The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2575 of the Chapter 2575 of the Prince of Tennis

Night costume can also be said to be a legend, it is not a dead! It turned out to be a variety of ability to use the soul knife, but also reached the height of the understanding!

After the general dead god, then we have to practice the time after ten years, it is possible to pass through, but the night is not to say, just master all the soul knife!

The flow blade is also a cold fleet. It is also the experience of the night, the night is not a cultivation experience, so it is a miracle that can be cultivated into such a high level!

There is also the blade! One is not a human beings that are not broken! Humanity!

I can have an understanding and returning blade at the same time! This is not a general! This is the body of the corpse or the virtual ring is the existence of the unconsciousness after no ancients!

Night long winds clean up their own skills, then directly release the state, and return it to the original look.

The first thing to do next to the night is to face the well, then look at the well, and then smile, I said: "I will save you, weave the Ji, no one can hurt you now."

At this time, the well is finally can't stand it, and the crying is crying directly, then crying directly into the arms of the night, there is not stopped the chest of the night.

"How come you come, I am very afraid! They also let me be a member of them!" The wells on the wells on the wells were like a long time.

Night live wind is also the same way to the well. Ji Ji said: "I am not coming, it is a little late, it is almost okay, nothing."

Night wind is still comfortable to comfort the well in the previous way, and the well on the well is also very well-behaved. After comforting yourself at night, it is like a kitten. Night long wind.

On the side of Niul, it seems that it seems to have a five-flavor. I didn't expect the goddess of the heart to have a woman.

Niwu directly caught the nerves, and then looked at the night, the night is half-day, can't say it, the night's wind seems to be aware of Nina, I am looking at myself.

Night live wind also responded directly to a polite smile, because he has always been Niwu to protect the well, or Niul, it is not known to have a few frightened things!

After finishing a group, the night is talking: "Niul, what are you going to do? Is it continued to follow us still with a virtual ring?"

Niul looked at the wells around the night, and he looked at the night's long-standing. "I follow you, I don't go."

Niwu is already completely recognized that the night is long. Only ten nights of long wind is the home, otherwise, even if it is a villa, it is wandering.

That is to say, the place outside the night is all in his hometown, only the ten nights of the long wind are home.

Niuli girl's thinking is a big one to make yourself a big one.

But at night, the wind is not to be aware, he has always feels yourself and your stove friend, and didn't guess the girl's mind.

So everyone is finally reached after thinking, Niwa's two small-ends are stayed in a virtual ring, and then contact Niwu.

Niul and Shi Tian Rain Dragon are still taking risks with night long winds.

On the well, weaving is also the arm that is pulling the night, saying: "What is going on, it's not an enemy, why do you bring her?"

The night of the night and smiled and touched the head of the well. "" Reassured, this is my friend, not an enemy, she is not malicious, it is a good break. "

But the woman's intuition tells the wells, this Nina is to grab the man with himself! Although Niwl is not seen in a simple appearance.

But she likes the night of the night, and the well on the well is to see it.

On the well, I saw it deeply and saw that you said after you recorded: "Changfeng Jun, then we are all settling, is it going to go out, this is really terrible, I don't want to think about it. Stay. "

Night live wind is also in the well, weaving: "Don't worry, we can go out, although this place is blocked by Blue Dye, but I still have a way, let me go."

I nodded on the well, and this man is also a person who is fully trusted.

122 chapter, walk out of the virtual ring

Night wind and in the well, weaving the heart, looked at each other and then pulled his hand forward, Shi Tian Rain dragon is okay, for a single dog for many years, it is not something big. ℡ ℡

But for Niuli, it is a bit cruel. If you like people, you can't say it in front of you, and people are already a famous flower, the purpose of this trip is to save your love.

The night long said: "Blue Dyeing this old fox is very embarrassing, he will block all the virtual circles before we have to go out, so saying that in my opinion, we still have another way to find. "

"Other roads, big brother, don't say anything directly, touch him, the wall, the words, this is not, the ability of the blue dyed space, but I really not joking "Shi Tian rain helplessly said.

Because in the heart of Shi Tian Yulong, the night grows is a full class, whether it is difficult to encounter what is the difficulty, and there is a dangerous, and the night is very small.

When there is anything, it is directly solved, and there is no way to think. It is also necessary for the night growth.

Trendy people! Simple violence is good, the spirit of night-cost favors is the same, otherwise the night grows is also a long time for a team leader.

Night wind is also mysterious and laughing: "Let's be a wisdom, it is impossible to be a muscles of a body. Sometimes the brain is also used."

This sentence is completely impossible to pick it up, because it seems to be saying that Shi Tian Weilong does not need to think, but Shi Tian Weilong can say something, it is a teammate.

Niul is also said: "The blue-stained adult mirror is very powerful, and now there is a collapsed jade, I know these things before I am sneak attack, really can't look small."

"Haha, Ni you can rest assured, I can go out, the blue dyeing trick can still can't let me, I said that God can go to day!" Said the night with a very wind.

Ninel is also very happy because of the back of the night, it is very happy, and it is going to take a golden light!

The most happy in front of your sister! Nothing is to make more sense of accomplishment in front of your sister!

The night-long style just wants to continue to say something, I feel a sharp pain in the waist! The "Dragon Heart" of the Wiwi Ji is already in the waist of the night!

Night wind can't help but take a touch of cold, and since the sister is still to take risks!

At this time, the well is directly grabbed the arm of the night, saying: "Niwu thank you for your information, I and the Changfeng Jun is a heart, thank you."

Nine is not a fool. Seeing the well is a bit angry, so it is low and then nodded in silently.

Night wind is also a little unclear. I see what I want to say, but I have something wrong with it, so I'm not good.

In this well, I didn't look at myself, I know that I may be embarrassed, it seems that I am really what girls can't see!

The night and swallowed a spit said: "Cough, this situation seems to be a bit embarrassing, do you see what we can think about?"

If you go out, if you go out, the night grows can be a breather. It is best to have this thing. Your end, such words, Niwu is in your own side, night long wind is ignore a disaster!

It is still to handle it now, it is hard to handle it. If you are good, the night is not wanting to go up the small splint!

"Hey, isn't you still confident, it is what you said! Changfeng! You are able to take us out! And I feel more understandable!" Said the well.

This is also the body of Ni., this is a war is inevitable, and the war of Wiwi Ji and Nina is a problem!

Niul is very simple to say himself with his finger: "I, I have already said it, my sister, the seal of the virtual ring is definitely can't be broken!"

"Oh, do you really think that I am letting you say something that is not seal, I will say what you should be also known." Well Ji Ji said.

At this point, the fool is all known, and the Wiwiji is intentional in danger, Niwu is impossible to see.

At this time, the night cost is standing, because when you go, you can't get it!

This is something that there is no way. The imuity of the well is strictly forbidden for the night long wind tube bundle, that is, because it is too much to care!

"I see that I have a way to go out directly from here. You should not communicate, just listen to me, let's go, weave the Ji, don't make trouble!" Night wind shot well The back of Ji said.

Looking at the night, I really like myself, and the well on the well is another smile on my face, then said: "Okay, Changfeng, let's go!"

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