The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2503 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Lucia has been probably understood. It is always ready to escape behind a leg.

This is that after Ahtan's love, I didn't know that the ghost didn't know the collar of Lucia and then directly put Lu Qia. "Oh, you are committed, do you know?"

Although the movement of Ahtanji is a bit indecent, his eyes can also see if there is a trace of can't bear, but this is a mission, there is no way.

Lucia is still silly asking: "I, what happened? You said it."

"OK, you have violated the stipulations of the stipulations of the stipulations of the stipulations of the stipulations of the stipulations of the stipulations." You can know it? "Ahtan's nephew is coming out.

Lucia also said: "What is the sin, you said, I am not enough for everything I do for the corpse?"

Ahtan's love is also enough, it is also a burden, it is also a matter of do not do it, and directly smoked his own soul knife out of the neck of Lucia.

"I don't say anything about it, you said! Where is your ability? Where is your ability to get your ability?" Ahiju loudly.

Lucia also rose in the momentum of the heart, then looked at Ahiji in love: "What is the relationship with you?"

"Is this a crime? Do you know? Hurry will be the soul of the corpse and then plead guilty! You still alleviate the opportunity!" Ahtan's love is that her Qingmei bamboo horses spit the words.

Lucia shake his head and said: "People don't plead guilty, if you want me to die, I still can't live, and I can see it, get my ability, talented."

Ahtan's love suddenly started to laugh crazy, and it was also speaking out of the horrible spiritual pressure: "Don't say nonsense, tell me, I quickly killed him, you can save."

At this time, a very fast arrow shot toward Aso, and the intuition of Ahtan's love is also very keen. It is hiding in the past.

But still scraped a blood mark on the face, and then Ahtan's love was also put down Lucia then touch his face. It was blood.

"My kao, recently harmonic or more, first, the crazy man who won the ability to die, and it is something that I don't know what is." Ahtan is bad.

This arrow is to look at Stone Tian Yu Long, although not to know her accurate motivation, but it is really a chance to give Lucia.

Shi Tian Rain Dragon has taken over and pushes the pushing glasses. It is also wrapped in the hand. It is not good to hurt, and the Judi love is also seen that the other party is.

"Hey, you said that you are bullied by a girl, you are really interesting, it is better to replace her to challenge you." Shi Tian Yulong said very gentleman.

After that, Shi Tian Weilong did not ink, and the bows were pulled into full moon, and then an arrow was shot, and the Ahtan's love smiled.

Shi Tian Rainlong is also shocked. Because the goals in front of you have not seen it, it has appeared behind the limb of the horror.

This is a moment!

It is too late to react when the Rain dragon is over.

"Death" Shi Tian Rain Dragon hate is eager again, then quickly turns.

However, Ahtan's lover did not continue to fight against Shi Tian Rainlong, and directly fell to the stone in the rain.

Shi Tian Weilong does not understand why the opponents in these days are so metamorphosis, they are basically a trick to kill themselves!

Ahtan's love did not continue to attack Shi Tian Rainlong but said his feet on the head of Shi Tian Rain dragon: "Hey, still a rare species, is this not a robbery? What happened? What happened?"

Shi Tian Rain dragon flooded the feet of Ahtan's love: "You, you will die! The master is you harm!"

Ahtan's love is also helpless, said: "Oh, it seems to be a unreasonable salted fish, which is the Master, and the robbery is an evil race, we haven't blame you yet. ""

Although Shi Tian Rainlong is a heart and hate, it is sometimes unable to step on the foot on his head.

On the other hand, the night's wind suddenly put down the tableware, then the eyes were very sharp to look at the distance in the distance, and stand up, and the face said: "What is it? How to have a shares so powerful What about the breath? Is it dead? Why are they come back to the world? "

Suddenly, the wind is like a real thing, and the coat will take the door to take the door.

013 chapter, come to save the land

fast! Be sure! At this time, the night is not able to determine that they are going to take Lu Qia, but the night is not a good thing!

Because in the world of the dead, it is a conspiracy of Lucia to Jing Ling court. The night grows can't make this conspiracy!

In order to Lucia is also a smooth alone in the world of death! Although it is a bit private, the most important thing is still life!

Night wind does not care if others can see hungry, that is, the start of self-beginning, is the speed of enhancing, afraid to dare. $ Miscellaneous Worm $

At this moment, Shi Tian Weilong is also dying. Ahtan's love is also known that they can't kill live people, otherwive haul, it will be very troublesome, so it is also very hard to be in hand.

Ahtan's love, the mouth likes to ridicule the enemy, and the self-confidence of him may be related. He looked at Shi Tian Yulong to say: "Hey, let go of the robbery."

Shi Tian Yulong is now like a wrapped nozzle, it is completely a bit of strength. This scene is like a scenario reproduction.

Why is it so powerful!

Is there a place where I can accommodate the rain dragon in my stone field?

Although the stone in Shi Tian Rain, although it is mad, it is too powerful for him to say that he is too powerful. It is completely turned over!

"Oh, what do you die, there is no good thing, you are also to bear the bloodline of the whole rumor! It is cruel!" Shi Tian Yulong saw that it was physically abducted to Ahtai. Love.

Ahtan's love is also a speechless back to the back of the dead wood: "Boss, can this human beings be killed?"

Shi Tian Weilong looked at the Ahtop in love, but it did not have a negative meaning. It seems that the essence of this thing began to become.

Ahtan's love is nothing to respond, so the smile starts to have become said: "Oh, it seems that you are no longer the last person of the robbery."

Ahtan's love will insert the soul knife in the ground next to Shi Tian Rain and then slowly move towards his neck.

"Don't! Love! Don't! He doesn't matter! You can bring me back! Take me back!" Lu Qia said half of the ground.

Ahtan's love is also a laughing, saying: "Oh, it can't work, the robbery is an evil blood, we must use the people!"

When Ahtan's just hit the neck of Shi Tian Yulong, Ahtan's love suddenly felt that his head seems to be hit by something, and then fly out.

Whether it is a person present, there is still a white mortuary, because Although Ahtan's love is as a deputy captain, it is also very powerful.

Ahttiji flew out after going out and quickly in the air, after standing with his heel, start looking for people who have just installed their own head.

Just now, it is not a hit. In fact, it is a foot behind the night. Now, the night is soaring that the neck is twisted and then directly summoned a message. "

The night is actually very clear, this two people come to the world, they want to take Lu Qia, otherwise what they come to do?

Fortunately, you are coming time, otherwise, not only the Lucia will be taken back, the life of the stone rain dragon is not.

But at this time, the night-hearted wind is not only a nervous feeling but also deeply glanced at Shi Tian Rainlong: "Hey, I saw you the second embarrassment time."

Shi Tian Rainlong is also known to have no words, if you speak, there is definitely a ridicule, so it is just that it is pretending to faint.

This is what is the idea?

You have these small waste, what is going to give you your ass! Look at Laozi!

But although it is so thoughtful, the night is also seen in an eye, I saw the dead woods stood behind the Ahtan's love.

The dead wood is also seen after seeing the night. It is put the hand on the top of the soul knife. He also knows that this night's long wind seems to be not small.

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