The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2553 of the Chapter 2553 of the Prince of Tennis

084 chapter, strange break

Blue dyeing is seen around the surroundings, it is the feet of the court, and there is a feeling of being unable to satisfy!

Millions of tens of thousands of troops can you be a mankind from you?

Blue staining is also a confident look, then Nan Nan self-prison: "Oh, it is really a strange. When I started inherited the boy who had inherited the power of the dead, the result is halfway Kill it out of night! "

Although there is still an interest in Kurosaki before the blue dyeing, the blue dye is also found that there is no surprise of the Kurosaki, and some people have predicted that Kurosaki is the power to end. . ∧ π π π π ∧ ∧

Blue dye is also unconsciously laughing: "Oh, it's really something wrong. It seems that it is really impossible to hear the predict. Whether it is the Kurosaki escort or a night long style will be completely crushed! "

With the order of blue dye, all the broken faces are followed by blue dye looking for the trail of the night long wind, if the night is not a virtual ring, no one, no one knows, but for the night The wind is said that this is the most correct choice.

On the other hand, Shi Tian Weilong and night-long wind governments have a real progress. There is no change in the virtual night hood that does not change the distance.

At this time, Shi Tian Weilong also sat down: "Hey, don't leave, I am really a shadow in this year, and this virtual night palace is stagnant, you see that we are not wrong. Ah. "

The night grows is also the same, because it does not find the virtual night palace, it means can't rescue the well-weaving Ji. Now, the night is completely don't know what is the situation, who knows that the blue dye will do what to do?

The night is also sitting down in Shi Tian Yulong, saying: "Waiting for it, first, let me feel, this is not so simple, if you can go in, I can see blue dye is also stupid. Got home."

Although I didn't say anything, I didn't say anything, but it was very reasonable.

It is expected that it is better to think about it. It is better to think about it. Although it is better to have a stroll more than a few hundred times more than a variety of things, this is the reason that Shi Tian Weilong knows early.

But the night is also a long time, it can't calm down. Because the problem of Wikiji, the night cost is at least in the past, which is a very torment thing for one person.

Night wind is also very trying to rest, but what is done is done, just to save your own people! If you know how difficult it is, you will not come.

Although there is a very good found in the original Kurosaki, the road is very good, but after all, he is just a viewer. After all, it is still the first practice, so it is a bit uncomfortable.

Night wind is sighing, said: "What is your next plan you say? Let's always wait, it is a crisis that is temporary, because her ability is Blue dyeing recognition. "

"I don't think so now, because I always feel that blue staining may be known from the beginning, we must come back, so I think that the virtual night palace is a difficult eye, the real virtual night palace is really Not necessarily where, and I feel that there is no breath nearby. "Shi Tian Weilong said.

Night live wind is also a great realistic, because he wants to save the mood of the well, it is very eager to give this key thing, and the distance from the virtual night palace is impossible to feel the breath, so say Blue Dye is playing two people from the beginning.

Night wind is also nodded: "It is also, the blue dyeing is so savvy, I feel that it is impossible to arrange the virtual night palace to the same position, so I said where to buy it."

Shi Tian Yilong also came to fight. "Yes, maybe let's go in the opposite direction of virtual night palace, maybe there will be turned. Since he puts fantasy in here, I feel the people. Taoism also governed the body! "

"Oh, sometimes I feel that you still ting smart, isn't this still a way, it seems that it is not forced to come, let's take a turn, let's take it, don't stay again this place for too long. "Night long style."

There are still many learning, because I haven't progress so long, as explained that it is not a long place, there is also a blue dye, in case it is placed, what is the trap is said Uncertain.

Night wind and Shixian Rain Dragon have been moving forward toward the "virtual night palace", in this white sand world, see if there is anything to turn.

Soon the night, the wind is not very strong, because I am in a virtual ring, but the ability is still, there is no problem, so he feels that there seems to have broken around!

The night grew fashion made a banned gesture for Shi Tian Weilong, and then directly extended a fire, ready to attack.

A look in front of you is very funny, a few small broken faces have been fighting! And it is still not light! The mood of the love of the child in the heart of the night is emerging!

Shi Tian Rainlong also said that the shoulders of the night shoulders said: "In fact, I think, don't buy it, don't make a lot of idle, the people here are all broken, are not a kind guy, So, or not. "

"Well, I know what you mean, I am so heartally, I will work, I'm all children, all the victims of blue dye." Night long talk.

Shi Tian Rainlong is also helplessly shake his head and did not speak, because for these breakfasts, Shi Tian Rain dragon is still very relieved, and the night length is not at your own risk.

Several breaks in front of you are calling an unsuccessful, a total of three broken faces, and the other two breaks are crazy attacking a small broken surface, which makes the night grows very unhappy.

I saw the night growth slowly near three broken, that was directly knocked down to the ground, but the remaining two breaks were smiled and took out their own knife!

This knife is very small, I don't know if it is a soul knife, but it is very ridiculous! But it is also lamented at the same time, so small food?

085 chapter, three monsters

At this time, the night's live wind turned directly, one of the two broken faces, then said that it was very dissatisfied: "Hey, you are somewhat excess, two of them bulge. Is it still a man? "

"Want to manage! We really play games! Adults are hate! Hey! Why don't you break it on your face! Do you have human beings!?" One of the small breaks that were caught by night, said, but A face of the sky.

When the night grows, these little guys are the victims of the blue dyeing test, and now they are human and broken. It is not known. So the night's long wind is in the open eyes, there is no harm to them. idea.

Another small breakfast is also said: "Uncle, let's let us down, we haven't finished playing yet, play us will go home! Really! You have to believe us! We don't bully people!"

The night-long wind shakes the small breakfast and said: "Cut, small ghost, but also said that there is no bully! I have seen it! You have used the knife when you play! What to do with the child! You Saying! "

Night wind is now, it is now starting to play a child. It is not to be broken. As long as it is a child, the night is not a little resistance. After all, it is a child, and the night long wind energy is What are they doing?

"Oh, my uncle, you don't understand this, your human beings and our constructs are different. We are cut by such a knife, and the adults say that only the soul knife can kill. Let's! "Small breakfast said that the expression is very serious, it seems to be the same as the night.

Another small break side said: "Oh, uncle is human, must have not seen it, let him show him! Let him and the uncle's long-term experience!"

The stone rain dragon is also very surprised because he is obvious that this broken child is to discover himself! This is to see that the new combat power of blue dye is better than human beings!

The small breakfast on the ground is also gone, and when the night is in the wind, this small break is a girl! The night is more fire, and the two little guys who swayed their hands and said: "Hello, you are too too much, people can be a girl!"

I didn't expect the small slope on the ground. I said: "Oh, uncle, you don't hurt them! They are my friends! We are just playing games! You don't want to misunderstood!"

Night live wind is also looking at the broken girl, no temper, said: "What game, can play this, even the small knife is coming out! Don't play like this later, not safe!"

"We are playing people playing people playing, they just caught me, this will grasp them two, uncle, do you want to play with us? Very fun!" Break girl to night The long wind says.

Night wind is also scratching scratching the head and then putting two broken faces: "Because of it is embarrassed, I still don't know that there is still such a custom in your virtual ring."

"Hahaha, uncle was scared, we really just do games! We have never hurt their people, we are all good friends!" The broken girl said.

The night cost is also scratched: "Okay, you tell me, why is it here, is it listening to it in the adult, talk to your uncle, uncle is not angry."

Shi Tian Rainlong is also a means of admiring night long, because I don't like children, so I have never been able to talk, but I have been listening to night after breaking. The wind and them are talking, for breaking, whether it is adult or a child, Shi Tian Weilong is not like it.

"We are, we are coming to play for a while, you really don't say, I also heard the adults in the past few days, saying that I want to take a sister in the world! I don't know which sister is now Sample. "The broken girl said.

This simple words are very curious, then directly grabbing the broken girl said: "You said, what do you know? What do you know? What is the big sister is also a good talk to me, we give us Your sugar is eaten. "

Night wind is used to use a child's usual skill. The broken girl is also very satisfied, and the two eyes said: "Is it a candy to eat human beings, then you will also give me candy, but also to be with us play!"

"The line, as long as you tell me the almost story, I will accompany you to play, you can see it." Night long style.

The broken girl thought about it, "Yes, that is, the case, we are friends, first of all, I want to introduce you to myself, my name is Nina, next to my friend, they are Pei Xue and Yu Calca. "

Ninai? Is the break of memory! When the night grows, I think it is, it is no wonder that it is so familiar with this Niul, because she is the breakfast of the loss of memory, and the role of the night's favorite!

"Okay, you are good, my name is night long, now changed my sister, but I don't want you to say, we are to save your sister, now you talk to us, how is it? Things .. "Night wind said.

Now the heart of the night is on the news above the well, which is completely filtered with some nonsense.

Nina knocked on the broken face and said: "It turns out that you are night long, this is the case, what we are now full of people are chasing you, but uncle, you don't worry, we don't have Harm your malicious, because we also play you. "

Neu continued: "When you start, everyone is talking about the current big sister. It is a special function to say that it is necessary to catch the virtual group. Just now, they still have to come together. Looking for you! "

"Do you know where they are? Or do you know how the big sister is?" The night is in a hurry.

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