The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2522 of the Chapter 2522 of the Prince of Tennis

The night cost stop in front of everyone, there is no one who dares to go forward, and it has caused a steady state in a time!

At this time, the suggestion of the ultrasound system sounded in the head of the night.

Ding! The ultrasound system is deploying you!

Congratulations on your outstanding completion task!

Task reward: three route draw qualifications

I wish you a happy system, look forward to your use again!

I got this notice of night growth, I'm going to jump, this is not a general happy, my own purpose is completed, come here to draw three times!

Seeing the three people who have left, the night is gradually gradually put down, and I didn't look at the thousands of people in front of you. "Where should you go, I want to fight for yours."

Everyone is also a sound that is refurbished, just slowly letting a road, slowly Yamamoto Liu Wei slowly comes out from everyone.

"Oh, young man, your courage is really big, you don't like to die, first in invading the corpse of the corpse, planting the Jing Ling court, not only defeating my captain, but also robbery I have gone the prisoners of my corpse. "Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei stunned.

Night live winds directly, if the flow blade is fired, directly pointed to the Shan Dynasty, Liu Wei, said: "Then you don't have to say more, you and I will have a good winner!"

Chapter 036, double fire

The state of the two is that the sword is arrogant, and the night is in the wind, and the Kurosaki, the guard is a far away, and there is a lot in mind. ""

Not only is the successful task, as long as they can return to the original road, then find that the send gate can return to the world, even if you can't find the delivery door, go back to find the night.

The night-long seeing is already almost completed. At this time, the night should be running. If you run, you should not be a problem, even if you are chasing the country, there is also a chance. escape.

It is now simmed that the night is in the night, and it seems that all the winners are all in their own hands.

But at this time, the night's long wind did not turn around and didn't turn around, but turned around to face the mountains. Liu Wei said: "I said, let's make a won, your soul knife is mine. "

It turned out that the night grew well or remembered the soul knife in the hands of Yamata, Liu Wei, and I would like to know what is the case of the fire.

"The kid, you still have a lot, if you have a person, you have a war's soul knife? You can't play the power of the soul knife, one is that your kid will feel me?" Yamamoto Yuan Liu Yu said heavyly.

Although the night length is already useful for the elders' good attitude, the Shan Benliu is still very uncomfortable to have a person who has the same war knife with himself.

The night length stopped, smiled and smiled and didn't talk, and then smoked his other soul knife. It is a ice pulley!

That is, it is raven from the day Facial Valley Winter Lisho.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei said that there is a wonderful doubt of the world: "You can really do this, how can you take a soul knife?"

The night is directly attacked!

Because this time everyone knows more, there is no need, if you have the strength, you don't need extra words, only the battle is the most solved.

"Help!" The two people have made the skills of fire!

The two have a hard force collided together, and the two were their body slightly, but they did not retreat, it seems to be enemies.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is also a gas, seeing the enemy of invasion of his land actually has the soul knife who thinks with himself. It is not to play, so he said that the mountains of Yoshui will be serious.

One stop of the two can be said to be shocked! The strength of the two thinking strengths collided with the source of strength, but no one was injured, and no one was in a disadvantage!

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is directly larger and retreat, and the soul knife is in front of himself: "Let's know! I will be too hot!"

Is this the real price of the price? I can't help but play a spit, but I didn't have a counterfeit, so I said that I still have a little peace of mind.

The power of Shan Benliu's heavy country is really strong, and the fire is too knife to use it! Everything that encounters all is gray and flying!

But is it good to be good at night? What is the most taboo! Is your own timidity! Although no one is in front of the real goods!

It is like you bought a pair of high imitation shoes, and people can't see the shoes, but people have a pair of genuine shoes! Even if people can't see it, there is still a virtual!

But what is the night growing! It is completely in your own heart, there is no evil, and I am really! This is something that superhen is given! It is a complete new thing.

So, the idea of ​​this thick face is also a key time, and saved his team! If the night is windy, the mountains of the mountains will not only be the night, and there is their own team.

The idea of ​​night long wind is very simple, if you don't deal with him, who else can deal with him? Is it a napurittarian rain dragon or a well?

The first two are definitely in the development of the character, the latter is completely a girl who is unbearable, so I can't bear to take my companion to take risks.

There is also something that I am going to go to Yamamoto, and I will make them run, I still have a good bubble, so I can go back to the lottery! ,

Just kidding, the lottery is a capital of living! It is the capital that you can fight with your opponent. If you don't have a super-god system, you may die in the dead world!

"Boom!" Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is a "Songming", which will hit the night, and you can make the chaos! It's simply available to the wolf to describe the term of the night.

Why don't you use tricks to attack the mountains? Because in the world of the world, there is a limited life, even the strong people are still the day.

Night wind is waiting to go to the face of the mountains in the world, and the night is also gradually discovered, but the night is also gradually discovered, hiding is not a good way!

"Really multi-layer ice wall!" Night costs directly understood the ice mesen pills in the air, and the ice wall of a layer is now covered by himself. It is just offset the mountains and Liu Yu thrown. "torch"!

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is a serious country, and the night's wind is really the ability to use the soul knife, muttered: "Who are you?"

The ice wall collapsed, and then the night is very calm from the inside. Looking at the Yamata Liu Wei's very surprised expression night long is a little laughing.

Because Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is already an old man, the wrinkle pressure is not open, so it is normal to say that the mountains in the mountains are squinting.

However, the current Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is actually a big open eye, it seems to have been a saddle, the night's smile, the smile: "What? Is it very surprised?"

"Oh, young, you really created the history of the corpse, indeed there is no heat dog simultaneous dose to put the soul knife, but the old man still have to retain you today." Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei said.

Night wind is not satisfied: "Oh, it's not a good thing, you can't do it, others, it's also a retrieval, you have a review, do you have a review?"

037 chapter, blue dye appearance

"Kid, young people talk too impetuous, it is necessary to pay for their words, although you are very strong, but don't want to be comfortable!" Yamada Yuan Liu Wei smiled. = Miscellaneous ∥ ∥ =

It seems that the Shan Mashang Liu Wei is sincere to make himself not too much. Under normal circumstances, normal people have been scared, but the night long is not careless to dig the nostrils: "Just."

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei heavy country three, five eloed two, the two of them revealed the strong muscles and the horrified knife, this is what the Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is seriously fighting.

Night live wind is also directly explained, and the night's long wind has always consumed the spiritual pressure of Shan Biao Liu Wei, and now it is reasonable to attack it.

Night long-lasting left hand ice sleeve pill right hand, if the fire, it is like a human head harvester, the wind, the wind, the sky, the mountains, the mountains, the sun, the mountains, the world, the heavy country is also left and sole, the night .

"Ice dragon is free!"


Night-hard wind is directly to the mountains, Liu Wei, is released by two big moves! Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is also a faceless look at the momentum of the rain, and there is no panic.

"The fire is too knife!" Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei's heavy country waving the flow blade in his hand, then his eyes, looked at the night, and immediately waving the soul knife.

Night long winds have made skills, they are resolved directly by Yamada, Liu Wei, directly with the fire! Tight is waving two times in the move!

This is the power of the fire! It is definitely the power of the soul knife, and this is also very recognized, and it is also a very sympathy for the opponent. If the fire is really not good, if the fire is really not good!

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