The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2479 of the Chapter 2479 of the Prince of Tennis

"I have to say, you have successfully ... put my last touch is clean." Wait Zhou Ruo Song is open, and the night-long wind is in front of Song Qingshu, in the eyes of Song Qingshu, flying One foot is in the chest, this foot goes down, putting his chest is the collapse of life, and the blood clip is mixed with the internal organs, spurting from the latter mouth, flying to dozens of feet, life and death .


Although Wudang Qi is vague to capture the movement of the night's wind. However, when they have not been taken, the night's figure is like a ghost, which is in front of Wudang, although only one person stands front, but A illusion that will surround the entire Wudo's top ten people.

"If you want to test it, let Zhang Sanfeng will come in the next time ... You are not enough!" The opposite hand is in the two people, the dragon is really angry, the two people are in the body, that hits The true gas is like the bones, not only shocked the meridians in the two people, but also practicing the muscles and torn it!

After doing these, the Yu Jin of the dragon icon is still unable to go out, and the body shape of the two is also bombarded. It hits five people left, suddenly, the sound of seven sullen sounds at the same time, seven people It is back to the step, and the paralysis is falling.

"I think, this time there should be no one to say anything, let's take a palm. After the wind is behind, the hands are behind, around the side, look at the line, no one dares to look, everyone The sight is unnatural, and the skull is also unconsciously low.

"In this case, the forces of most famous surnames on the entire rivers and lakes today are there, then here, my night's long wind, declare a thing!" The night-catching body has returned, then flying in one Ten Taiwan, overlooking everyone, as if the king of the king can look down on the entire classroom, faint words, in the sky.

"From this day, my night's long wind will open the party, the sect is - Xiaoyao Palace!"

060 chapter, Xiaoyao Palace

"From this day, my night is the first palace master. ∮ ∮ ∮ ∮" high platform, the night long hands are loaded behind, the eyes bloom the light color, overlooking the world Qunxiong, with a little smiling, like a thunderstorm in the nine-day clouds, under the parcel of the dragon icon, from the top of the light, spread toward the whole world!

"Congratulations to the night of the palace!" Wei Yiling smiled and greeted.

"Congratulations on the night of the palace!" Wuki people are also a heavy bow, and the sound of the night.

"Congratulations on the night of the palace!" Yang Xiaoye waved, all the disciples from the whole teaching, all the eyes, in the face of the crisis that resulted in the bright, saved the man of their lives, they are deep from the heart Punish is willing to have this sound of this sound, so that everyone is a greenhouse, the raging internal force inclusions are rolling and loud, and the six men and the world's head of the world is a numb.

The six master will naturally not congratulations to the night, after all, they plan for a long time to the programs of the education, exactly because the appearance of the night is thoroughly turned into bubbles, and each sect is therefore there is different The degree of damage, which is the most miserable, not a Shaolin, but a part.

Shaolin sent this time, although half of the war is here, but after all, the thin camel is bigger than the horse, and the four major holy monks of Shaolin still have two people. This time, although it is a hunny. Even the arms, but the people who control the overall situation still exist, even if they can't keep the top of the rivers and lakes, they still don't want to be underestimated.

And although the children under the door are almost non-destructive, the most top-end power is that the five fifths are in this bureau. It can be foreseen, in the next period of time, the people will be disgraced. The trend has become inevitably, when it is said that there will be a lot of the disciples in the door to escape, and when it is at that time, it will be the beginning of the truly lonely.

After these two major menisses, Wudang is also a heavy casualty. The two of the two people were abounded by night, and the remaining five people were also injured. The disciples under the door did not know.

In addition to these three major martial arts, Kunlun and Huashan Second Part did not suffer any damage, the Tamsui couple and the male and a woman were also in the corner of the night, and their position was destined to be absolute. Congratulations to the night long-term winds, because now they also represent the dignity of their respective martial arts, so this arched, is already the maximum sincerity they can do.

Nature has also seen it naturally. He also clears some of the tabs that the timid of the timid of the timeline will be the four people, and do not send them.

As for the , the character of extinction teacher is naturally more impossible to give the night long congratulations, not to mention that she is now being caught by the night, and it is impossible to wake up without a day. And the principal is not there, Namin is also a person who is the only thing that is the only thing about the right to speak, she looks at the night's body, and the color of the grievances is not hidden, because in the previous array, she It was also pinched Pi shares and chest by night, but she didn't have any way. I could only bite the Bei Chi, and I was angry toward everyone.

Following the back of the , other major schools can only go to the wolf, even if they don't dare to put the next sentence, I am afraid that once it put it down, I can't walk one of these people.

With the successive evacuation of the six major martial arts, the rest of the horses who have a cup of the top of the glory of the top of a cup have only gathered.

However, they naturally don't dare to turn around to the six gathers. This is not nonsense. Everyone here is just that everyone will see it. The six major doasses are not a little bit. If you sell this grandfather, if you are so embarrassed, you will not be able to stand in the door of our family tomorrow! Who can get it!

So it is also a matter of "more than one thing, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, can be less than the knife, the principle of the knife, the head of a small door is withdrawn, and there is a head of the night. Congratulations on the night of the palace ', and there are dozens of feet in the foot of the foot.

As for Zhou Yulu, it is a louder that is pulled by the night, and does not let her leave.

"You ... You let me go ... I, I have to go back to Zongmen ..." Zhou Yi wants to break free, but the palm of the helpless night is firmly clever in the arm.

"What kind of Zong do you still return? Don't know how to marry the chicken with a chicken with a dog? In the future, you are my night home, what are you running?" Pulse the way to take Zhou Yu CHE in his arms, night long wind It took a few mouthfuls in the hair, and immediately attached it to his ear, and gently said.

Feeling a breath of breath, it is itchy, Zhou Yulu suddenly thinks that the body is soft, he is full of loving Xiu, although the mouth is supported, but it can't say anything.

Of course, Zhou Yuli and the night-long wind, this honey, it also looked at the spider, but fortunately, Xiao Zhao pulled it, and did not even make anything.


"It seems that after this, the Xiaoyao Palace will become a top sect of the number of rivers and lakes martial arts." Wei smiled to the night grewer, patted his shoulders, laughed, "Mingjiao I don't know how much the light is reaching this step, but you just used it for a day, it is really enviable ... "

"Although it looks very simple, it can be done this step. After all, a few are still a few." The night long turns smiled and smiled.

"No 'a few', but it is true before it." Wuzi people are also slowed down, saying that they can't honor, "After all for so many years, this is not the first to see this feat I have to fight against the world, the battle is better, hey, the night brothers are alone, this, even the three abundance has not been done. "

"Night brothers, Yang has a matter of seeing." Yang Xiaou was standing aside, and the feelings were somewhat.

"Yang Da Ge doesn't have to say, I should have already guessed some, yes, what I practiced is indeed a big move, I really missed Gu Zong's ban, this, I am here to Yang Da Ge Apologize. "The night's wind turned toward Yang Yizhen, and arched his hand.

"As long as it is a practice, that is, there is a person who has to get it. It is not to mention that there is no one who can take success. Yang is not in the case. Today is his business." Yang Yizhen sighed, his hands were holding his head, but he was slowly squatting.

"I am teaching the teaching, who can repair the Qiankun Damuo to the Dacheng, and it should have become the master of our teaching, so the light is to make Yang Xiaoyou, please ask the night brother as a new teacher!"

061 chapter, everyone enters

"It turned out to be this thing. Miscellaneous $ " Night wind is a bit helplessly scratching the brain spoon, thinking in the heart: "I am going, how do you forget this? Teaching plans, which is the rules under the top of the brain, the young master does not want to be in this bright, the light is on this bright ... I have to push it away is ... "

The eyeballs turned, the night long wind turned toward the spider and Xiao Zhaowei: "How do you think?" Said that his mouth is talking, but the two women are not stopped.

Two women are also intelligent, looked at night, and naturally knowing his thoughts, but I saw that he was actually so naive, the two mouths were also smiling, and they went to Yang Xiaokou: "though Yang Da Ge is a kind of good intention, but we and ... Xiangong already have an early plan, this so-called 'Xiaoyao Palace', actually only the night's house, after this, we are inadvertently contaminated into the rivers and lakes Things, so, I can only give me a good ideise for my family. "

The second woman is finished, and the pretty face is also a slight red, especially the spider. When she said, when she said the word 'Xianggong', even the sound is a bit tremble, but when she sees the night's expectation. After all, I still have a sweet, hard to say this sentence, I have finished watching Zhou Ruo, my eyes is self-evident, and I am a first step to make this layer to completely steal.

"My family's meaning is what I mean. Yang Da Ge is a good idea to be very windy, but I do not have a truly open part, if it is barely, maybe there will be any leakage? It is not very good, but I am divided into the two palace in the palace. The inner palace is only my wife, the outer palace ... anyway, only hang a virtual name, if I am happy with this virtual name If you can join you, you can join, our door will always open it up. "Night long-standing hands borrowed the spider and Xiao Zhao and Zhou Ruo, three women, relatives, three women, then I said to Wei Loudly.

If you hear the night's wind, it is not blended, everyone is agreed.

After all, everyone is clear, and the trend of the hometown of Xiaoyao Palace is already a foregone, there is a night greeting of the hero of one person to the world, and the lake is even if it is only one person. Everyone is taboo, not to mention the shadow of people's famous trees, under this parity, will certainly have countless highcomers, I want to join this happy palace, even if it is just a so-called 'Oschery'.

Once those people join, the Xiaoyao Palace will undoubtedly become one of the top of the top of the world, even after a few years later, once the night is completely surpassing Zhang Sanfeng became the first master of rivers and lakes. The status of Xiaoyao Palace is a high boat, which has become the most top force sect of the Central Plains!

At this time, Wei Yixi is also intended. When you head toward Yang Yizhen, he did not wait for his answer, and it was asked: "In this case, the wind is, how is it?"

"Yes, there is a joining of Wang Wei, Wang Wei, Wang Wei, and our happy palace will certainly be unattended in the future, hengxing the world." Night wind turned her hand, excited.

When I listened to night, Wei Xiaoke's expression suddenly became extremely rich, and the spider and Xiao Zhao beside him were smiled. The five people were all reversed, but the fiddler The shoulder is to expose their inner exposure.

"Well, yes, with the batter's ability, you can put the whole banner of the future of Xiaoyao Palace." As soon as Yang Hao, Yang Hai, is also a mouthful of mouth, and rare laughs and laughs.

"Well, the old man will not add this happy palace today!" Wei Yixi smiled, his hands were in his arms, and the urgency and corrupt it turned.

However, I laughed and said, and finally Wei smiledily joined the Palace. After the way, the five comers were also packed. According to their statement, the ready-made TUI did not hold it, anyway, no need to pay anything, so It's just that the face is added, and the night-long's style is also intended to dig the corner of the Mingjiao. If you don't care, your face is black, and your body is in the fiddler DOU, or a spider and Xiao Zhao jointly stopped Below, he will live with him.

A few days later, in the eyes of Yang Xiaoyan, a party slowly left the mountain.


"Where are we going this time?" The spider Xiao Zhao is sitting, Zhou Yu Ruo walks in the night length of the night, and Wei smiled at the rear, and did not come to join in the fun.

"Go pick up our site." Cut a clutter to search for silver from the treasure house in Mingzi, thinking that Yang Xia is the last faint expression, and the night will take back.

"Where is it going, the son?"

"Is it also called a son?" Turned his head and looked at Xiao Zhao, the eyes of the night-lived eyes showed a few inexplicable evils.

"Hey ... husband, husband ..." Xiao Zhuo was pretty face.

"Hey, this is right, the next time, if you say anything wrong, you can don't blame the Mun family Ci." The night-long wind swayed in front of Xiao Zhao, threatened, he is now more and more. At the time, I was taking a small head.

"Let's go, let's go, go to Tianshan ..."

062 chapter, the storm is not scattered

Bright top 10 is not close to Tianshan, plus this all the way is not hugging the way, purely with the mentality of swearing in the mountains, slowly moved towards the direction of the sky. ≦ ≦ = = insects

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