The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2467 of the Chapter 2467 of Tennis Prince

In a few days ago, Zhou Yuli finally left the night long on the way.

Night wind did not have to stay again, but he was relieved to leave, and he had already guided a Queui's Kung Fu.

Although it is not to achieve immediate situations, but it is deeply deep in Zhou Yulu, but he believes that it is to open, as long as Zhou Ziqi is still going to cultivate martial arts, it must not forget him, this It is also the confidence where he did not remind himself.

And in the rest of the day, the night's life is in the practice of Wei Wei to give him.

Wei smiled to him, nature is his light power method.

Since the loyalty of the world's complimentary power plus the Wei Yi smile I follow the guidelines, his progress is undoubtedly extremely fast, and it is slightly small in just a few days, although it is not worth it. In a smile, there is no wave, and there is no trace of snow, but it is undoubtedly a lot of practice with brute force before.

In these days, Wei Yinxiao's until the buddhism is also exhausted by its use of Jiuyang.

Even the spider is also aware of the two people to discuss the speech of martial arts. It can be said that in this day, the three people have a small progress.

This day, the three finally arrived in the top of the light.

"The six gathers really move quickly. It is actually gathering this quantity of people in such a short time." Hiding in the dense forest, Wei Yixi probes looked at the cowards that were not far from the truth, and there was also sigh. Tao, "I am in the same year's elderly, if there is any chance to whom's ."

"Laughing brother is still don't anxious, we still look for a chance to go up the mountain again." The night's lively wind is also hands with your hands.

"This little breeze, you don't have to worry, we have a dark road to arrive, wait until the sky is black, we will immediately move!"

038 chapter, dabbal

At night, the three people won the concealed dark road to be carefully wing. Ζ

Mingjiao bright, it is not easy to defend the land, this is the trepidated snow, and the road is very slippery, and there is a gravel slipping, extremely steep.

Therefore, even if it is a night-long and Wei smile, it costs a lot of effort to reach the peak.

"Call, I have a good strength, I finally arrived!" Wei smiled and saw the door door not far away, and finally it was relieved.

"But now I haven't lost my rest, laugh, I seem to, the situation in your mating is not optimistic."

Nature is naturally aware of the seemingly stable, Taishan, which is already in patients. The wind and rain are shaken, so he is also reminded Wei Wei smile.

"..." Wei Yixi naturally also known his own business, so the night's first day is naturally what he is worried.

After all, the six gathered parties will be able to attack the bright top, but they all know that although those people are in full, they want to completely covering the education.

Because Mingjiao not only has the so-called four major guidance, there is also five people and Yang Xiaoti.

Although the six gathers said to cover the mission, but several heads were sitting in the Town Zongmen. They only sent the second number to discuss this, so even if they played, Wei smiled and also knew that he was actually It is not afraid of them.

Of course, the internal problems of Mingjiao are larger, not a piece of iron!

Since the top of the Taoist Chung Yanya, the inside of Ming teacher began to start quarter five, no one capable of got everyone's heart, the people who were orally, and the people of the people were scattered.

So the next six majority that gradually assembled in the mountains, the problems within the inside of Mingjiao themselves should be solved as soon as possible.

"Laugh, the younger brother is not deeply understood by the Ming Education, I don't know if I can introduce me first, I will not give it in the future will cause some unnecessary trouble." Night Changfeng also knows that Wei Yi smiled, and immediately speaking .

"Now Ming Education, it is estimated that the five people and Yang Zuo have made it, but it is reasonable to say that no one will be willing to take this big.

And Yang Zuo made a lot of strength, but the prestige is a little bit ... The little breeze doesn't have to deliberately mind what, although they are some problems, but they are all trusted people, but everyone is all people. So sometimes you may not pay some attention, I hope you don't mind if you arrive. "

Wei smiled and wanted to remind the night long, so he had to say two sentences.

The people outside the temple are naturally a known Wei to know one of the four magic kings, so it naturally has no top blocks, let three people go in.

Inside the hall.

Yang Yizheng is unknone with the five-person people, Wei Yixiang has to arrange the night long wind and spider to sit down and rest, but I want to persuade myself to be moved. Really fire.

Wei smiled coldly; "When we are in the eyes, we are in danger, so everyone will first put their respective grievances, Yang Zuo, who is going to ask you, if this time, after this time, Yang Zuo What is the hope? "

Yang said that it is also a lot of shaded clothes, and the mouth is in the mouth: "According to the rules of the Zongmen, the holy fire will return all. I am willing to bother who is the main, this is the ancestral rule, bat Wang asked me Yang Mou? "

Wei Si smiled and the old rivers and lakes, naturally won't be blended by Yang Haixi.

"The sacred fire has lost nearly a hundred years old, and there is still two things on the rivers and lakes. Is there a day without a day? Do you want to be a day does not work? Six major galls, dare to besieged light Put us in your eyes, not because of the unrespoated group of the people, the internal and four-fold five-fold reasons! "

When I heard the words, the bag and still said that it was also said: "Wei Xion is said to be good, but my bag is not never eternal, and I am not a favorite. I personally didn't think about it. I don't think about it. Both, in short, we need to set up a teacher as soon as possible, do not, there is a vocal teacher is also good, the number is not uniform, how can we help the foreign enemy? "

The iron crown person is also followed, "said that you can't just say it just now."

It is already a statement in five people, Yang Ha is also changing: "Don't stay in a thousand miles away from the top, is it intended to help me Yang Enemy, or intended to settle it?"

In Zerrie Wen Yan, Haha laughed, said: "Yang Zuo makes this too much, everyone is the people of the same door, and why is it difficult to say, now the enemy is currently, everyone wants to have a self-bone as soon as possible. This is also the temperament of people. How can Yang Zuo makes it do to have many opinions? Or Yang Zuo Mu believes that he is not willing to select the teacher's intention, I don't know if I don't know? Ming teaches ancestors, there is no teacher in the day, With your light, it is true, it's really playing a good abacus! "

"It's a non-whisper, blood, spray!" Yang Yun suddenly returned to the tail of the tail.

"Hey, if I am a bloody spray, I will say that you will make Yang Zuo to make your heart, but the heart is clear." But, even if your position is the highest, what can I use? " If you don't listen to your order, what is it? Do you adjust the five elements? The four major guys guided the king of the Taoist Taoist Winning from your command! Our five people are more idle, but no one is when you are bright. What is something! "

Yang Xiao Hui stands up, cold and authentic: "Today's foreign enemy is guilty, Yang can do this to do this tongue dispute, if you are willing to watch by Ming Education, Yang Mou is not reluctant, please immediately go down now Top! This time, Yang, as long as it is not dead, and will go to one by one in the future! "

Peng Hhang saw Yang Xiao at this time, it is also anger. It is also advised: "Yang Zuo will also ask yourself to be angry, now the six major gates will be teach, but everything is a teacher, everyone is responsible, this Not your own thing ... "

Looking at the seven people quarrels in the side of the night, I didn't consciously trap it, and I immediately said, "said that these old guys have to be a few more people. Let's go shopping around! "

039 chapter, secret monitoring

In fact, the night is not really wanting to go shopping, but it is really tired of the quarrel between these people.

What's more, he guess it in his heart. It will come to see people. If he continues to stay here, he will certainly affect the original plot to the original, in case, it will not be dismissed.

At this point, he also decided to bring the spider to hide the dark, quietly waiting for the circle.

In the distance, the seven people still quarreate.

"Let your mother's ditch fart!" I don't know what Yang Xia said, then the arigant, the call is a palm, and I will shoot to Yang Xiaoyou.

However, Yang Yizhen is a generation of easy, him has a major dispute with the Wuki people because of the things of Richao, and the five people vowed to the world, but today, it is oath. The next doubt, I have to see Zhou Suti suddenly shot, and I will laugh when I watched myself, under the horror, the right palm waved, and welcomed it to the hand.

Wei Laughing Su Zhi Yang Xiaoyao, Zhou, I was ambiguing. At this time, I couldn't stay in the enemy. When I immediately took a palm, I was first stepped on the palm of my palm.

The two hand of palm, actually silent.

It turned out that Yang Xia has a little gap with Zhou, but the family is in the same time, and they are also coming to help, so I don't want to hurt his life, so this palm has not made it full, only I want to give him a lesson.

But Wei Yi smiled, not to know these, let alone in the body to the Yinyan Temple is also increased by the night long wind, plus the queen, so this strike "cold ice palm" shot, Yang Xiaoyi right arm Suddenly, one shock is shocked, and the coldness of a cold is straight from the palm of the palm. It is rushed to the end of the force, but the two people have the same skill, so they have not been concerned.

Zhouzhan also screamed: "The surname Yang, eat me!"

I just didn't hit it. At this time, the second palm hit to his chest.

I can't panic, and he naturally knows that Yang Xiaoyou is only a trolley, but he has rushed: "Zhou Bing brothers, cool and quiet, don't make trouble."

Peng Yingyu also said: "Yang Zuo, Wei Bi King, two hurry, not hurt and gas!" Stretching wants to block the arms, Yang Ya, the left palm has been stick to.

Say you can't call: "Survey, you are in the second enemy, this is what is going on!"

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