The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2485


"Master, I don't know if you have anything to explain with the disciples?" Zhou Rui stood in the side and looked at the neutral teacher.

The extinction did not answer immediately, and did not look at Zhou Ruo, but quietly looked at a quaint ring wearing a finger. The finger was slow in love, half-talented, half of the hand, the hand Under the ring, pulled the hand of Zhou Ruo, carefully put it in Zhou Yulu's palm, softly sigh: "This is a ring that the faith has been able to get, or it is said to be a certificate of hand, today ... I will give you a lot of money. "

"But ..." Zhou Yuli looked at the ring in his hand, muttered in the mouth: "But this thing, why do you want to give a non-brother? Do you do better?"

"You are also clear, it is easy to sin, and later, she will be in charge of , it is inevitable that there are some people who are not guilty, just like him ..." , Said, "Have a sense of stability, let although I don't want to say that the kid is good, but he is really excellent, as long as he is still there, Xiaoyao Palace will become the first big faction of the rivers and lakes. I still hope that you can make him ascended.

After that, the extinction is no longer speech, and the finger is gently spoiled after Zhou Yuli, and the inner spirit is awkward.

"Well, the night owner, my things have been over."


The night long-term wind slowly pushed the door, looked at Zhou Ruo, and looked at it, said: "I understand what you mean, you can rest assured."

"Thank you for your old man." The extinction smiled and smiled toward the night.

This is the first time that two are so friendly. There is no battle without the battle, and the two are said to be from the heart, but unfortunately, this is the first time, and it is destined to be the last time.

If it is not the unexpected generation, maybe the night's wind and the extinction will be more harmonious because Zhou Yu Ruo is more harmonious, after all, for the lively wind, he appreciates the decisive and tough personality, and also knows the extinction. Some sad pasts have experienced, so they will be so hostile to the demon and foreign enemies, even when they don't die; and the extinction will leave all prejudice, but also recognize that night long winds are so arrogant. Strength, if it is not for some reasons, she is even willing to give Zhou Wei to him ...

But unfortunately, the gap between the two is already in the same gap, and the bottom line of the three people touching the night, the night is naturally impossible to respect her; and the night live wind is also in front of the world, let the whole Honorary sweeping, this allows you to reputate the geography of life, no matter how you can't tolerate anyway.

Therefore, between the two, it is destined to not have the possibility of reconciling.

And the two also know this the truth, so the first time, the first time, I chose to return, for the martial art, for Zhou Yu Ruo's happiness. In the end, she compromised.

Both are smart people, don't need too much words, just just a few words, it is already enough, so this time, the night long does not avoid the extinguishing ceremony, he takes a junior identity This ceremony, he wants to tell her, I will not have a gift from you, I will complete your arrogance, it is, it is a paid for your gift, and the night's heart knows that he refuses this gift, in love I refused, but he didn't want to take advantage of the extinction, whether it is based on what is based, his inner pride allow him to do this.

The extinction is not straight, and the night is also able to feel that the woman in front of them has gradually lost their lives.

Easy sighing, the night long wind is slowly moved, slowly supporting the body, the extinction is slightly closed, the mouth is overflowed, but there is a quiet smile, the whole body is already Gradually stiff and cold.

In the end, this ended life is a very uncomfortable woman, and it is no longer facing himself. It is the last moment of the greece. It is self-broken, and she is not completed. Think, thoroughly disappear from this world, here, the head of the , the top masters of the Central Plains martial arts - , .

"Seniors, you have been sprinkled, you didn't expect you to leave before you still put me ... you won." Night is laughing, put the extinct body flat, he is with The gap between the extinction is quite big, but things are here, everything should be a paragraph, and the extinct act is also letting the night grew up.

After that, the night grew is watching Zhou Ruo, and then whispered to him, "Okay, Shantou, since I woke up, I don't have to sleep, I."

Next to him, Zhou Yilu is still stubborn, and the two lines tears are slow, and they slow down their eyes ...

This fire, burned a day overnight, until the whole Wanan Temple was burned, and there was no such thing as anything, and Zhou Yu, who had night, was naturally not dangerous. The extinct body ended up or made a good makeup from Zhou Yuli person, sitting on the first seat of Wanan Temple, gradually eroded by the sky.


"Will it?" Looking at the face of pale Zhou Ruo, the night's heart carefully took her, and said softly in his ear.

Zhou Wei did not speak, just curled up in his arms, then it was like sleeping, it is always movable.

"How about going to Tianshan? Let's take a look at our homes."

"Okay ..."

Chapter 073, Tianshan Xiaoyao Palace

After leaving Dasu City, the night costs feel that there are many in their hearts. @ @ @ @

"In addition to the contradiction between the Shaolin, there is no matter what the other is still there."

Listening to him, I couldn't help but enjoy him, and I didn't help but take it: "You are still too embarrassed, I don't think about the consequences, how can you fall into this situation? "

"Hey, the wife of my night is still not going to talk to your husband, but instead, it is time to talk, oh, look like it is necessary to take a home law CI." Night wind glance, Zhou Zuo, the eyes are full Make a narrow, drama.

"You ... You are less!" Seeing the night of the wind, Zhou Yilu will think of what he is moving, you must know that in the past few days, she is the 'Home Law' in the night. Ci is a lot of time, it is resistant to the shame of the TUN department directly to the shoulders, and every time I think of it will make her pretty face. I don't want to try the kind of taste anyway, so I am hugging now. On a long arm of the night, the first is low, and only the ears of the red to the hot, it is itchy.

And the road to two people is getting closer and closer to Tianshan.


One month later.

"How did you do it?"

Looking at the stone archway in front of the style, the "Happy Palace" written on the top of the hot font is written, and the night is very speechless. He really can't figure it out, how is Wei Yizheng and others? In less than two months, it is an outline of the whole picture of the whole happy palace.

"Hey, the palace master, if we are only what we can't do, these credits are all three ladies." Zhou turned around and walked in front of the night, and looked at his departure. The wind still thought that he was invited, but he saw that cold and humility that he had a cold face was a nod, and his heart was more confused. "Oh? What is the three skills? Let's listen!"

Before the spider and Xiao Zhao, the two smiled in relation to Zhou Ruo, and immediately tidy the long-distance trek and some messy clothes. Xiao Zhao Sheng said: "If it is lighted with these people Of course, I can't do it. I still have a lot of sister, she is sent here, helping us to build a zone together, as for my spider, sister, It turned out that this is a small community of smallmen. I heard that we will open a party here, and immediately picked up things to leave, , I am scared by the fierce of the Jun. "

"Oh? I didn't expect my family to be so powerful!"

I heard Zhou Ruo was actually moved over half of the martial arts, and the night's wind looked at her. Zhou Yilui also looked at him, and the beautiful eyes revealed the color: "When the sister of the Chi Sister led the martial art, I was lucky, so I said that some sisters came over ..."

"Well, reason, quite a husband, my style, okay, just married my night's dowry, I can accept it." Night long laugh, reach out and pinch Zhou Yulu's playful nose.

"Yeah ... just let you accept it ..." Zhou Yuli smiled softly, at night's long-lasting dead angle, woring eyes towards the second woman, showing a single woman could not understand inexplicable Smile.

"Wait a minute, what is the name of the husband, I am scared, Xiao Zhao, you come over, otherwise,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A pair of faces, two hands suddenly moved towards small shoise.

"Ah, I hate it, the spider is sister!" When Xiao Zhi Dynonymated, he could notice it behind the spider, and then explored the head toward the night long style and spit SHE head, smiling: "Fu Jun also His face, after the top of the light, this way is your deed, it is spread throughout the martial arts, we have passed the way, but there is no half of the people dare to disrespect us, most people have heard that we are happy The people of the palace are all residual to us, which is the 'credit' of our palace master! "

"Okay, actually started to dare to laugh, it's very good ... Tonight, the husband is going to rebuild!"


However, the night's long wind has to be admitted that the spider and Xiao Zhao are actually unexpectedly talented in the construction of Zongmen. The sign of Xiaoyao Palace is in the middle of the mountains. It is the windy cloud in front of the mountain, and the seas is different. In other semen, the other brick wall is like a brick wall, but all the bamboo cottages are all, it seems to be a zone, but it is more like a livable Wonderland.

It gradually deep RU, this road, the mood of the night, the mood of the night is very good ... but when he saw the Get up, he has finally wanted to understand, Zhou Yilu has previously said what is the meaning of 'receipt'.

I looked at the female disciple of a row of , the night and swallowed the throat, and then carefully aimed at Zhou Zirui. After he saw the laughing smile in the eyes, he looked at it. What small abacus is playing, because these women in front of them are all two-eight-year-old women, and their appearance is quite good, even if it is better than the spider Xiao Zhao Zirui, there are some distances. But it is also enough to be beautiful, and it is also the most critical. Everyone looks very unnatural!

Some twists and pinches, some are beautiful, and some are hard to hide behind others. After stealing him, I have been rushing back, this is not like a disciple, the old man's landlord. This is clearly ... A wife's warm house girl see a master's expression!

"Cough ... that ... , this ... this ... what does it mean?" Night costumes carefully referred to a person, and then secretly asked in Zhou Yulu.

"What kind of mind of Fu Jun still wants to marry me?" Zhou Yu Ruo was white, and immediately said: "If you don't say it before, these can be 's' dowry', husband is of course to be one Receiving is ... "

074 chapter, moving the Snake Lingdao

The calm life is in this way in the half-mountain waist in Tianshan. For Wei Yixi, I have been exhausted in the heart of the rivers and lakes, and I am very exciting, so I am very excited. The life of Xiaoyao Palace, they are quite enjoyable. ≒ ≒ ≒

And the night is the same ...

The so-called 'full thinking, the same is the same, in this half-month, the night grows can be good, the emperor is addicted, the daily enjoyment is the emperor's treatment, why? Not because there is a three thousand behind him, after Zhou Yulu's nod, the happiness of the night, the happy life of the night is kicked off.

Almost every day, he climbed from different women's fragrant, and sometimes the rise in the same time, it was completed, and the old driver opened, it was really unable to stop .

Time seems there seem to have nothing to do, until a day, a post, send the door to the Palace.

"It seems that the Shaolin Pista is still still a good break."

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