The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2500

Kao! What is this more test! The night grows in the heart of the heart, and the stone field rain dragon.

"I am not more boring than you, I am going home, I have to write a homework." The night's long-awaited, just a excuse to go back, but also ready to run. road.

At this time, Shi Tian Weilong did have passed the laughter: "Ah, I know, you are the power of this, I think you will be grateful."

Night wind is also seen more such a general, just waving saying: "Oh, what do you want to think about how to think, I don't have to play with you, I have to go home."


It is a prompt tone of the super god system, and the night grows up quickly stopped.

Activate the guidance type task: kill more emotions than Shi Tian Weilong, and to beat Shi Tian Yulong.

Task Level: Bronze Level, Low Level.

Task reward: 5000 points picked.

Task penalty: None.

Task evaluation: It is a relatively simple task that helps users can better integrate into the world of death.

At first glance, the award mechanism is given, and the attitude of the night's heart is also 360 degrees.

At this time, the night wind turned directly to Shi Tian Yulong: "Well, accept challenges, come, how come."

Shi Tian Rainlong also said: "Oh, I accept challenge, I will tell you."

Shi Tian Weilong stalls opened his hand to shake the food finger: "Although your soul knife looks good, you can't win me."

"The competition is very simple, I will first set the nearby virtuality, then we are more than killing the enemy." Shi Tian Yulong has started to do things.

The idea of ​​the night field is also very simple, and the virtual solution brought by Shi Tian Rainlong, and first exceeds Shi Tian Rainlong in the case of being seen.

This is the case, let's give it to the task of super god system, although 5,000 zero pressure is not too much, but accumulates a lot of this truth.

"Okay, grasshopper legs are also meat, I am not not picking." Night Changfeng is also ready to start the task of completing the superhen system.

When the night grows, when you look for those emotions, a little amazing thing happened, between Shi Tian Rain, running in his own direction, and is in a hazy night long style, I don't know what is going on.

There is a group of emotions behind Shi Tian Weilong, how much is it, just like a dense sesame sesame, it is generally feeling the scalp.

The night length is not much feeling, twisted the neck and talking, doing it, directly summoning the war, if the fire is still like the temperature, the temperature is still like that.

When the temperature of the fire is directly evaporated directly, the stone rain dragon is also a very agile of the body. It is a no-fumed, and each shot an arrow is just a good life.

The arrow law of Shixian Rain dragon is still very sharp, and it is not necessary to say, and it is also a explosion effect, but it seems to be used multiple times.

Protel Shi Tian Yulong did not think that there would be so many emotions, and it seems that it seems still not so mind, it is not like Tong.

Although it is a square next to the city center, it is strong or terrible. Although it is not strong, it is too much.

On the well, wewoven is the special person, and the sofa in the Tongren family is a little bit of unrestraining.

"Changfeng will not have an accident for so long, don't go to see." The Wiwi Ji Bi teeth litten his lips, and it was very uncomfortable inside.

She went out to the place where she was induced, and now she is full of fire, now her heart is full of night long.

So, it is afraid that it is extravagant to her, and his heart is shouting: "Changfeng Jun, waiting for me!"

The challenges of the night long and Shi Tian Rainlong are still continuing. Both sides are all struggled because the number of killing the enemy has entered the struggle. In this day, the rain dragon should be the easiest.

Because the source of the combat power of Shi Tian Rainlong is a bow-and arrow in the hands of the robbery gloves, in the distance, Shi Tian Yulong is an absolute advantage, and the night cost should be in a disadvantage.

But why is it clear that the stone rain dragon will always look at the position of the night, and then the eyes still have a little nervous? Is it worried that the night is long, it seems that this is not necessarily.

009 chapter, main nurse

Walking in Shi Tian Rainlong, the night's wind is exactly the fire, if the fire is not expensive to slash, the drift is like a movie. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

It is also seen that the eyes of Shi Tian Weilong is why. Although the bow is a absolute advantage, the night grows is not a good, and the number of killing is always the stage.

The night's cold is cool, it seems that it is completely the task of forgetting the super god system. If the fire is a very metamorite weapon, it will play his power in the hands of the night. .

Just when the night length of the wind was relieve, he heard a soft voice is calling him, and the night's wind is also rushing back to see the past.

The owner of the sound is not someone else. It is just that the well is just being saved by him. Saw."

On the well, weave the Ji Run to hungry and say: "Changfeng Jun! You, you don't matter! I am coming, I will help you!"

But the night's cold is a black line with face, and the laughter is laughing: "Oh, my grandmother, what are you doing, what can you help me!"

This is to bring difficulty to bring your own challenge. Isn't this a joke with yourself? It is not easy to kill yourself! How come a "trouble"!

Night wind is also frowned and then said: "Hey, in the well! This is not your business, you will go back, wait for me to go back to give you a meal!"

Because the night length and the well is very dispersed, then the previous virtual is also Chen Xu, and raised the huge paw, it took the past to the head of the night.

"Chang Fengjun is careful!" Well, the Ji Ji saw the defensence of the night, and hurriedly screaming, and the night grew is also back.

It seems that the night's wind is not going to take this empty, and directly put the flow blade and then the fire is on his head.

Accurately, when it is not touched that the flow blade is fired, it is directly melted by the horrible temperature of the fire, and the moment is flying!

The night is also a smile of ting stinky, then said: "Hey! You come together! It is nothing to think, it is too weak!"

At this time, the well is also rushing to the night's side and then anxious to the night long wind: "What are you doing? How so many monsters!"

Night wind is also touching the nose, then explains with the wells on the well.

At this time, even if you don't have to conceal it on the well, because since I saw it, there is no need to ly. Otherwise, what I have, I want to leave a good impression in the heart of the beauty.

"In fact, I know that these are virtual, I can see it when I used it, but it is just an outline, but now I can see it." The well on the Wiji legs.

At this time, it is also a battle that is fighting. It is also comfortable to give the well. It's said: "You first find a safe place first, then wait for me."

"I don't want this time, I don't escape again, I want to fight with Changfeng!" Said it is very serious.

I drop a day, although there is a beautiful companion, but the night grow is still unhappy, this is not a trouble, for the night's wind, these virtual may be nothing.

But as a well in humans, I'm not playing, and every ingredient can let the well.

Those false seem to find the existence of the well, then one by one is like a crazy, and it is coming over the well.

Because for those who are definitely, human soul is the most delicious thing.

The night long shifting is in front of the well. Some helpless touches the head. "First this way, after you hide behind me, then I will solve them first."

Night live wind is also the reaction of the inhoji is to start killing from self-sincerity, because these emotions are here for a moment, and it feels unsafe.

The night is constantly waving, the soul knife is in front, slowly killing a blood road, this time I don't know what but fish, should be a short virtual body that is ignored at night.

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