The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2555 of the Chapter 2555 of the Prince of Tennis

Looking at his nervousness, it seems to be crying, and the night is also a speechless, because Niuli used to be a ten-blade member, dealing with these garbage is a finger.

But now, this is because I lost my memory and combat ability, it will appear with a child!

Night wind is also scratching: "Big virtual? Very strong, your big virtual forest is powerful than slopes, if it is too bad, I don't have to run, I can kill them directly."

Niul believes that the night is frightened, then pulls the stone Tian Yulong said: "Hey, you quickly pulled him to hide, I was discovered, let's die!"

Shi Tian Rainlong is also a point of reactions. Because for him, these ethics are all his targets!

Nilel didn't have a way, when I was in a hurry, a deafening voice rang!

It is big! A sputum slowly moving in the direction of night long wind with ugly fencing.

At this point, at least the Qiakas level is big, but for the night's wind, it is like the same strength as the cut dishes.

Nina said: "Uncle, run it, they have found us! In the evening, let's die!"

"Oh, why should we run, solve such a guy is not a hand?" Night live wind directly in the spirit space, Ruangli is also fired, the stone rain dragon is directly opened the arrow! "

088 chapter, slaughter

When Niwu saw it, the reaction was very straightforward, and after hiding the night of the night, Niwu's little friends would also seem to have a discussion of a general preface to hide in the night. Shi Tian rain dragon behind. + + worm

Daxie found that they also sent a deafening snoring, followed by all the big virtual, the quantity couldn't be a thousand people, but it was not in jeopardy. This quantity is enough to make human beings scare the legs.

But standing here is human, not only without legs, but it is very calmly looking at these guys in front of you and then started to talk, this is very fascinating.

Shi Tian Weilong at this time is very high, and the arrogant look at the night long saying: "Hey, this time you have to be a bit, the last lost to you because my strength is insufficient, this time, I don't necessarily! "

"Oh? It's hard to have this kind of Yaxing. I am also like you to accompany you. It is still what is still what is still. You will definitely, anyway, it must be me!" Night costumes It is confident.

Shi Tian Weilong said: "Oh, still old, we are better than killing, I have lost to you, but I still have a word, this time I have different past days, if I won! You can Just waiting to face your face! "

I haven't waited for the night, and the stone rain dragon directly took the lead in playing an arrow. The direct hit a base of the head, followed by the head of Bi Li'an, I blege! Directly inverting a black smoke!

"One." Shi Tian Weilong said very handsome, then quickly moving his body, this is the power of blood-blood! Night wind is also understanding that it is not only to zoom in to maximize his attack, but also a stable increase in speed.

Night live wind is no longer stopped directly to start the flow blade, if the fire is fired, the crazy slaughter!

Night long winds continue to use!

The ethnicity is also as the soul of the night, and his body is cracking!

This is the hard difference between the ethics and breaking!

Breaking the new combat power transformed by blue-stained transformation, but it is not a rugged crust, and it is still harmful to varying degrees when it is attacked.

What's more, it is the attack of the night, and the night-long wind is falling. When you fall in the body, you have no feelings of the hindrance, and you are very smooth, just like the feeling of cutting. !

This is also happy to make the night grow.

"Seven!" Shi Tian Rainlong continued to shoot an arrow with blue flash, and it was also a straightfall after the direct shot. Shi Tian rain dragon seems to be very satisfied with his own attack, because he seems Feel your own lead.

The long use of the night is close to the big virtual, and then use the help of the helper direct disintegration, and one moves directly, it is directly cut two or three, and the night is very proud to look at Shi Tian Yulong. Extended the two fingers and said: "Twenty!"

Shi Tian Rainlong is also scared, because it is reasonable, the distance is still to be dominated, this is to get verified from the beginning, but the stone rain dragon is not fast!

Night-hard or even the skills of the sorrow are no need to use their own helper and twisting, then close to the virtual is a knife, close to a knife, everything is a little skill, it can be Dummy kills to the slag.

The latter Niul is more shocking, as if it is like watching a movie, all the operations of the night is like a cloud of flowing, usually, it is not too clear, Nina is even smashed. Rubbing eyes.

"Wow, this is too incredible, this is really a thing that mankind can do. If this, the big virtual forest I look at it is also a place!" Niwa looked at the night's face Worship said.

Shi Tian Rainlong is also very wanted to win, even more accelerated, and then the accuracy is also a very amazing. If you don't pay attention, you will shoot three arrows and kill three big virtual!

This is a big progress for Shi Tian Weilong, if he is definitely unable to be in a month!

"It seems that you have nothing to do this month. If you have, if you have, I see you can't die." The night long semi-praise is half-ridiculous to the Shi Tian Weilong.

Shi Tian Rainlong is also squeezing a smile: "I said, I am not a month ago, now I am completely a big virtual, but also a broken side!"

"Oh, then how much big deficit you have now, I see you so hard to jump, it must be a lot of harvest." The night length touched the flow blade in your hand. .

Shi Tian Rainlong is also very showed, he said: "Oh, it is fifty, don't have much, you, I think you are too leisurely."

"I, there is a clean you, I just didn't do it, so I said that I will kill more than one hundred sitting here, I am a virtual It seems that it is Ting big, but it is not a hard blow. "Night wind is very disdainful to look at the ethics.

Shi Tian Yilong once again shocked by the night: "What, do you kill one hundred? Do you have twenty? How can you be so fast! Are you in this? Lifting me! "

The night-lived reflections referred to that the side is still lying on the ground. There is no completeness that turns completely into the black smoke: "Then you check it out, anyway, there is no complete disappearance!"

When the game was very happy, it was also discovered when the night grew and the stone field rain dragon, it seems to be because of his fight is too fierce, it is a lot of big virtual!

And it's all in front of the night, the direction of the stone and Shi Tian Rainlong, and the night is also very strange. Is there a IQ?

Looking at the top of the same kind is dead, I don't know how much, or continue to forward, I really don't know what I think.

Of course, this is the reverse thinking idea of ​​night long wind. Generally, it should be retired, but it is still not seen that that email is because they are too strong. I don't dare.

Night wind and Shi Tian Rainlong are also gradually backed by: "Don't take advantage of the competition, now this is the matter!"

Chapter 089, strong combination

Night wind and stone field rain dragon can be said to be the form of swords, although it is not the strongest surface. Ψ ω Ω omega omega ψ

But saying that this is the strongest that is definitely nonsense. To be a remote attack, it is necessary to make progress output, and the most important thing to face a lot of virtual group is the courage.

For the night's wind and the stone rain dragon, the courage is not so much thing, because so many things experienced, the mind of the two is very mature, and the courage is really not too needed.

The two people are quickly divided into labor, and the rain dragon is constantly using remote attack harassment, and the night cost is used to output a melee attack. The two cooperate with a tacit understanding. In fact, if it is time, it is not, this is the two people become strong. After the first time, I can say that Shi Tian Yulong has paid a lot in order to become strong.

Soon the bloody flying in the air, the number of killing the enemy of Night Changshi and Shi Tian Weilong is very much a few hundred, but the source of the source is also very good, and the rain is very good. headache.

Just like bugs, don't bite, but you should be! Who can get this spirit to devastate!

One is not afraid of death!

It seems that the drone has been hit by you!

It is the continuous power of the source!

It is also, what is the most in the virtual ring, of course, is empty, this is like what is the most in the world! When people are people!

The number of such degrees, so that the night long wind and the stone field rain dragon are really a bit leather!

On the singularity of singles, there is no one in this, and there is a night's opponent! Therefore, it is very advantageous to say that the amount of virtual stations is very high. Now the night grows and the stone rain dragon is gradually being disadvantageous.

"Are you okay? I looked at the virtual group. It looks more and more. If you don't want to think, we must die here!" The night is a little impatient, because the surrounding is true Too much.

The : We can't live! "

Night-length, psychologists, I don't know, I know that it is not suitable to consider the countermeasures. As a result, you have come to me, is it worried about it?

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