The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2520

Night wind is completely expected, and the dead wood is ever hired with his perfect walking and painless skills in the early stage.

But when the night grows, how can it be a person who is harassed! Directly condemn the condemnion, the arm is instantly zoom in and then not light is completely offsetting the fire, and also directly cut into the dead wood!

One look at this is the move of the village, directly retreat, but because the speed is too fast, I will have a riba to myself.

The dead wood is self-satisfied, and then quickly want to find a countertop, but I saw the huge weapon who had been waving once again.

The dead wood white can't release the defense directly, and most inside: "Eighty-one - break!"

The mortar wood is directly released to a wall!


The wall is directly cut into two halves, and the dead wood is also directly hit by a huge impact!

"Cough and cough!" The dead wood is lying on the ground to highlight a blood.

Night wind is also very contemptuous, I said: "What happened at this time, the dead wood captain, you won't work, I see if you have to take a break?"

"Joke!" Direct mean of the mouth in the mouth of the blood!

"Scatter! Thousands of cherry!" The expression of the dead wood is very confident.

The soul knife in the hand of the dead wood is so broken, and the drift is not floating in both sides, knowing that there is only the handle in his hand!

Since it is a small blade that can refill light, say that the blade of this sky is like a dazzling of the sky!

Night wind is also appreciating the "Sakura" that the sky is said: "Oh, cherry blossoms is really beautiful, it seems that it is really white."

"Oh, cooked duck mouth is hard!" The dead wood white is directly guided thousands of cherry attacks!

Night wind is also slight smile, lifting another soul knife, that is a green dio!

"Aoba," "" Soonlight, the young wind in the long wind started to make a pleasing roar, as if the bug is in the spring.

I sent a sound wave visible to the naked eye. After I met the sound waves, I started to stop, and I started turning over the dead wood!

After the end of the dead wood, it was stopped immediately, and thousands of cherry quickly became the appearance of the original soul knife.

This eye is because of the sake of sound waves, there have been some impact on thousands of cherry itself!

"I will also use the skill of the soul knife, it seems that I have read you very much!" Said the dead wood.

Night wind is also nodded: "Since you have seen me, do you want to open it? TING is an eye."

"That can't be." The dead wood will send the soul knife!

The blade slowly landed, but it did not fall on the ground, but did not get into the ground.

"Let me know! Thousands of Sakura Yan!" The dead wood is very angry, this is obviously not to fight the night, the long wind is not going on.

Night wind is also twisted neck, because it is very curious about thousands of cherry, so I said that night long wind is very much, I know that thousands of cherry this is the soul knife.

The soul knife of the dead wood is very fast, causing a big piece of ripple, and there will be a lot of pink huge blame from the ripple!

The quantity of the soul knife makes the skinny hair, and there are more than a million!

Then tens of thousands of knives are directly cleared! Then scattered a lot of debris! Although his appearance is still similar to it.

But the quantity is several times!

Scattered blades can reach this amount! It is also known that thousands of cherry is poisonous.

The thousands of cords of this understanding can be a full-scale stereo attack that is unrestrained in the attack and defense.

The dead wood white is also the hand of the hands, because this kind of speed can be increased to four times.

This is also seen that the dead wood white is very looked at this battle. It is normal for the dead wood. It is very small to use both hands to manipulate the thousands of cherry.

The dead wood is full of cold light and then directly releases.

"Dry!" After the thousands of cherry, the fragment of the cherry is like a honeycomb, after the angry bee, the furious bee, the beginning is the beginning of attacking the night!

Night wind is also a smile standing in the same place. "It seems that this trick is really a general spectacular!"

Although the sake of thousands of cherry is very strong, the night long wind is not completely the way, the night cost is directly used to quickly waving the soul knife in front of himself, starting to fight for thousands of cherry. .

However, the speed of thousands of cherry is not a short, and the night cost is also an alternative to this speed, then smile and say: "It seems that it is not enough to look at it!"

Chapter 034, passing

After night, I retired a few steps and quickly escaped the attack of thousands of cords, but the speed of thousands of cherry is far more than the night cost estimate. No miscellaneous worm No

Two hands of the dead wood manipulate thousands of cherry: "Don't struggle, there is nothing, you will eventually die in thousands of cherry!"

When the night is laughing, I just can't talk, but I started to run, just in the place where the Night Sakura has reached the back of the night, the night is moving!

The night grows quickly opens! Then flash to the back of thousands of cherry, will also directly understand!

" ! Black rope Tianwang!" The moment of a huge body armor appeared in front of thousands of cherry!

Thousands of cords are also direct attack black rope and contending the king! But it is really too high defense for the black rope, and the prostitute is really too high. It can't go in a time!

At this time, the night's wind is also directly extended, and the eyes flashed a sly and said: "The arson is two! Red flying!"

Instantly, the arsenal is straight and then sprayed out of the two-section sharp blade! Like the rain, it is directly smashed on the blade of thousands of cherry!

Thousands of cords were the blade of the soul, so they said that they were directly scattered by night long winds, and the goblin is better than that of thousands of cherry!

Although the number of thousands of cherry is much, but the consumption of the dead time, the dead wood white is also seen in the matter, so quickly control thousands of cherry!

But it is really useless! Dimming wood white ,, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

When you discover the dead wood, it is late. Thousands of cords are done directly to recovery, until thousands of Sakura is completely dissipated!

In the end, thousands of cheroids are not returning to the knives of the dead wood, just because the night grows is completely completely destroyed!

"It's evil, it will actually have a skill!" The dead wood is a little weak.

How did he think of herself will be considered by a human, and the cost of the price is not trustworthy! Thousands of cords are so abolished!

Night live wind is also a smoked, watching the dead wood, white: "Hey? You are a soul knife? Why don't you go back?"

"Cut! Shameless! Dare to design me!" The dead wood is still cold look, facing the night's wind in front of you, it seems to be prepared to die.

The night is also laughing, and I put together the quantity said: "Oh? You will die without designing me? From the beginning, you design me! Yes, you are justice, I Is it evil? "

This is unhappy in the night, because he is the most hateful of others, because the dead wood is calculated, so he said that the night-hearted wind must give him a little memorial to let him taste!

The dead wood is said: "I certainly just just, you can invade!"

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