The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2487 of the Chapter 2487 of the Prince of Tennis

"Golden Lion King, Zi Shi Dragon!"

076 chapter, war

"The two don't have it." Miscellaneous "" "Mandarin sighed

The strong striker, just a few tricks is enough to assess the opponent's probably strength, and arrived at night, and even the same. Although he just had a short number of interest with Xie Xun, it is already able to feel the oppression of himself. Nowadays, add a strength to Xie Xun 's Joho Dragon, and the innermost pressure of the night. I want to know.

Both of these people have been the top level on the rivers and lakes. Even if they are now being named, they have passed for a long time, but for their older generations, the silent silence is never meant. Definition, opposite, for so many years, with their qualifications and experience, the strength will only be more older and deep than the year. After all, everyone is like a night-long wind, and the older is the world. For those who are nine-year, the greater the age, the longer the practice, the internal strength can be more and more profound, this seems to be A truth that is constant on the rivers and lakes.

At the moment, the two men who have never been hidden in the rivers and lakes have come again in the rivers and lakes, and they still have the potential to join hands, that is, I am afraid that the entire rivers and lakes are shocking three shocks.

"Since the young man dares to come to my spirits, it is necessary to do the worst plan." The Zishi Long Wang Dai is slightly smiled, the body is also slow, from the back, take out a handle and dark. The big knife, gave it to Xie Xun, watching the night long wind, said, "Shaoxia Can't come, should it be rushing to the Dragon Sword knife?"

"The predecessors are very saying, just I don't know what the amount of the people will pay to get this thing?" The night's wind is not intended to hide the idea of ​​the heart, but slowly.

"This Tu Long Baodao is not a private thing. If you want, you should not ask the old body." , look at Xie Xun, whisper: "Thank you, this matter Just look at your own ideas. "

"... Why do you want this knife? Is it not a secret that is rushing?" The slow fu touched the slaughter knife in his hand, hand palm, and the knife pointed to the night. The tone is full.

"That is not a secret secret." The heart is thinking, the night grows is also a bit helpless. You can't talk to Xie Xun ',' I have seen your book, you can affirmed that the secret is in front, just get me It will be able to board the peak of life, so it is also sinking, and it is talented. "The predecessors are not bad, but the younger generation is because the secret is coming here."

"Hahaha, it is really ridiculous." Xie Yixian smiled, : "The old husband has so far a few colds, so far, you still have to solve it, you said that you have a yellow mouth, you also want to dye this secret , When it is insufficient, hahahaha! "

"These are not worried about the predecessors." Night long-term eyesight, Shen Sheng: "The predecessor only needs to tell the younger generation, how can you use this object to me?"

"Dusong!" Xie Xun angered, a flash is straight, "I want this knife, then take the body of my Xie Xun!"

"There is this meaning! !"

Night long wind turned to Zhou Wei, a big drink, he understood in his heart, Xie Xun not only had a deep martial arts, but the immersion of weapons is even very deep, and Xie Xun, holding a Dragon Sherry knife, and his stunt cannot be synonymous. Battle is undoubtedly looking for death, and Zhou Yibo is clearly understood, when the night-length wind is just, it is also in the lumbar of the heavens.

Om -

The heavens sword out of the sheath, suddenly the sword is overflow, and people don't dare to look directly.


"It's just that the sword!" I feel the sweat, Xie Xun also exclaimed, as the owner of the Dragon Sherry, he is naturally aware of the existence of the Sky sword, after all, if you want to get the secret, the key is the key. Essence and Dragon Strokes!

When the head of his heart is also breaking through the horizon, the two knife swords touch, the body is stagnant, the two violent internal strengths are in the sword, suddenly, a unmatched overbearing It is like the essence of the torn world, and it is stalemate in the half-air, it is not the same!

And the night is in touch, and the heart is a sinking.

Although he is already overestimated as much as possible before the Islands, he still can't think of it, Xie Xun will be so honest. This is, which has his own use of the weapon, but Xie Xun's tricky, still beyond his estimated, and now there is a strength to be unimblered, Xie Xun's , There will be a plan for the shot at any time.

At this time, the night grows is also in my heart.

However, regrets are obviously too late, retreat is obviously impossible, Shaolin two holy sorrows, and Zhang Sanfeng's famous head pressure, he is not angry, but the front road seems to be difficult, but it is not necessarily no chance.

"Since this ... then can only be desperate!" The heart is in the heart, the eyes of the night are firm, the dragon icon in the body is running to the palm of the palm, and the opposite is a palm of his hand. Go, the force of the ten-story dragon icon plus Jiuyang is just to the Yang, this palm is all, and the space is drawn out of the mismatter.

Although Xie Xun is blind, it is not reduced to increase, and it feels that the heart is strong on this palm, and the heart is also surprised. But after all, it is not mortal, and it is also a lucky job, faint The golden rays gathered in the palm of the palm, and it is a faint clip that is not easy to detect.

"Kid! Good!"


In an instant, the sound of the naked eye is spread in the palm of the two, and the strong waves will fly the surrounding forest, and even the gravel is also crushed into powder, three women resistance The power of such a sound wave, only have to leave with the wolf, only that the entire field is standing quietly standing quietly, the wooden cane on the hand, the bell is a rush, the raise is also a gold Huun hunting, she looked at night, and her eyes were full of horror.

At the moment, between the night long wind and Xie Xun stissible, his foot tip is lightly ground, and the figure is going to the night long storm, and the wooden pole is more step, straight to the head of the night!

077 chapter, the card

"Fu Jun! Be careful!"

At a moment of , the night length is noticeable. When he heard the three women, the heart is a sinking, and it is close to a dark object, his The figure takes advantage of the body, and the insurance is dangerous to escape the cane, and then the foot is slammed to kick it. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

At the same time, the shape of the is also in front of him, and the rush is not coming again. The night is only a palm of the chest, and this situation is that he has not considered what men and women. I don't want this palm of the woman's chest. I just think that I can take it away.

When I saw the place where the night cost is aiming, the It was stolen, and the moment is also anger, and the palm is the palm of the night.

How can a palm of the night-long wind coach condensed in the palm of the The knife gun is not enough, so the palm of is just let him swear in the body, and there is no obvious injury. It is also a little bit of light, and it is not refunded against the two.

"Hey?" When you see the night, you still have the dragon, and the silk is also light.

"Little girl, what are you doing, go back!" Xie Xun felt the buzzing of the silk, and it was more annoyed.

"Thank you, this is extremely weird, I am not inserted, I am afraid that when you are very likely, you will fall into the wind!" Diyan is also a voice of Xie Xun Su, "In order to avoid many dreams, it is still almost The battle speed is good! "

"Hey!" Listened to the words of the silk, although Xie Xun was not cool, but it was also unexpected, and he was also clear that he was clearly clear, although he was able to use the experience of the old road. Good to fight, but if it is time for a long time, his age is more than a young person, it is not impossible, so he has only snorted, and then the default is the sluggish.

"Kid, can force me to join hands, you ... it's really good!"

"But you will only stay here today!"

The two are cold drinks, and the two movements are rushing to the night growth storm.

"Eating me!" Xie Xun said anger, the palm of Jin Guangsheng, the vicinity of the vague dragon sound gradually became clear, "" Dragon Eighteen Pocket! "

And is followed, the bleak chill is from its body, so that the temperature of the surrounding air is faintly dropped, and the cold is in the palm of the palm, although it seems that the mountain does not dew, and Xuan Ming The second old Xuan Ming's chill is not very different, and its power is restored, but it is still not available.

"The opportunity is only in an instant."

Seeing Xie Xun and the silk is not a meaningless point, and the heart is sighed, and the night is also a topic, the chance is only in an instant. Although he has a basement, it is the end of this thing. I can only use it once, I can't fight, with the ability of two people, he will no longer have no chance and win!

Yitian sword was thrown into the gravel in the side of it, and he was deeply incident.

The internal force in the body is exhausted, and then taken in both palms, the two internal force vortex is condensed in the palm of the palm, the next squat, the night is long, the body is facing the two people, and the hard fight go with!

"The arrogant boy!"


Xie Xun felt the body shape of the night, and his face was also flashing. How did he think of it, facing his two people join hands, the kid in front of him is still a strong fight, In the heart, the heart is also an angry that is ridiculous. The opening is a roar, and the internal force in Dantian is venting from the throat. The voice of the lion is once again passed!

At this time, the night growth is also a cold, and it is also unhappy. The four palms have relatively, Dalong Wang Zhen said is spit out in his mouth, the sound is not big, but wear the heavy sound of Xie Xunxiao. Wave, from the two people in the ear, if the Sanskrit in the Ruo Yin is invisible, it is directly for the two people, and then thoroughly swindled in the boss!


The roar of the body has made the two of the two people. It is no longer able to make a whit, and it is like a lightning strike. It feels a bit of the chest. It is suddenly a black in front of the moment. Controlled clearly thus overflows. At this moment, even if the two have experienced the big wind big waves, the heart is also dramatic in the heart, and the body shape in the half-air is therefore stagnant.

The night-catching wind is also a moment of grabbing this short, and the two palms have been in the palm of the two people. The violent inner strength does not leave the two people to pour, it is like a sly hammer. Suddenly two people will be forced back, and the blood in the body is more rolled. At the same time, he is even more close to the ground, and then the two fingers are in the second finger, point in the two.


"I am sorry for my predecessors, it seems that the old man wins." The two people who were still still in the figure laughed, and the night long wind was slowly picked up, and the sword and Dragon Slayer knife were born. Go.

"Fu Jun, you are fine." Three women saw quickly.

"Reassured, it's okay, but now it is a bit weak, or you are almost leave here." The night grew in Zhou Ruo and the spider, and then pinched it in Xiao Zhaoyiong nasal on the side. Small channel: "Don't worry, just click on their acupoints to temporarily do not let them move, with their internal force, it is estimated that one time can completely solve it."

"Fu ... Fu Jun ..." The eyes of the night, the eyes of the long wind, Xiao Zhao is also a little flustered, pinching the corner, with her intelligence is natural, and the night cost has already known anything.

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