The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2570 of the Chapter 2570 of the Prince of Tennis

"Oh, like you! It's my enemy!" Blue dyed smile!

114 chapter, defending battle

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei's serious look of serious looks: "We still have a room for discussing the room, if you have to be like this, don't blame me, huh, huh, you know me. Means. ≧ ≧ ≮ ≮ ≮ ≧ ≧ "

Blue staining is like it is completely unhousing: "Oh, do you want to stop us before we destroy this empty seat?, Huh, it is really interesting, if you don't help our mood, you will go. There are still a lot of things! No time to waste time with your old man !? "

"Blue dyed this is your last chance. If you question the way, we must kill you directly, you return to the corpse to receive punishment, or have a possible possible, you are determined Do you want the whole person to be enemy with my corpse? "Yamamoto Liusi is very powerful, and the army behind is also very powerful.

This time, it's all the characters of the captain. Like the blue dye, the blue dye is also brought directly out of his remaining strongest breakfast. This is a battle for blue dyeing. It is also the battle of life and death!

The blue dye waved the soul knife: "I came here to come to the world to put all you all, do you know? You are in my eyes!"

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Qingzhong is also too lazy to say something else. Directly, the soul knife is explained, saying: "We are there is no room for discussing, so I hope you can change since the time before death. In this case, it will not let yourself go to hell! Listen, the blue dyeing is that you will not cherish this opportunity, then we are completely enemies! "

"Oh, come on, come, I am really coming, don't refuse, see if you are like a sick cat! How to get to my break! Oh!" The blue dye is very rampant.

The Bayl Gang Ruissen is also coming to say: "Oh, this is your past alliance, blue dyeing, it seems, I really can't look at your death! Laozi is the most Strong! Haha! "

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is also a deposit. I know that I once said: "Oh, it seems that blue staining your preparation is really a lot, even the virtual king of the past It is controlled by you! It is really amazing! "

"Oh, the old captain, you are really award, this guy is nothing to have any garbage! In my opinion, he is a battle machine, I don't care at all!" Said the blue dye is very excited. .

Baygang Runeson is also looking at blue to dye with uncomfortable eyes but is still a sentence, because the ability to blue dye is indeed a good job, this is really not a trouble. So I don't have the face that I have to be sinful if I have the face for myself.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei looked at the performance of these people: "It seems that I am still really true, you are really amazing, it seems that you don't give you a little color."

"Oh, even though the horse came over! I won't be afraid of you!" Blue dye directly opened his own chest.

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei battle with the broken face of the broken face brought with these blue stains!

"Everything in the world is ash!" "Yamamoto Liusi is directly remembering!" The soul knife in the hand is also directly deleted! That is the original color of the flame of the night!

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei is directly waving, and the soul knife said: "Fire Burning City Guo!"

moment! The flame is like a general direct flooding of the blue dyeing, a person directly flooded by the blue dye! Blue dyeing and other people did not move, but directly from the Shan Billin Liu Wei's fire city Guo is inside!

"Haha, become, the captain, see how they still arrogant! Blue dyed this traitor can be died!" All people are cheering, but only the mountains of Yamamoto Liu Hao is on the face. Very dignified!

Because the blue dye at this time seems to be not painful! Instead, it is disdainful to watch the mountains. Liu Wei, and then reveal a strange smile, it seems to say that your trick is to me, no matter what you do!

Yamamoto Yuan Liu Wei also saw the situation of blue staining, and it seems that the power of the threat of fire in the fire city is too big! And now the place is empty!

Moreover, this big trick in Shan Biao Liushen is directly surrounded by blue dyeing and self-containement. In this case, emotici-cho is very easy to be destroyed by blue dye!

Although this big trick has played a handsome and trap to make your purpose, it is also a problem with a problem is that he and blue stain are trapped, but the empty Hatsuki is dangerous!

Blue dyeing is certain that the location of the empty seat is found! Soon, it is going to destroy! But Air Ji-machi is important for the world! So, Missanto, Liu Wei, is thinking about how to stop blue dye!

Soon a thoughts over his mind, but the mountain is still very hesitant to do so? Because of this, it is definitely not too beneficial for yourself!

That is to directly package the corpse and empty space here! I think so, the mountains of Liu Wei directly active!

Directly got a big column in the four sides of the city! In this case, it is the damage that can make empty seats from blue dyeing!

All this is the people who are going to bear in Yamamoto. Because this is attacking! It is directly attacked the territory of the corpse of the corpse!

In this case, although it is the territory of the corpse, it may be directly harmful, but it is also no way. After all, the business is the capital of these parallel worlds. If there is no such thing, the soul of his corpse will no longer There is!

After the layout, the blue dyeing looked at the nearby situation: "Oh, the old team leader really has two mesaki! It seems that I have to give you the goddess, then destroy the empty seat?"

"Oh, yes, if you can, you can try it, I will be willing to accompany it today. What do you want to do today is not good today!" Shan Biaoxian Liu Wei's domineering domineering!

Blue staining is also a smile, saying: "Oh, this time I am let your corpse soul, all the bottom of the world!"

115 chapter, rescue the weaving

Both sides are

On the other hand, Ulci Ola is stayed down to guard the well, Ulciola is very dedicated, because the blue dye makes you have always guarded, that is, always guard, go to Urchi Ola's guards are also very interesting. Ulciiola is very dedicated, so it is always a touch of Wiwi Ji. Σ ∈ ∈

"Hey, don't you see me like this? Is there a flower on my face? Flames panic, you said what you are doing, isn't it a very ordinary guardian task? It's not like this when I guarded me! "Wi-Zhi Ji was afraid to watch Urzio said, and his legs began to shake.

Urzio is also a mechanical saying: "I am a blue dyed adult arranged to guard you, so I said my duty, I have to obey, don't be nervous, I will not hurt you." Urzi Orel said.

The well is still uncomfortable inside, because the other party is empty! It was even a virtual to show such a long time, and the shadow area in my mind is very big, because I have been very familiar, my brother is a virtual, if it is not a night, It is possible to die now.

On the well, wewoven is also the sure to turn, "In short, don't you look at me, I am very afraid, you are not human beings, even if you are human, I have always looked at me, I can't stand it. "

"I just ordered something, I won't make anything to you. After all, you are a special prisoner, it is not allowed to hurt prisoners, so I don't hurt you, please cooperate with my job. "Ulgela is still indifferent, as if it is a little feeling.

At this time, it is also a sound from the outside! There is no sound without a while!


Suddenly, a big hole was played directly on the side of the wall! It is the night, and the night is finally coming to the center of the virtual night. It is nothing to save the well.

Although you are tied, it is also very easy, but it is still the legs of Ulchiora, the legs of the wells are still shaking!

At this time, Ulches Allah also saw the night's wind, this time there is no way, how is it still can't escape, the last one is good, and the degeneration is in the hands of the night long. I am running away, but this time, I am not lucky!

But there is no way, Ulciola has to choose to fight with the night, and Urziola took out the soul knife and then looked at the night long. "Don't It's an innocent, human. "

The night-long's style just wants to say something and Urzio, it has seen the trembling in the back of the trembling in the well. At this time, the well is the tears of the well, and the eyes look at themselves!

The fire of the night, rushed to the top! It is also the state of the Wiwiji to make the night long!

"Are you doing? Are you crying she is ?!" The night's eyes were even red, directly mentioned the soul knife asked, looking at Urziola.

Urziola is also a faceless look at night long saying: "Yes, I am just ordered to act, guard her, don't let him escape, what is wrong?"

In fact, Ulcheora is not wanting to meet the night's wind, because Ulciola is also a person who is clear about the night, so it is very fear that it is very fear that it is very familiar with the truth. I have encountered the night.

"On the last time, I can't let you go! You don't just repay me, but you still be enemies! Cry my woman! I don't want to kill you!" Night hard looks Chiola said.

Ulciola said: "I am just being ordered, as for the Wikiji, I didn't hurt him!"

"Oh, who will believe in your ghosts! Laozi will kill you today! You give me a good price of you scare you to the well!" The night grew well.

Ulchiola is also playing, where to flee this, it is a face, it seems to understand the expression of the night. "Well, I know, then I accept your challenge, let's fight One is it! "

Night live wind is not an urgent direct to take out the soul knife, because it is angry, but it is still calm and quiet, then he said: "Nina, Shi Tian, ​​you, I will give you it. The two are sure to protect me. "

"My brother is relieved, we will definitely say good sister." Niul directly helped the well, Ji Ji said, and the well on the well is also very curious. The break is also disconnected.

Ulciio said directly: "You can rest assured, I never want to do it, so say that human beings are the same, I have never hurt them, so I want to play, as soon as possible!"

At this time, when the night's live wind is in the spiritual space, the fire is completely complete, saying: "Oh, look at you very much to die, I first saw your own breakfast. It is really strange. "

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