, this is a big baby. Ah, maybe it will be invincible in the world, you can have the world, you can have invincible! "

Wipe the dust from the surface of the wipes, and the night-catching light is carefully observed for a while, and then a brain swallows all the three relics in the abdomen.

The so-called relics, that is, the hair left after the Buddhist monks, the bones, and ashes after the fire, and the singular crystals produced can be produced.

And the crystallization contained in the relics is the relics familiar with the night long wind, but he still doesn't know if he is.

Based on the records in the Buddhist, the relics are naturally felt in the life of the monks. Of course, there is also some saying that some of the sanctuary is long, the essence is full, and there will be a strong relic.

However, no matter which explanation, there is no one to describe the relics mainly coagulated by the merits compassion of the Dao Gao Shu, and its value is self-evident.

How horror is there, how horror, the crystallization of the wisdom and strength of the sorghum, didn't know, but the next second, he understood.

Just like a burn-red stone throws into the calm water, the next moment, the sound of the sound is splashing.

Three relics enter the belly of the night, the next second, the whole Dantian is like boiling, and the drama trembled.

The whole skin instantly presents a unnatural red, and a dry hot is not coming to the heart. The night grows is a glimpse, and immediately hurry to sit down, and have not taken the way, a huge The pressure is the sudden externally, and he is tightly lie, and the impact of the teeth is unable to stop the trembling of the body, and each bone is as if it is in sorrow.

"It seems that you can't figure it out. If you can't eat it, you will really do things." Consciousness hits the last clear, and the night-long wind is still a thought, this is not because he has given up the resistance choice. Listening to the heavens, the opposite, he is very clear that what you will do.

The strength of the body is like a wavy, and a wave of waves, a wave is strong, and the heart is in the heart, and the time is waiting for the signs of the waves. It is also a spherication in the eyes.

Renior of his hands and ten, then got a lot of handprints, at the same time, the lips were tapped, and the long-awaited nothing of the dragon-like tone was also squeezed from its throat.

" -"

A note is out, the power in the night-long body is like finding the ventral mouth, and the throat is taken into the throat. Next moment, the night long is a pressure reduction in the body.

Chapter 006, return to the mountain

The eyes flashed a piece of "Sure enough, no more, no longer, the eyes are slightly closed, keep the heart, the two palms are standing on the chest, and the series, although he said, but I don't know the so-called so-called The ancient note is also slowly spit out from the mouth, if he can't be aware of his naked eye, a black white light runs along its respective routes in his body, and the heart is stagnant, one It is suspended in the brain, accompanied by the frequency of its breathing, time hidden. ♀ ♀ ♀

There is no arm in the mountains, and the cold is not known.

Time seems to have gaps, and a shake is a year of light.

This day, the mountains.


If the thunderstorms are surprisingly sounded in this mountainous forest. Along with this giant, a high rock suddenly rushed to the sky, and the spin was crackled into a fragment in the air, and the broken piece was mixed with disteculi to slow down from the sky, and the surrounding trees were played. .

When you have a dusty dust, when you have a shadow, you will hold your hands and hold your hands. He is because of him, but it is strange that the face of this situation is not happy, but in turn It is a conceivement.

"See this is the limit of the so-called 'Balong Eight Icon', but now, this strength seems to have reached the end, even if you continue, should you have a breakthrough?" For a long time, night long wind Light sigh.

He has overestimated the mysterious mystery of the three relics, but in the fact that he understood that he was still underestimated. When practicing Dragon Elephant, he has successfully cultivated its cultivation, thoroughly The realm of the first floor, this is already more than one fault than the speed of his imagination.

However, after that, the speed of night-long practice is more like sitting in the rocket. It is a year to be a year, and he has already cultivated the dragon icon to the eighth floor! The golden wheel of the god car is countless!

Although this is certainly the mysterious effect of three relics, but more, because the night long has passed through too many world places, his soul is extremely strong, and the meridians in his body are broad. The root bone of practicing is definitely top, otherwise it will give a few relics, and it is not that it does not meet this effect.

However, when the night length is planning a drum, it will be cultivated to the peak. Then the mountains and the mountains, the rivers and lakes' awake the world, when he is a knee, he suddenly discovered that no matter how he worked hard, the dragon elephant It is impossible to enter the inch, as if I have encountered bottlenecks, the death card is on the eighth floor.

I stretched a lazy waist and felt the sound of fried beans in the body. The night long-term wind is looking at the mouth of the mouth. "In this case, then it should go out to go shopping, waiting here for so long, it is also annoying."

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