The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2469 of the Chapter 2469 of the Prince of Tennis

The round is a radiant, and the whole body trembles at this time. He slowly looked up, on his top, the night length is quietly suspended in half air, the foot tip is in the top of the round Only short-inch distance from the countdown of his head!

This is the 'Lingbo Tianfang' of the night-long's own understanding, and the effect of Lingbo's slightly is more than countless. The so-called Lingbo microches will only be done to the highest deep step. Go to the sky, but Lingbo is cultivated to the ultimate, but it is even more empty!

But now, he is obviously not doing this, so it can only be temporarily stagnant, but the effect is undoubtedly extremely significant. Now whether it is a round still far away, it is night long. The wind is shocking.

"Ski, you ..." Strong swallowed a spit, rolling up and down, but it can't squeeze any words.

"I have no thought and you call your brother." The night is not smiling, and I will step on it.


Spider-like cracks are disconnected from the floor, and this foot is on this foot, which is even for this hall.

At that moment, the circular really suddenly rolled into the side, but the purpose of the night's life is for him, how can he make him easily escape, he slammed, a cyclone kicking is awkward .

This feet of the night, long wind, but did not retain the thoughts, but he also knew that his strength is large, so this feet just use six seven finishes.

But it is not a preparation of round real to resist.


With the lunch of the night, this foot is playing, and a blood is in an instant to spray from the round.

Next moment, his body is also a few feet of the woolen ground, but when he has lost his power, it is a flashed place, with this At the same time, a projectile object is also lost from his hands to the foot of the night.

The rich young smoke is full of this hall, and also covers the sight of the night long wind.

"Spider, you stay here, look at the laughter, I will chase that guy!" He shouted in the corner, and the night is long and the body is not in the cars.

"Changfeng, you should also be more careful, the guy is not a leisure!" Wei smiled at the side of the stunned interest, and he opened his eyes, and he didn't take care of the night.

Although he knows that the strength of the night is enough to be straight throughout the martial arts, I am afraid that he is in the heart of the rivers and lakes, and the first round really the sinister is still in the eyes, and the present is now unable to help, So I can only help the night's wind as much as possible.

"I didn't expect this guy, although my skills are not good, the speed of running is really fast, and I will be a little bit of laughter." Looking at the residual shadow flashing, the night cost is not slow Follow.

His purpose is not directly killing the ruins. Because that is not the advantage of him, his reason is to follow Wei Yizhi to the top, the main purpose is the so-called 'Qiankun Migrant'.

The breakthrough of the dragon elephant is already telling him. If you want to continue to make a breakthrough, the key is that these are enough to cause a peerless cheats in the rivers and lakes, and the premonition in the mid-to-the wind, as long as It can get the migrant movement, and his dragon icon is likely to be more likely to come again.

"Is the power of the ten dragons? It is enough to truly fight the power of the Buddha and Luo Han ..."

The head unconsciously tian TIAN lips, the night-hearted eyes are also flashing a touch of hot, the heart is a bit more than the degree of strength, and the speed of the feet is also faster, and he Some big actions have also been deliberately made.

The round that I originally escapped out of the long distance just wanted to have a tone, and the ear of the ear again came to move the night long wind. When he looked back, he suddenly followed the night long-lasting wind. The death of the death, fierce a small trail, and the round is really slammed into a tranquil small courtyard. The last smoke bomb is also thrown out.

After finishing these, he quickly fed like a house, settled in a luxurious G courier, and fortunately in the palm of the palm, slammed, flew the Ged, showing the dark cave under the Gedant, Up.

042 chapter, Ming Education

In front of the sky, the smoke occurs, although the night's sight is blocked, but only this courtyard is in front of him. ξ ξ

Moreover, the plot after the night is well known, of course, can judge that the round is really in addition to the way without him, when he is not hesitating, a dive drilling into the fog.

"Yeah! You are!" But before the night, there are two shadowles, and one person is in a rare purple dress, one person is a simple purple dress behind the foggy. And the foot chain is still wearing at your foot.

Seeing the night, the woman in a hurricane shirt suddenly screamed.

"It's two of them!" I looked at one of the girls and the chain of the clothes and she squatted on her feet. When the night grew, it was suddenly, I know that these two women are Yang Xiaoyu's non-regret and her. Maidong Xiao Zhao.

Putting in the usual nightway may stop the body to play two women, after all, the two women's poses are a one-time beauty.

Just now, he is in a big move, so naturally, there is no intention of the two people. When the next point is pointing out, you have no way to move in Yang's no regrets.

Just as he intends to make Xiao Zhao lose actions, Xiao Zhao will also see the intention in his eyes, and quickly said, "The son also first listened to Xiao Zhao."

I heard the words, the body shape of the night is also parked in front of him, browling slightly, because of my heart is impatient, I am impatient: "I have something to say, I am hurry."

"If the son is also rushing through the secret hole in the inside, Xiao Zhao is aware of the position and inside. It is willing to guide the son, otherwise the road is rugged and there are many dead roads. If there is no map, if there is no map, the son is hit, but it is Will be more delayed. "

When I heard Xiao Zhao, when I knew my own way, I didn't think it was kneeling down, then took it out, I took the iron chain on my feet, I didn't get it, faint. Said, "Since you know the road, then take the road."

He did not doubt the authenticity of Xiao Zhao, after all, in all women around the original, the most trustworthy is Xiao Zhao, just like the cold, since she said, then she must know.

This is still the first time in this world, I believe in this world, and he believes in Xiao Zhao even more than the spider and Zhou Ruo.

Seeing the first time in front of this, there is unconditionally believe that she talks, the heart of Xiao Zhao is also a move, and it is no longer hesitating, and the sleeves who pull up the night will go quickly toward the hut.

Just touched a candlestick from the house, Xiao Zhao turned his head and looked at the night. "The son also followed the small Zhao, the following is too black and the road is not flat."

After that, the Jiao Sushi is a hole in the mouth, and the weather in the night is also followed.

And I opposite the circle, he jumped into the secret after the way, it was all the way, after all, he was also sneaked in the same time in countless times, so he had a chance to attract each other with her sister, so he is a clear two.

All the way, some dead roads and traps are hiding by him, I don't know how long it is, I feel like his internal force, and I still stop the body, and I will look back and look down, then The figure in the imagination did not appear.

The round is finally relieved. After this road escaping, the feeling of exhaustion is also in his heart, he is half leaning on the stone wall, and the time will restore physical strength.

It is still very far away from him, and the night long wind and Xiao Zhao have just fallen from above.

Suddenly, a dark feeling made the night's heart a little incense. He explored a foot, got out of four minutes, and determined that the surroundings were labeled.


The three-inch long flame lights up, not bright, but not too dark candlelight lights up in front of the night, and is a beautiful face of the candlelight, the powder lip slightly, the powder is slightly smashed. The radians, the beautiful scorpion of the stars is also staring at the night, and the eyes are full of expectations, like a little girl waiting for others to praise.

Xiao Zhao, suddenly changed, although the night's heart is known that she should have to recover her own appearance, but she still is shocked, because only people who have seen it can know, what is only It is called the real temperament of the fireworks.

Although Xiao Zhao in front of you, although it is beautiful, it is not the best to go to the country, but the fresh but mixed with some playful temperament, but it is a dazzling.

His mouth is also unconsciously rushed, reached out and scraped her Qiong nasal. See Xiao Zhao's mistake and some slight angry expression. The mood is a big big, and the moment is also a laughter. "How, finally gave a true face Ah. "

"Ah!" Seeing that there is no accident on the face of the night, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt a bleak, and asked the little mouth, asked in the night, half of the night, half-slut, said: "How do you know that I know that I didn't be reveal? Really face. "

Aiming at the human skin mask hidden behind her, the night cost is not broken, and the big hand rubs her head and gentle.

"Of course, it is ... guess, by the way, in the future, you can hide the strictness."

After that, he was a side of the body from Xiao Zhao, walked toward the dark front.

"Yeah, the son, the front is too dark, you will walk slowly!" The little movement after the night's wind was broken, Xiao Zhao's face was also a lot of red, and her beautiful looks in a color. When the long wind, the firing is getting angry, and it is easy to catch up quickly.

"This old child is really fast!" Looking at the road without trading, in addition to himself, there is no movement, and the night is in the mouth.

"What is the night big brother?" Xiao Zhao, who took the way, heard him and asked.

The previous two people talked for a while, and it was aware of some of the other things. I didn't know if it was a tacit understanding. The two were putting their true situation. In addition to the night's wind itself is not the world. Outside, other, Xiao Zhao knows how much it is.

"Yeah!" Only she suddenly took a bump with a raised little stone when she turned back, she suddenly kicked it. The whole person exclaimed. Fall down.

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