The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2512 Chapter 2512, Chapter 2512

At this time, the floral eight is already because the high temperature of the flame is completely the bodied black black image is the same as the carbon block, but the night grows don't know if he is alive.

In the face of such a person, there is still a little bit of a heart in the heart of the night, but he immediately put down his heart.

I have blown a wind in opposite, it is directly blowing more wood swords, and then I have never stood up again, and it seems that it is not only a more woody sword.

All the places that have been exposed to prison in the hot land are all coming, it is really the case where the inchelation is not born.

The night grows is also an angry, but the wood sword is to be defeated by himself. Although it is the body of the body, the body is strong, the conscious is also strong, but it is also a destruction of the fire.

Nowadays, the war is also an end, and the night cost is also a more deep understanding for the use of the spiritual pressure, so the night long is sitting on the knees of the iron.

After the start of all the flexible pressure used, then there is a breakthrough bottleneck for the attributes of the soul knife, and the night is also deeply thinking, and it is also beginning to drill the body.

For this stood, the biggest feeling is that the wood sword is really resistant. It is said that the night grows is also to start this problem.

Because more enemies more than the more wood sword eight, the spiritual pressure is now only 15,000 points, it is definitely unable to understand.

So, if you have some skills, you can't give you all the abilities. If you encounter any people who are not good to deal with, you will be yourself.

The night-catching wind began to gradually entered the sleep mode, sitting on the ground, and the well on the well is also very worried about the night long wind around the night.

I am afraid that the night's long wind is too promotion, then I will take a explosive body and die, and the Wiwi Ji is not allowed to happen, although she has time to retroactive, she doesn't want to see the scene.

This look at the well is to take a look at the whole night. The Wiwi Ji is trapped, and the early morning bird is called the night and the wind gradually begins to wake up.

"Call!" The night is lazy to stretch a lazy waist, and then discovered that the well on the pole is nodding, and it is understood that this silly girl is guarding yourself!

Night live wind is also distressed, watching the well, I can't bear to wake her, but I don't know why, the well is Ji Wake!

"Hey, Changfeng Jun is good morning, you wake up." Said that the well is fascinating.

Night live wind is also taken off the coat and said in the well of the well: "Wear some clothes, cold in the morning."

At this time, there is no time to care for the well, it is not because there is no gentleman's style, because I have practiced a night, I want to see what my spirit is in the end. The progress is made.

Because the night's wind is in the beginning, the night is feeling that his body is fluttering, and it feels that his spiritual pressure is rising.

Can't wait for the night-length wind to call out the property panel, then can't wait to look at your own push value!


It's just a good 25000 points, then this is not to explain that you can understand it!

The night is very happy to jump, this is not explanation, it is more powerful!

Chapter 024, encounter enemies

The night-long style stood up and breathed the surrounding air, but immediately regret it immediately, because you have made a trick yesterday, now the air is slowly burning. ξ ξ

When the night was spit, she pulled SHE to pull up the well, sitting on the ground, Ji Ji said: "Let's go, let's continue to hurry, I don't have much time."

Although it is a night long-winding, there is some exhaustion, but there is no way, because the night growing is that Lucia is facing death penalty.

Because the people who have made so much movement yesterday, the people of the corpse are not a fool, they must have already known, but the power is too strong, the investigation team still does not dare to come to the front check.

Looking at the far tower in the distance, Lucia should be that the night is very urgent, not worried about the safety of Lucia.

For the safety of Lucia's safety, the night grows is innocent. He is mainly worried about his precious three-time lottery!

No one can stop yourself, the night is also prepared to kill the Buddha in the morning.

On the well, weaving is also standing up and then patted the dust on the dress. The dust is followed by the night, and the night is not very clear.

Because the night wind is also aware, if it is guilty of the city, then the order of the enemy that you encounter is wrong, so the world is not as simple as it thinks.

It is very likely to be a wrong step. This story will be completely rewritten. Now I have a drama of the protagonist of Kurosaki.

Night live wind is not so thinking, but this is also something that there is no way, in order to survive and super god system rewards, I have to do this.

For the protagonist position of Kurosaki, the night grow is not interest, so he said that night long wind has been caught by this helpless, so many things you don't want to do.

The night-long wind roses a small road, which is a shortcut that he is clever when he is watching the death of God, and it really has it in the world of death.

The night is very excited, this is to explain that you can save a lot!

If you can escape a lot of captain, you can save Lucia directly.

At this time, the night is still suddenly stopped, because your own sense of feeling feels that the flying in Shidong is flying, just behind himself.

Behind your own, isn't it the location of Wiwi Ji?

The night long hurriedly pulled the well, then quickly slammed the knife, directly fell to the high-speed flying, and it was obviously the knife of the night, and cut it directly to two.

This thing is good for night!

This is the powerful anesthesia needle!

His drugs can be anesthetized directly!

It's not to say, the night is also known that I have met who I have met, this is the person who meets Shi Tian Yulong!

I didn't expect my own cup of ideas to be smashed. Because the people of the corpse are not too high, the night long style feels that I don't think I will have it by my own ideas!

After a while, a weird guy came out, and it also took a strange black and white mask. At the beginning, he thought it was empty!

This guy is not someone else, is the twelfth team captain and the Secretary of the Technical Development Bureau, the Secretary of the 2nd, and Nirvana!

This person is a very natural man, if it falls in his hand, it must be not good at the end, the anesthetic should be he throwing.

Niriefly, the head is somewhat excited to look at the inhi of the night length, said: "Hey, it is really a very beautiful girl, I really want you to do the test product."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, you don't have to see others, you still worry about yourself!" Night costs directly lit out the soul knife.

Niriefly smiled and looked at the night. "Do you know who I am, you dare to be so mad! Let me believe that I will do you to adult!"

Night wind is also very embarrassing, a middle pointing to Nirvon, when looking at the death, the night grows is very annoying this role.

"You become mad, eat it, I see you still study this, I will study you today!" The night grew is rushing up.

I didn't expect that Nirvana took her hand to show two female dead gods and sword in front of her, and the night is also because this hurry stopped his footsteps.

It's too garbage for women!

The night is still complicated to look at the women's death in front of you, and the god of the woman is full of despair, but it is still a common expression, it seems that Nirvana is really "not thin"!

One of the women's death, the night grows is also a human being, that is, Van Yin!

Because it is the unscrupulous treatment of Vatican, the night cost is deeply remembered by the people!

"I killed him!" Nirvana pointed to the night long.

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