The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2471 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The moment is also a soft persuading, "Small Zhao, if you are in your heart, then go up and wait for me. Otherwise, if you do something, I will be very distressed."

"No! Xiao Zhao is the slave of the night brother, this can be the night brother to promise Xiao Zhao, but can not leave Xiao Zhao, I have to go with the night brother!" I heard the night's hard work intends to let yourself go. When you go, Xiao Zhao's heart is moved, and it is not willing, and the so-called girl's family's heart is suddenly thrown behind her, and he hurriedly said.

The rugged road is like a poisonous snake. It is generally spreading all over the whole side. Although there are many traps, although the night length is strong, it is not afraid of these, but he is not only one person, but also take care of it. Small Zhao, so the speed on this road is obviously unhappy.

Xiao Zhao is also known to drag the back leg of the night, so this is also quite well-behaved and has not been speaking, but the whole body put into the surrounding environment, hoping to get some spider marty to help The night grows to find a lot of migrants.

"It seems that there is no one in some years here, and it is estimated that those people who have also said that they have already forgotten the existence of this." Night flooded to walk in Xiao Zhao, and another hand light Crossing the stone wall, full of dust.

"So long time, I want to have a corpse, even if the corpse is the corpus, it should be exhausted?" Xiao Zhao took the sleeve to cover the dust in front of the night, and the dust is slow. Language: "If this is the case, the night brother wants to find that the cheat does not have much difficulty?"

"Although there is a bit difficult, you must also go to find it." The sleeves made of the clothes were in the nose, looked at the weak jade hand, and the little fragrance from the jade hand, night long The wind smiled and laughed. The nose rose to Xiao Zhao's jade hand, softly sniffed, and smiled, "Oh, it is the most scented in my small, the taste is stronger than this hole." "

"Night brother ... you ... you tease Xiao Zhao ..." I feel that the nose of the night's wind is smilling, Xiao Zhi Dynasty, withdraws the jade hand, full of shame.

"The night brother is not busy now, or if you find the cheat!"

"Hey, Xiao Zhao is shy?" The night grew away, and immediately took her into his arms in Xiao Zhao's excitement, and he lowered his head and gently said. "Now, it is certain to be busy, but It also takes care of my small Xiao Zhao is ah ... more, I think we should find that thing. "

In the air, a touch of odor appears quietly ...

045 chapter, Movie Migrant

I heard the last low words of the night, Xiao Zhao was shocked and the cheeks who had no hot, and broke away from their embrace to the night's eyes. Α α √ α

In the exhaustiveness of the two people, there is a dark shadow is sitting quietly, black shadow is slightly thin, and from time to time, there are some flying mosquitoes in their head, and the faint odor is from there.

When the two moved into it, when I saw the exact appearance of the body, even if I was a girder of the night, I was jumped in my heart, let alone Xiao Zhao's kindly girl child, even if it is a pointer Call and then drill into the arms of the night, and the body is slightly shaking.

I only saw the two people, a corpse, no, I can only say that I am holding a sitting posture halfway on the stone wall, shabling the clothes, I can see the dust and gold Striped Wear sleeves.

The whole body is already rotted, the big skeleton is out of the garment, climbing the locust, the head is still not rotted, and a piece of empty hole, two lines have already dried up. I don't know how many years. Blood marris flows smoothly.

The locus is in the abutment, from time to time, the big flies are hovering in the top of the skull, and more is to cover their broken corpses, it is very horrible, close, and that is faint. The odor is suddenly exacerbated, extremely pungent, disgusting.

This scene is bigger to the human impact, even if the endurance of the night, I feel that the belly is over the river in the sea. He can't bear to reach the head and gently patted the head of the premium, and the mouth is soft. Comfort, "Nothing is nothing, Shantou, I am still here, come back, let me go back, let's leave here."

Said, the night-long winding with Xiao Zhao slowly, along the road of the stone wall around the other side, the body finally disappeared in the two people visible.

"Come, Shantou, give me the candlestick first, oh, nothing." Be careful from Xiao Zhao to the candlestick, gently smashed Xiao Zhao's somewhat cold little hand, and there was no way to have a distress in the night. .

"Well, night brother ... rest assured ... Xiao Zhao did not afford." Xiao Zhao smashed his lips, pretty face, speaking, the voice of speech is trembled, this can't blame her, after all, the scene just now Any girl is undoubtedly a dream, Xiao Zhao is also because the night cost is standing around her, so it can barely drum a bit of courage.

See Xiao Zhao's situation, the night cost is also temporarily putting the body, holding her, and the arm is taking her back, helping her to disperse the nightmare picture.


After a long time, Xiao Zhiya's slight shaking body is quiet. The little hand has gradually poured a little temperature, and the night length is gently scraped to scrape her Qiong nasal, and the remaining fragrant candles are tweenmarers. The part is handed over to her, and I have a broken.

Part of the light is bright, then strolled in the corner.

"I didn't expect, you are also famous for the whole martial arts, which will be in this year. It will be in this point today, not only to see your wife and people, not only after the death, the long-term non-roting corpse is also finally Everything is eaten by most, the so-called hero is late, but so! "

The mouth is sighing, the night is looking at the in front of the stone wall, and the heart is also a feeling. Suddenly see that there is a dark blue book in that a dark blue book, and the night is very angry. In the hands of the hands, the wrapper will be wrapped in the inner and gently sent it to the crowne.

The candlelight in the army illuminates this small space, and the inconsistent fly swatters have been disconnected by this light, and the night is in front of the palm of the palm, and the nine yang is true. After crazy, the extremely hot arrogant is from the palm of the palm, and the mosquitoes on the top of the top of the top are wrapped in the mosquitoes on the top of the head. It is like an internal force package. Sphere.

When the night grows, the five fingertips of open, a sustained force is suddenly passed away from the palm of the palm, and the books in the belly are out, at the same time, Jiuyang is really hot internal force. Make a rapid temperature rise in the sphere.

Suddenly, the sound of the rumor is from the sphere, which is the sound that the fly mosquitoes and locusts have been burned when the temperature is burned, and the strange is that even though the clothes are burned by this temperature. Gray, but that is quite strange, there is still no change, but it is faintly fluorescence.

"Sure enough, the top of this Yang also cultivated to the hustle of the flesh, if it was not the end of the heart of the heart, the body of the body was lost, and his flesh should not be damaged now. It is. "The mouth is low, and the night is not a pity.

The flesh became a holy, this is the case where the sorghum or the old man is not necessarily able to achieve this step. It can be said that it will be a famous figure in this rivers and lakes.

It is necessary to know that the roof of the sun is not like a night's own style. It seems that the world of the world seems to be in the world. He is really a step by step by step by step, but it is still escaping. I don't have a 'love' word.

Slowly withdraw the internal force of the hand, see now is a new , although it is still not very wonderful, but it is undoubtedly the change of the sky, the long wind is also slightly tone, turn over the palm The stone wall beside the side has a big hole, carefully put this kind of hole into the hole, and then use the gravel to block the hole in the mouth.

After doing these, the night long-distance wind reached out and caressing the gravel of the hole, and sighed in the mouth: "Senior ... Thank you."

This is grateful, and the night is very sincere. Nowadays, it is extremely rare to the late lunar, and then picks up the book, the head does not return.

It is necessary to accompany him to leave, there will be no more people here again, because the people in this world have already slowly forgetting the roof.

And that once made the people who were in the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart, it was also killed by the night. When the night is left here, it will completely become a prevented from the mastery, Yang The ceiling of the top day will be placed here, staying for a long time, slowly powdering into the end, thoroughly dissipating between this world.

046 chapter, ginseng

At this time, the night length and small Zhao have already returned according to the original road, once again, to the next first initial mining. ⊙ ⊙ @ @ ⊙ ⊙

However, the night is not intended to go up, because he knows that this Qiankun in his hand is too loud, and it is worried that once you leave here, you will have a white trick.

After all, he is not fully understood by the whole teaching. Although he believes that it is a smile, it is just a word word for other people, and the people are in the belly. Who can guarantee that they can get it. All unexpected things, it is better to prepare it in advance with it.

The night grows like this, so his intention is that he is always old and honest, and it is best to have a thorough practice, and it is also troublesome, so In the case of Xiao Zhao, I took some fragrant candles and food. By the way, I didn't regret the hole who was previously fixed by yourself.

If you don't worry about the night, you will have any danger. Because Xiao Zhao itself is a good martial art, skill is even still there, and you can hurt her Yang Xiao and Wei Laughter. It is still in the injury in the injury.

After all, the real strength is not really true, then the so-called magic chains are also poisonous, although it is not worth mentioning in the night, but they are quite tricky, let alone the next six major gates besieged Light is in the top, even if the injury is hurt, it will be busy with these things, and there is a hard work to manage Xiao Zhao.

Based on these considerations, the night length is not intended to personally, but he drilled in this cheat in his hand.

According to the If you have a master of the teacher, this exercise is divided into seven-story realm. If you want to practice, if you want to practice, the first floor is the first floor, the second, the second The layer is doubled, and it takes 194 years, and then, the difficulty is increasing, and the time required is also increased.

However, the night's wind is not scared by these useless words. After the first floor, the first floor is in mind, it is closed, and the eyes are slow and slowly drill, but the moment, Qiankun moved. The first layer of mouth is trampped in the internal force to run along the meridians, and at the same time, the Jiuyang really in the night-long body is also like receiving the command, and interspersed with the internal force, then Just in the moment, the first layer of Qiankun was moved by him.

"It seems that Xiaoye's talent and qualifications are not covered, but it should still be much longer thanks to the existence of Jiuyang, in order to help me go into the first floor." Thinking, the night's hard work has not stopped, and the whole Qiankun Moves the seven-story heart method of the mouth has already remembered his heart, and the bottom is not hesitant. He is crossing in the chest, internal force is again along a meridians. And go.

If the first layer of heart method is complemented by the masculine gas that is really generated by Jiuyang, then the second layer is obviously another scene, and the night grows only feels that ten ice cooled chills are drilled from the air. Into the fingers, then move along the meridians, and finally didn't enter the heart, but this cooler came quickly, but just a few breathing time, it was completely disappeared, leaving only night long. The body of the wind is slightly treminated, and there is no movement in addition to this.

And this silence has continued to don't reach a few tens of interest. The night length is noticeable. This meridians are completely penetrated. It is also a hot breath. It has been a feeling in the body. The second layer is successful.


Under this, there is no need to be in the practice of the unique person, the lightestness of the night is also the same as the movement of the migrant movement.

After a time.

Om -

Open your eyes, slowly spit out a touch of breath, twisted some numb neck, and you can't see any jags.

"What's wrong with the night brother? Is this cheat have a problem? Is it a fake?" Xiao Zhao, who waited for a long time, and asked quickly.

"It's not a question of cheats. This cheat is indeed true that it is really not ... but it is expected to be a little gap." Some unwindly pinched his fists, slowly running the dragon icon, night long The face of the wind is even more depressed, still the realm of the ninth floor, and the only difference in the past is that the realm of Dragon Elephazo is more secure, in addition to this, there is no other situation, there is no other situation. As for the tenth floor of the imagination, the night lengthy and even the shadow did not see it.

"It's the same as that of the original, this Qiankun Moves the seventh floor of the top seventh floor is really just the mouth of the people who created the people, there are many vulnerabilities, if it is a hit, the root is the day. At the beginning, the reason why they would be angry, afraid of believe that this seventh floor is talent. "

The night-length wind is sighed, it feels a bit unfortunately, his guess has no problem, the Qiankun's big move does have the potential and power of the Dragon Piece, but the helplessness symbolizes the first The seven-story heart method is just a joke.

At the beginning, the person who created this exercise was also feeling that Qiankun's big move should be the realm of the seventh floor, but even he did not practice success, he had to take a set of mouths to make it. I have never thought that there is really someone in the future generation to successfully refine this Qiankun Daxie to the seventh floor, but as he is generally, because of the painless manner, it can only Stay in this realm.

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