The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2572 of the Chapter 2572 of the Prince of Tennis

The spiritual part of the moonlight sword is directly disintegrated! Ulciola is also very incredible to watch Urchiola's drafting!

Ulciola is very popular! Looking at the big mistake is to follow into the end of this!

Ulci Ola muttered in his own words: "It is really a terrible power."

This kind of power, Ulchiola is never seen! Because he didn't see the mountains of the mountains!

Therefore, I have listened to the hearing of the soul knife. If I actually, this is the first time, in the face of the enemy like the dead, there is no way to retreat!

"Your sword, it seems too tight, you talk about what you can do!?" The night's wind is not a mock up to the Urchiola.

Ulciola is also injecting the moonlight sword in the spirit: "Can kill you!"

"It's a funny!" The night is rushing again!

Sure enough, I don't have night! All attacks in Ulci Ola are resolved by night long! Little is there, there is no room!

Ulchiola is also very unwilling to have a heart in the heart, and use the flashes and moonlight swords to attack the night long! But the night is not vegetarian, a little attack is not allowed to make the night growth!

Although Urchiola's skills are eight! But for the night growth, there is nothing to use the flower shelf. In the eyes of the night, it seems that the blue dye can give yourself a little stimulus!

At this time, the night's live wind stopped, and then looked up on one side, saying: "Hey, bat, I will change it to you."

"Oh, cassels you." Ulciiola once gave birth to death, so he said that Ulchiola is not strange! This is the most common ghost!

But when the night is released, Urci Ola can be said to be a direct stupid eye!

"Wang Yu's flash!" The night's hands got a strange black flash, and then directly rushed to Urcheola!

Ulchiola is also a dodge, directly by the night's "Wang Gui's flash" cave wear half a waist!

Ulci Ola is very bad at this time! Even still shaking!

Urchiola is incredible to watch the night long saying: "You, what is your things? Is it a person or a dead??"

Because Wang Xi's flash can be played, in the eyes of break, this is a pride of breaking!

Only break your face can be used flexible!

At this time, the blue dye is given to the privilege!

But the night growing is not a ten blade, how can he master the flash of Wang Du?

"Oh, you don't need to know so much thing, anyway, you are also dead, I just don't tell you, can you?" The night grew is said.

Ulchiola is even more wondering, because this is a majestic problem that is broken with a blade!

If a virtual mastery has a flash of the flash, then it is good to say, it is good, but this recruiting is a human beings will, because what is it because something?

"I ask you, what is the reason, what do you have any special skills? Or who is still to learn?" Urchiola said that he did not end.

At night, the wind is in a time, the soul knife is in the shoulders: "Not good, I just don't tell you, can you take me?"

"Oh, it is good, that is, give you a flash of the price of the price of the goods!" Urchio lacked.

Chapter 118, two paragraphs

Ulciola has reached out of the palm and then raised a finger, black spirits in Ulciola's fingers, the night's wind is very uncomfortable to watch Ur Chiola. ∥ ∥ × × ∥

"Dedicated! Coupled!" Ulciora released the black virtual flash!

The night-long wind will reach out the palm of the palm to release the flash of the king! Urchiola's blackness flashed in an instant! Moreover, the virtual flash of the night is still in front of the blackness.

Urchiola is not well seen, and directly use a socket of attacks!

It's a thrilling! If it is directly hit by the virtual flicker of the night, it is not directly killed!

Ulciola is very taboo to look at the night's long time can't calm, this is not a power!

Night wind is also a smile looks at Ulciiola. "Is this your virtual flash? Dumb cannon, what happened? Is it that your strength is too weak? Suicide You are really shameless! "

Ulci Ora took a painful responded to the wound that the virtual flashed was then looked at the night. He looked at the night. "Don't look at people, when you don't know a person's strength, you are certain Be careful. "

Night wind is also a ridicule of the tone: "Your strength. Your strength, I really understand it anymore, it is really a word, it is a word! Cuisine!"

"I see you is glow! It will have such an idea. You are too stupid. It is so fond of members who face the blade of the blast!" Urchio la arrpower .

Night live wind is also said: "Oh, you will still have provincial provinces, the ranking of your breaks, I think is some problems, is it in the order of reverse, the more garbage is, the more it is more In front?! "

"You do this, I really can't bear it. Today, I break the blade of the fourth blade to set your first level!" Urchiola said very well!

Night of the night: "Come on, fool, don't be afraid of death, you can play it for a try, I definitely hit you, I promise you!"

Ulci Ola, opened the black magic wing, direct dive in the form of night long, and then started using a skilled moonlight sword to attack the night long wind!

Night live wind is also very calm face towards Ulci Ora crazy air, casually responds, just directly attack all the resistance!

Urchiola's eye is not dare and resentment, it will become incredible, because there is still no breakfast to fight with yourself! Don't mention humanity!

The battle ability of the night long and horizontal battle is to let Ulgela can be said to be complete refreshing for human awareness!

Night live wind is also unver, "What are you going? I see you is a victory to break the soul, I see you still wash, you are now, I am absolutely Blame you! "

"Joke! I have to kill you! You tell me this and I haven't used it here!" Ulchio lacked.

Night live wind is also directly strong to take Ulchiola. "Oh, save the province, you can ting under my hand for so long because you have the ability of speed and regeneration, so you are only Can come here. "

Ulciio is a great realm, but also don't want to admit it, because you are also a face, even if it is really such a thing, you can't say this, you are also a person with a face!

Ulciola is on the ground, then retreats two steps, directly open the wings, saying: "It seems that you don't have some real thing, you are really forced."

"Oh, what happened. Is it necessary to use the skill behind it? I think that this is a bit interesting. If you have been like this, I haven't thought it." Night long said.

Ulchiola is also a clear say: "Oh, you are a bit of a bit of vision, but my skills are not a general understanding."

"Hey, do you have to think that it is from doing Kung Fu you don't know if you are there?" The night grew well.

Ulgela is also very confident: "I see you, and I can't guess my skills, I don't have it."

"Oh, isn't it a second paragraph? Is there anything big? I see your two paragraphs, it is also paired with me. In my, your secret is not a secret." Night long wind Say.

Because it is all things that know the world of death, I said that night long wind is very understanding all the skills of Urchiola.

But in Ulchiola is very horror! Because the two paragraphs of Urche Ola are not seen! This man in front of me knows!

Ulgela is very unbelievable expression: "You, how do you know? Or why you are! Why do you know my secret !?"

"Oh, is it very strange? In my inside, your secret is not a secret, I don't have you said, your secret is not something about me." Night wind is very proud of the head Say.

If you don't read the death of God, I can't know!

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