The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 2580

"Boom!" Tiahhelbel rushed out of the stone wall and cohesive energy directly on the soul knife, but this time is different!

The top twice Tijah Leber's soul knife covered all the yellow spiritual power, this time it turned into a water flow!


I feel very dazzling in the moment when I live in the morning! Because all the day is the water cannon who is playing in Tiaek Lebel! It seems that very people are harmless!

But the night grows in order to be insured, directly after connecting! I didn't expect this water gun to look weak, but they didn't directly form a few meters of giant cave on the ground!

The night is also dark in the heart, if you don't escape, if you don't escape, it is really a lot, and it is not good to get into the ground.

Tijah Leber, at this time, Tijah Leel is full of blood. When you look at it, you will be lifted by the night, still not stopping the water gun to the night, the night!

Night wind is also giving meter, always can't always run, facing such an attack, first as a grandfather is absolutely can't be!

The night length is inserted into the ice pulley, and the movement is like a cloud, and the water is generally cut off these water guns! And when the ice gear pill is in contact with the water gun, the blisters are immediately condensed into ice cubes directly.

Water and ice can't be said to be attribute, but it can also be said to be the same attribute! Who also is separated from cold, and the night is doubting why Tiahelbel does not use all the moves with hot water.

It is also slowly discovered that Tijahley Bell seems to be a hot water flow, that is, the !

I know that this night's night wind is much peace of mind, keeping the blisters that Tiahel Bel is cut off with the soul knife, and have been close to Tiaekelbell!

"Oh, it seems that the monster is still not good, the strength still needs to be strengthened." The night's face is facing the fascination of Tijayley Bell.

The status of Tijaye Leel is not very good! With so much skills, his spiritual pressure is also gradually become weak, and the night is also a stealing, it seems that it can finally end her.

At this time, Tiahh Leber suddenly stopped the movements in his hand, then insert the shark's sword into the ground and wearing a roughness: "Kid, I don't think it is, what is the winning and loss?"

"The strange aunt really has a leisure and elegant, then come." Night live wind did not wait, discovered that his feet seem to be shaking, it seems to be coming!

"Boom!" A water column is directly up! Night wind is not a little, it is directly rushed to the sky!

"Broken Waterfall!" Tijayley Bell roared, using his strongest skill!

When the night length is rushed to the air, it is also directly inciting the black magic wings, escaping the water column, and then touching the broken ice armor or suffering!

Although the night cost is not true with Tiahh Leber, the strength of Tijayley Bell is not honest.

Just in the night-hearting, the two sentences of Tijayley Bell strangely, Tiahh Leel suddenly flashed a person!

It is blue dye!


Tijah Leber's pupils make great! The incredible eyes look at the blue dye in front of you, because the blue dye at this time is hand-held mirror, the month, the chest of Tijahley!

"You are no longer a member of the blade, you have weak enough to use the value." Blue staining cold.

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Tijayh Leber is a little unwilling to look at the blue dye in front of him, because although he is not taking the tube, but it is also necessary to see yourself without the blue dye!

A moment of violent thinking directly occupies Tiahhel Bell's head, making it directly who wants to fell directly!

"Mirror Water Moon. + Zhi + insects" blue staining turned a slide knife to say to Tiahhel Bel.

"I didn't expect you to stick to it, but I didn't have a lucky to end life." Blue dyeing squatted.

But at this time, Tijah Leber has been completely can't hear!

"Broken Waterfall" still did not end the stage, because Tiahhhhhe's insistence has been continuing. At this time, Tijah Leber is also attending the air of the attack, directly attacking the blue dye!

Tijah Leber directly inserted all the power of "broken water" into the blue dyeing body, and said that there was a word in his mouth: "Give me death! Give me death!"

Tijayh Leber's "broken water" is really strong enough to directly rush the blue-stained four-point fifth! The taste of blood is once again spread throughout the air!

At this time, Tiahh Leber also said that it is said: "Oh, solve your guy is not me!"

"Oh? Yes?" The blue dyed voice once again echoed the ear of Tijekelbel!

Tijaye Leber is very incredible to turn the head! But responding to him but is a cold soul knife!


Blue dyeing once again, on the place, once again added a knife again! This time Tiahh Leber is not so lucky! It's useless to get angry.

The instant Tijah Leber lost awareness, and the shark sword in his hand was also straight from the hand. He looked at the ground. Tijayhleybell also followed the soul knife to the ground!

"It is really not to give her to the power of collapse, even a small man can't be flat!" Blue Dye scornful looked at Tiahh Leber on the ground.

At this time, I couldn't help but said: "Hello, are you still a good leader? Is this going to treat your own? Do you not feel cruel? It is only used by you, but their nature is not necessarily They are all bad. "

"What is the relationship with you? Human, if you want to talk to me, you must have to know about the five clutches in the Sixth future." Blue dye is still a pair of emperors. Stay.

Night live wind is also said that the ice pulley is resistant to the shoulders: "You can rest assured that you will not let you wait too long, rest assured, your hand is also your end."

Blue dyeing looked at the Bayl Gang Ruissen Bang, where the crazy slaughter was said: "Hey! You come over, don't see you, I am calling you again, I can't hurry, I can't get it!"

A pair of Bayel Gang Ruysen is very reluctant to get up the big ax being waving in the hands and then go to the face of the blue dye: "Call, call this king, don't, call me?"

Look at the look of Bayur Gang, still is still inadequate, and the night is even a little missing, but it is still hit and want to continue.

Blue dye is very popular, directly fanned, a heavy slap in Bayir Gang, Baoguisen, is also very tall, and it is impossible to watch the blue dye.

"I don't have it to call you soon, or say you want to kill this?" Said blue dyeing, but in the eyes of Bayu Gustuus, it is very horrible!

Bygang Runeson said: "No, no, I will take him now!"

After that, the Bayley Roemisen is like an escaped, and then he deliberately looked at the blue dye. At this time, the blue dye has been carrying the body to turn it!

Baygang Runeson is like a breathed look, and then the plateoon has a face to say at night, and said: "Is it your small slag and the king?"

"What happens, the master does not look at it, the nature of the dog is direct exposure? I didn't expect so fast!" The night grew and hugged his shoulders very clearly from the praise.

Bygang Runeson is very harmful! Because I have just been bloomed in a slap! Just in front of some people fans yourself!

"What do you know this guy! This is a virtuous way to express a friendly way!" Bai Lutuisen Bondon said a word!

Night long-winding efforts have never laughed and then launched "Sky" in the spirit of the spirit of "Sky" in the night!

"Hey!" The night's face is directly in the face of Bayuoguisen, and the Bayu Gang Runes is not ashable.

Baygang Runes is estimated to be a long distance and then hit the stone wall. It will be stopped. Night wind is also acknowledging.

Because of the lion, I want to laugh too much, and the power is not controlled!

This kind of visual impact is a much more powerful than the blue dyeing.

Baygang Ruysen is a half-day, which is reflected. He is angry with a look at the blue dye, and then looks at the night long saying: "You dare to fan the face of the king! You don't want to live?"

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