The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2528, Chapter 2528, Chapter 2528 of the Prince of Tennis

Night-catching wind is also forced to exhale the list of properties, I want to see what is in this page, how is the tension in this page, now the night grows still there is still a complete consumption of the push-up of the plunder!

Night hard look, you are suddenly bright!

Your own spiritual pressure has already risen to 200,000!

It's just about 200,000! This is very capable of explaining problems, this is to explain the spiritual pressure in these few books, must have been 50,000, it seems that he stills looks at the mountains, Liu Wei!

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is very likely that there is no release of all the strength. The night grows is also slowly recalling. It is also a heavy country that is only used in the fire.

The rest is that there is no use of yourself. This is also able to see if it is really a heavy country, it will be a descendant.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is a lot of fire. If the fire is definitely better than the meal fee, the power is definitely more powerful than the night, but the mountains will be unfortunately used.

Is it taking yourself? Still some other things, so that the mountains of Liu Hao have no way to use the power of the group, which can be the ability of the death of the gods.

The night's wind is completely dare to imagine. If it is really a hill Billin, the heavy country is giving him, you will not live back, but the night is different!

Now yourself, but there is a man with a pixel! The people who can be up and down can be easily crushed. Even if the captain level, the night-catching wind can hang them all!

The night cost is also a burst. If the night is not controlled at that time, then directly go to the mountains, and the people are desperate, they are dead.

Night wind is also very dark to arrive at his own machine. It is fortunate. After all, it is the owner of Shan Benliu, the owner of the corpse, the king of Jing Ling court, it can be set out from there is already very good. .

Night-catching wind looks the appearance of the sewing calendar, but also packing your own mood, and then open the door to go to school, the night grows at least is now completely as a student!

The opening of the door is a long-awaited in the eye. It is already equal to the same amount. It is already a long time. The night is also a feeling that I am embarrassed. "Weaving Ji, you have been waiting for a long time, really Sorry. "

"It's okay, let's go to school! Changfeng Jun!" The well is completely unwilling to say.

045 chapter, Pingzi Zhenzi

Night winds all the way, the hand of the Wiwi Ji has passed the noisy crowd, and the people on the road are also all the eyes of the gods and watch the night, and there is some admirings. Miscellaneous

But the night is not careless, not what you are afraid, but you really don't want to make things, if you original your temper, these people are definitely all over, and you have a person!

After walking to the class, I started working as a day, and I started a day of courses, and I was completely returned to the life of the campus, and the night's long-lasting rose.

However, the good scene is not particularly long, immediately, a person's figure, let the night's brow again wrinkled together, this person knows, and it is a very tricky role!

A hanging gentleman and slender figure appeared in front of everyone, and a yellow neck was short, and the face was very unexpected, this person is a slap.

In his death world, he is a team member of the zero team, and the best is to observe, and he is the leader of the furnish army! This guy is definitely coming to find a night!

Originally, you, he must come to Kurosaki, but now it is not a protective guard, but also a long wind! Therefore, the goal of the Pingzi Zhenzi is definitely not an official of Takasaki.

When Ping Zimoni just told this Thai, it was not waiting for self-introduction, it was a long story.

"Hey, you look at this person is so strange, he is a dry thing, watching his age should also be a little age, I see if I don't have to learn too many times!"

"Haha, I see it, I see it is like this, and I look at him is also like a good person, and he looks at his hair! You are an abnormal person!"

"Enen! I look also, and you see him not male or female, I see him is a metamorphosis! Be sure to have less and he communicate! Otherwise, you are staring at it!"

After listening to this classmate, the students around them, so I immediately ended my Lauren. Because it is still a matter of being afraid, it is bad!

Pingzi Zhenzi is also what others don't care about his opinion. Anyway, he is to perform the task, and human beings are an important protection object of flat-son, so he still can't do anything.

"Hello, I am called Pingzi Zhenzi. At the age of this year, I am a grade, I hope to get along with the blow, and then have a good memory!" Ping Zi Zhen was bent over.

The students are also the beginning of the program, and some are even don't applaud. It is not applauded to include night long winds!

On the well is also discovering this matter, and some doubts: "Changfeng Jun, you have been learning classmates, how do you not say welcome, a friend after fighting?"

"This person, I will stay away from him later, especially you." The night's wind said that he didn't say good luck.

After the welcome consciousness was over, the slabs of the Zhenzi didn't seem to be very conscious. The table and the stool came to the back of the night, and the night is touched. "Oh, hello."

"Roll." Night live wind is also very ruthless, there is no need to give Pingzi Zhenzi in the tone.

On the well, we didn't have a good breath, and then he also looked at the Pingzi Zhenzi.

On the well, wear the politeness and greeted, but it found that the slat is actually ignored himself, it seems that the eyes are only very good.

"You are integrity, don't want to talk to me, I am here to have an important thing to discuss, my identity you may not know, if you say it, you may be scared by you. "Ping Zimu said with a smile.

When the night length, the sound of the Ping Zi was said: "Where are you still getting cool, I am talking, my girlfriend said, my mood is not very good, you give me a glow."

Inside the night's heart, it is really annoying. Because it is said that it is the appearance of this appearance of Ping Zi Zhenzi, and then it is very annoying people.

"Oh, kid, I just see this matter is to discuss with you, so I said that I will talk to you, or you think who you are, think that it is in the corpse Is it too powerful? "Ping Zimo said.

The night is also the head of the head. The eyes of the head and watching the squats. "I will tell you, my heart, people who fight the dead, my sister, you kill six Captain, there is also a good attitude towards garbage, if you think, just shut up, don't force me. "

"Hey, Xiaomei is also ting, I am really afraid, hey." Ping Zi Zhenzi couldn't help but start to spit.

Night live wind is also very good, say: "I know that my power will hurry, don't worry about it here, you are an old lady, it is really unfortunate."

Pingzi Zhenzi is also a doctor who has been laughing, but still is still entangled in the night, although it is not talking, but when it comes to get out of class, the squatter is always the same as the night.

In the end, even the last toilet, the flatness of the Zhenzi is to follow the night, really makes the night grows completely.

The night is full of face: "Hey, you are stupid, I am in a toilet, you come, I am still not a metamorphosis!"

"Oh, huh, Laozi is also in the toilet, you really can't make it wrong, I see you a little loose rope." Ping Zimian said.

Night-length wind is going to hit the Zhenzi, but I want to think about it. It is a school, so I said that the night is also slowly put down my hand, saying: "Don't follow me, otherwise, Laozi will hang you. beat!"

After that, the night's wind is turned to leave.

It can be, it is going to school, and the night grows quickly pulled the well, and it's all, I am afraid that the Zhenzi is, or if it is, I can't do this.

On the well is also concerned about the night long saying: "Changfeng Jun, what happened to you, isn't you uncomfortable today, I see that your state is not very strong."

Night-catching, I can't watch it, so I just want to say it, it is TING, but it is a smile: "Nothing, I am a little sleepy today, tomorrow is good, Ä is not in the heart on."

046 chapter, is angered

The night-catching wind this movement is a very beautiful lady seamless, and the well on the well is not to see Ni came!

"Really? Chang Fengjun, what's what you want to say to me, I don't allow you to do anything else, know if you don't have anything, I will go home. .V miscellaneous "insect V" in the well.

Night live wind is also slowly said: "Okay, let's go, see you!" After the two people gathered, the Wiwiji was closed.

After the night-long wind, the well is just after the door, the night is beginning to speed up the pace of speeding, and the night is not there. Nothing is nothing. If you don't want to let the well, Ji Ji know.

This is also a special protection for night long winds, because it is able to feel the knife, and there is a flexible in his vicinity. Therefore, I said that I have to let the well on the well.

When I walked to my home, the night cost stopped, then twisted the neck and said: "Hey, enough metamorphosis, you come out, from all. I found you have been."

The gradually a tall figure appears, it's a slap! At this time, the square is a very strange expression, and then slowly takes out his own false and soul knife!

"Hey, you are don't have a good man, you don't have a good, my things also bring, I see you is definitely don't know what the candle is. Do you know how you know?" Ping Zigu said. .

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