The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2514 of the Chapter 2514 of the Prince of Tennis

It seems that this woman is very strong, although the captain is a personal slag, this is the death of death, it is really a good!

"Oh, you are misunderstood, I am not said to say your captain's meaning, I mean, can you join my camp?" The night grew happily.

But immediately he felt slowly killing, turned to see, the inho on the well, looking at himself, it seems to say that he is jealous.

Night wind is also a dark call to this matter! Then I immediately smiled, and I observed the eyes of the Wiwi Ji. "Oh, I am joking, I just have to see the subordinates of the corpse to the captain's loyalty."

026 chapter, Ice Fire meets

The night's long-standing side glanced, the inhabited Wiwi Ji seems to have not ended! The well on the well is still the same as that of the eyes. ∞ ∞ σ ∞ ∞ ∞

The Van Yin is a smile: "Okay, thank you for your murder, if there is nothing, we are first step."

Didn't wait for the long weather, two women's death is a very fast disappearance, this is a losses that lady and the soldiers!

I didn't think that my high-class cousin means is actually in the corpse world!

I am still shameful! It's really giving a man!

Night wind is sorry to have a queue in the heart!

However, the night is simple and comforted by a few wells, he just asked the letter: "Really?"

"Of course, do you see me to lie to you?" Said the goodness of the night.

On the well, weave Ji said with shoulders: "Oh, OK, I believe you this time."

Night long guessing reacts, what is the relationship between it and the well? Why do he have a feeling of tracheitis!

The night grows hurricane and then turns a bad thing, I don't want to be a bad thing!

This shows that the well is the genir!

The night's wind is not enough, then dry the cough and hurry and say: "Let's go, Lucia is still waiting for us, we will not delay."

Well, what is going to say, when watching the eyes of the night, the end of the eyes, but it is still in words, this is a little doubtful, but it is nothing.

They have been moving forward like this, after all, the purpose of this trip is not playing, it is coming to Jiuliya.

When I walked to the center of Jing Ling court, the night's long wind suddenly stopped the foot and then blocked the well on the well, and the Wiwiji seems to feel anything.

"It's so cold, the long-winding" in the well, the well, the tight squatting.

Night wind is also feeling like this cold, is there a change in the corpse?

It will have an answer in the heart of your own heart, this person is the day of the Tunnean Winter Lang!

Night wind is also an eye, it is aiming in the ice vermicular pill behind the daygurous winter boiler!

When you are upon my heart, it is a big joy, but I have met my favorite knives!

The day of the day Googong winter is the cold, and when you look at the night, you have been waiting for a long time.

"Hey, I am really waiting for you. You are so good, I heard that we have two captains that are lost under your hand?" Square, Songshi, is full of face.

I cao small silk! What is X! Dedicated, you can't match the ice pulley!

Night wind is very disdainful to see a day Facial Valley Winshi said: "You are the third."

The day Google Winter Lang is also in the original place, because he knows that the night's wind can arrive here is there must be his strength, so he is not darentest.

"If you can, you can try it!" Dafu Mills Winter Lang directly gave me! " Instantly, cold!

"Ice Dragon is spiral!" The day Google Winter Lang directly took out the lying knife knife to the night, the wind is crazy.

Night live wind is also slightly smiled, and the flow blade is smoked out.

"Helping!" The night is directly swept away, and all the icicles in an instant are directly cut, lost the ability to attack!

The day of the Facultus Winter Lang also said: "Sure enough!"

"That is nature!" The night did not touch the nose.

"Then you will try it again! The ice dragon is free!" The dayglass winter boiling turned again and turned a knife and waved a born in the ice dragon!

Night live wind is also clenched, if the fire is behind the knife!

"Fire Dragon is in the sky!"

This trick in Qiao Night is also like a dragon, flying out, ice dragon against the fire dragon! In the end, it is light!

Ice and fire have a pair, the space begins because this start is not soft, the temperature is low, and the two are not very comfortable!


After the two elements hit together, they immediately exploded, both of them pulled a certain distance, and then look at the other party refused.

"It seems that your soul knife is not garbage, let's talk, are you coming? Do you have some relationships with our team leader?" Rifeng Winshi asked.

The night is also contemporary: "Cut, the water is related to your bad old age, Laozi can be more handsome than him!"

Night wind is not to forget the stink when fighting!

"Oh, it's really not self-strength, I will tell you, my big end!" Tournaise Winter Lang directly push down!

Night wind is also huh, I said: "Ask for experts."

Night wind is that this is the meaning of the meaning of the meaning, and the downturn of the money is different is that his opponent can be able to use skills.

It's not comparable to the person who just compared to it, it is not comparable, at least the dayglass winter boiled kill!

Good people are also the genius teenagers who don't encounter the soul of the corpse!

Two people constantly cross fire, under the sword of the sword, there is a skill attack, and there is a body integrity, and the two play can be said to be not available.

This is also a passive thing to let the Supreme Facial Valley, because the elongation of the night-long wind is far more than the Tongshi Lang, attacking, is definitely a nozzle of the absolute advantage.

"Small short, I think you still go home to make up calcium, so I seem to be bullied children!" The night long eyes did not mock up to ridicule the day of the day.

The day Google Winter Silang is also coming to the temper: "Who do you say is a small short! Do you know how long is I am fire!"

"I can't do this, anyway, you are not short." The night's long-term ridicule said.

The day Google Winter Lang said directly in the mouth "bull! I want your life!"

At this time, the night's waves also borrowed the words of the day Googong winter boiler: "If you can."

The two have entered a white-hot confrontation again, but the day Google Winter Shir is still due to disadvantages, because of near fighting, I am really not as good as night!

" !!" Night live wind, if the fire is inserted directly into the ground and then releases the movement of the Direct spikes.

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