The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2540, Chapter 2540, Chapter 2540 of the Prince of Tennis

When the night is seen, the moment is the fire is coming, because when I started, Glemjo is charting, or if Gleim Joe's words, the inho is not scared!

At this time, the principle of the night is, you get my woman! I will want your life!

"Run !?" The night is rushing directly, and I want to stop the two, but the reaction ability of the city's silver and silver is not fast, and they will play the gun directly!

Night live wind is also in a hurry, because the problem of swearing, missed the chance to stop the two people, so I can only continue to chase the night!

"Don't run!" The night's lives were once again angry, and a look of breath.

Just in the city of silver and Greemjo are about to enter the torn space!



Gremjo's arm is directly broken! A large number of blood is sprayed from Gremjo's arm!

But Greemjo also didn't do anything else to run directly! Because he knows! If you stay in your own, you will not only be your arm, and you have your own life!

064 chapter, only pleasant

In the case of the way of falling into the empty, it is because of the help of the city's squatting silver, Greemo is not lying on the ground. On the one hand, the pike consumption is too high, and there is one aspect is the night. Cut off the arm.

Because the night's wind has already opened the fire too knife, as long as the things encountered, all the things that are asze, the arms cut by the night, have been cut off, and it has been completely flying.

Fortunately, it is the fast of Glim Jo, or half of his body is easy. Now Greemjo's arm is completely can't be treated, the wound is completely burned, it is very miserable.

City Pills looked at Ge Limo said: "What is going on? How is this becoming this?" In fact, the city's silver is aware of the good night, this purpose is to ridicule Grem Joe.

Greemjo also said: "Who knows, this guy is strong, I have never seen this, how is it so scary, I know that I will believe in Urchiola. "

"Oh, how is it now?" Said the city's silver mock up.

Greemjo also didn't talk, because I just fled that I was called by the city's silver, I also didn't say anything, I lost it, but the basic reason is still to find.

Greemjo is not willing to shook his head: "Cut, because I am in the world, so if I can't play all the strength, if I am in a virtuous ring, I will give him eight pieces!"

"Oh, then I really want to wait and see." The city's silver began to smile in the heart, it seems to be a bad water in the belly.

Gremjo is also a non-comment with the city, because you know that you are sinful, you must be a batch after returning to the virtual ring.

Now Greemjo's main thinking is how to talk to the blue dye, let him give you a light handling, because no one wants to die, run out from the virtual ring, then bring the soldiers, not only did not win, but also lost The enemy!

Greemjo is now just a matter of thinking, if you wait, if you wait, if you can wait, it is too easy to impulse, but I don't have anything.

Thinking about thinking, yourself and the city's pills have arrived in a virtual ring. It is virtual night palace in front of you! Greemjo's heart is also a bit, because you are most afraid of it.

Compared to blue dyeing to your penalty, the battle of the night is like a home, because the mood of blue dye is floating, who knows what he will give yourself?

City pills passed Gremjo to the face of blue dye, then directly kick it on the leg of Glim Joe, Greemjo is also directly in front of blue dye.

City Pills said to the blue dye: "Blue dyed adults, prisoners bring you, you can now trial him."

"Okay, I have worked hard, you go down." Blue dye waved, then his eyes looked at Ge Limjo.

At this time, Gremjo is very humble on the ground, it is really a child who has made a mistake.

Blue staining is also a magnetic saying: "Lift the head, the sixth blade, let me see if you don't listen to what you are like."

Greemjo gradually lifted his head, then said the remorse: "Sorry, blue dyed adults, what punishment, please come out, I know is wrong."

"Other people? Are you dead? Still hide?" The blue dyeing sound is gentle, and it can't see it. The blue dye is angry or not angry.

Gremjo said that the head buried and said: "All the death is my responsibility, I am willing to be responsible."

"Oh, this is of course your responsibility. But I don't want you to admit mistakes, talk to me, you run out and fight against him, how is he? Strong?" Blue dyeing .

Greemjo lifted his head and said: "Yes, he is very strong, his ability to see if it is not all used, and he is definitely an overwhelming advantage."

"Oh? Is it so powerful, what you mean is that I am hard to cultivate, but I still play a human being?" Blue staining opened his mouth.

Gremjo is also a hurricane. He said: "Please ask the blue dyeing of adults, it is incompetent!"

At this time, Glimco wanted a penalty, because of this, it is better to punish it directly, and the blue dye has been hanging himself, let himself panic.

At this time, the blue dyed smiled and then waved: "Haha, ok, I don't scare you, I don't give you a hard punishment, you first get up."

"However, you can disappear, and the sin is difficult, because you fight in the world, but also let the virtual circle lose our strength, so I decided to cancel your breakdown ten blade." Blue dye said.

The hand in Glim Jo is completely put down, although it is the name of his own broken, but it is still possible.

For breakfast, it is important to be more important than the break of your face and your own life, so Ge ​​Limjo is also worth it, and the name of the blade is also said to Gremo. That is to talk about it.

Speaking of Ge Lemjo, it is necessary to watch the temper of the blue dye, Gemeko must be dead without the whole corpse, seeing the blue dye is not a sin and yourself, so it is only the only Ido left.

After returning to your site, Gremjo also found that his own subordinates is also whispering, because his own eligible ten blade has been deprived, and the following response is also abnormal.

Most of them are complaining, Gremjo is not a black-faced side, everyone else should not be mixed with him, Gremjo is also deeply touching, because the strength of the night is not a general person you can shake. .

Even if the reality weaken, it is not possible to play a man, and Ge Lemjo can't help but start, this night is so far.

It is dead or broken, because Gleim Jo knows that the night cost is used to use, and it is also the understanding of the soul knife. This is to make you very much don't understand.

Where is the problem, is it that night Changfeng is so uncomfortable?

Greemjo said that it is also unwilling to believe that he still thinks that a human, just the power of the soul knife, and weakened it.

065 chapter, flyer legion

On the other hand, it is very unhappy, and it is very uncomfortable. On the side of how to revenge, while thinking about how to revenge, because people have entered a virtuous ring.

Although this battle is cheap, it is also very dissatisfied, but the night grows is very dissatisfied, although it is a arm of Germacho, but it is a bit a pity that they can't take his life. .

If you want to have a team, how can you build a team? The creature of the virtual circle is a little sloppy, there is no more saying, the blue dye may do some garbage breaks and night long.

Since the night's long-winding is destroyed, the blue dyeing means must be unexpected, and it is not possible to define the blue dye in accordance with the previous situation.

This is strong, the stronger is strong! Night wind is now really impossible, scratching the brakes thinking about what to do, asking Takasaki estro, these people must not work, because the relationship between themselves and the death is not very good, Let the inho on the Wiwi Ji and Shi Tian Rain Dragon, the night cost is still on the strength of them.

And the blue dyes they are more popular. They cannot protect their own single-gun horses. Although it is not the top priority of the night, it is also auxiliary person. If there is no, his own task cannot be completed.

At that time, I was going to stay in this world of death, not only can't talk so much, I gave yourself here, and the night grew is like this.

Just as this is a meeting, the night's head is flashing, if you are united with your own and the fans? Isn't this the strength of confrontation? !

The francifier is not a slave's army, so this is not too worrying that this is to avoid direct conflicts with the people of the god, and it is impossible to cooperate with death.

This night's long wind is a good thing. When you go to save Qia, the night grows is completely thinking. If you rescue Lucia, then you will become the body of the corpse. Enemy.

Night wind is also thinking about it. This seems not to be my own, because you are fully acting in accordance with the instructions of superhen systems, this is not what you think.

It seems that the protagonist of the dead world should have been in Takasaki. It should be a slow growth that is slow to get the blue dye, but the supernitious system is directly reaching the night. The wind turns into the protagonist!

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