The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2543 of the Chapter 2543 of the Prince of Tennis

The night-long wind is also thinking about it. You can't have a good night's own one day, you must pay some actual actions, or if you go, you will be late.

The night cost is also at the same time, the people around you, the death will definitely not be expected, and their hatred can be described in the same way, if they are helping, it is impossible.

But I have a guard of Lucia and Kurosaki, and there is also in the well, the Ji Yidian rain dragon. The well on the well is standing here, Shi Tian Weilong has always been with Takasaki because I hate the death of God. Protect them in contact.

This is a place for yourself. If you are weaving, the training is very big. The progress space of Shi Tian Yulong is also very big. As long as it is good, it is a good helper that will attack the virtual ring later!

It's ready to go to the night, you are going to class, so you can say something like this. If you say it, you can say it. It is also understanding that you can help yourself.

Just like this, you will go home with a big step. If you think that you don't want to fight with the creature of the virtual circle, you are not asleep, and I have been in the middle of the knee.

In this regard, the superhen system gives him very powerful, and there is no rest, that is, there is no limit in the limits of the night-wind, it can always rise.

I have passed the past one night. When the morning sun sprinkled into my room, the night grewer was slowly opened, but immediately was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Because your own G is sitting on a slim gadlodious girl!

Do you have a spring dream? Because of the reasons for sunlight, the night cost is a little bit of a girl's face.

This dream is really good! It's really giving yourself!

Night-catching winds or even gave yourself a slap, because the scene in front of you is very tempting, if it is not a dream, who will sit in his own G?

"You woke up, Changfeng Jun, why do you sleep on the floor?" The girl talked.

Night wind is also reacted at once, this is the voice of the wells in the well! Is this a girl sitting on G and looks like this?

When the night is very windy, I said: "Ah, I am not, I am practicing, but you, how do you come in? I haven't heard the sound of opening?"

Night live wind is also very confused, because the Wiwiji is no key, how did you enter your own room?

Well, weaving, slightly smiled: "Haha, you are a hoggle, I came in the morning, I saw that your family didn't lock the door, I thought it was, I would like to come in and see, I saw you, sitting on the ground "

Night wind, a head, I have forgotten it yesterday!

Fortunately, I am asking, otherwise, I will commit a big mistake! If you think about the night, you think about it. It's just a red. It's not dare to go down!

"Since you are awake, then let's go to class, isn't you already escaping for a lot of days? I am a little can't keep up, and you are not worried about your homework!" Following the well, I also grabbed the ear of the night!

It is also very excited in the night's heart!

Hahaha! Grab your ears! Grab your ears!

Is this a taste of love!

It is also too cool!

The night's heart is very ignorant, and there is a trace of flush on his face. Then slowly stand and say: "Okay, a grandmother, I will study hard, you can rest assured, you don't want to go. It's late! "

"Hey! Now you are coming! I don't see you so anxious!" On the well, Ji Ji did the mouth, and the milk was clear.

Night live wind is on your mouth, don't psychology but honest! I said that my grandmother is lightly light, and I can't cool it with my heart!

069 chapter, gradual

"Cut! You don't say anything, you will go with me!" Well Ji Ji saw the night's wind so good, and there were a lot of saying, put down the hand and then holding the night long wind. Slow Going forward.

At this time, the night grows like a young girl in the first time. I didn't even say that I walked in the inhike, I like the things around you can make yourself shy. same.

I went to the school, and the well is also put down the hand, and said to the night long and smile: "Okay, do you want to give me a knew? Must be good at class, just next to me, I will be optimistic next to me. your!"

Night live wind is also low, saying: "Ok, I will obey, you can rest assured, I know, you are next to me, do you want to see less than class!" .

Well, the jelve, the attitude of the night is so good, do not say anything, Ting Ting ting said: "Okay, this is still almost, I will see you show! If you don't give me a good time, big punishment Serve! "

At this time, the well is also like a small witch, but it is Zhou Yu to play yellow cover. One is willing to fight a wish, the night is just the person who likes to be beaten.

After the two, the two will then communicate after the eyebrows, the teacher is to enter the house, the teacher looked at the night, the long wind and the Wiwi Ji didn't seem to say what to say, I went straight, I want to Words are like.

At night, I also looked at Lu Qia's direction at this time. Lucia was obviously doing something, because I just put down my hands, definitely wiped the teacher's memory.

However, the night cost is now discovering his own murderous, and the night is nervous. This doesn't have to think about it is well!

"I told you to listen to you, don't tell you to see beauty, know!" The well on the well was very embarrassed to look at Lucia then looked at the night.

I have to say that the night is also feeling, since it is a Wiwi Ji and yourself, it has changed much with the previous in the well, and what is the specific thing, I don't know.

Night wind is also shaking, because there is still someone else in this dead world, the night is also happy, after all, this girl gives yourself a great sense of danger than this world.

Night live wind is also observing the stone field rain dragon, Shi Tian Yilong is also a teacher who is watching the teacher. It is obvious that he is not very able to hear the teacher's speech, because it is still in the same day, it is still useless The curious eyes look at the night of the night.

Night wind is also shaking his head. If you don't look, yourself and Shi Tian Weilong's relationship is a lot of ease, but it is not the relationship between friends, because Shi Tian Rainlong looks at himself, not because it is because of his strength. .

Night wind is also thinking, although Shi Tian Rainlong and his relationship is not as harmonious, he is also a colleague's hateful and dead god. In the future, it is still great to help himself.

In this case, it is entirely what it is. If you go through school, you can also call the Shi Tian Yulong and in the well and the Ji and talk about it.

Soon time, I immediately arrived at Qi, when I was get out of class, my night was pulling it, I went to the door of the class, stopped Shi Tian Rainlong.

Stone Tian Rain Long is still a little timid, because he doesn't know what is the intention of the night grows, but looks at the nights of the face, it is definitely not as simple as you have lunch.

It is definitely something to say to yourself. Shi Tian Yilong also pressed his own question and pushed the pushed glasses. "What happened?"

"Oh, it's like this, I have something to know, so I don't eat myself, I will go to the rooftop today, we have something to discuss." Night long wind is also open to see the mountain.

Shi Tian Yulong saw his guess, but at the time, it was certain that he could not refuse the wind. The strength of the night, the strength of Shi Tian Yu Long is very impressive. At the beginning, Shi Tian Yulong is right. The night is very impressive.

From the beginning, Shi Tian Yulong called the night and the night and the game, Shi Tian Rain dragon was already the strength of the night's wind.

When I arrived at the corpse of the corpse, I was defeated directly to the Sixth Captain and Yamamoto. When I got it. When I got it, Ishida Rainlong knew how the night is long. How is the night? Horror.

If you have a hard-harder than night long-lasting, Shi Tian Rainlong is definitely can't pick up a skill of night, and the stone rain dragon does not have that conflict with the night.

Shi Tian Yulong promised to say: "Let's go, I will go to Tiantai."

Night live wind is also very surprised, because Shi Tian Yu Long Night Breeze is aware of it, it is a very personality, there is an idea of ​​yourself, it is a very difficult person, but because of his words, it is Watching post.

Shi Tian Rainlon is not a fool, because the strength of the night is really like the ghosts, although I don't know why the night is going to school, but Shi Tian Yulong does not dare to guess.

Seeing that there is no opinion, and the night cost is directly to the Tiantai, with the Wiwi Ji and Shi Tian Weilong, but this time the well is not willing to go.

Night live wind is also the meaning of the Well, because the top of this sky is "small mixed" site, which is the place where students can go to the sun, but they have to be dinner in the class.

Night wind directly grabbed the hand of Wiwi Ji: "Nothing, let me go, I won't fight."

Well, the Ji Ji is also nod, because this man is too much to give himself a sense of safety, and I am afraid that the night is growing. It is afraid that the temper of the night is one, but I don't know what I will happen. What is going on.

Shi Tian Rainlong is also a little bad impression on the rooftop, although it is much better than these human beings, but because they don't want to make things, I have never been to Tian Taiwan.

Night wind is also shaking his head: "Nothing, come on me."

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