The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 2583 of the Chapter 2583 of the Prince of Tennis

At this time, the people of the fake legislature have also arrived, and it is the beginning of the start and the bee together.

The night is in front of him, there is a Zhaobian mission in front of him, because when the bee is dangerous, this guy has ran!

At this time, there is a quick run of Zhaobian : "Take me with your hand!"

The bee is also awkward will be cut by the night long, I have seen him, "" You see, this person is cutting me! "

There is a clear look at Zhaoba, and I said, I said: "You just sigh, I have been sigh, I will tell you, if this big god is cut off your arm, you have now It is a smoke. "

TING has this Zhaosa mission to say that the night is deliberately raising the head and then looks at the shredded bee with the rest of the light.

Ha ha! What jokes! What is Laozi! If you are cutting your arms, you are now a dry corpse!

But it is very don't give face, and the broken bee has not seen the direction of the night, and even if you even have a thank you.

And said: "Okay, I know, since it is a good thing, I will not pursue it, you talk about it, what should we do next?"

True is really 10,000, Cao Nima is in Pentium!

At this time, there was Zhaobian


The bee is in the doubts of the face, and there is a Zhaoyian : "Well? Is there such a thing? Do you have a grasp? This is the second blade of break!"

The night is ridiculed inside, knowing that it is so fierce that is broken in the second blade! It's really not afraid of death!

"Well, theory theory, 11 o'clock, I have enough, I have enough to grasp, just use my ability to touch your arm in your body!" There is Zhaota Muan Xuan. ∈ ξ ξ ∈ ∈

The bee still seems to understand that there is a Zhaoyian : "OK, since there is a way, you should try it, just try it."

At this point, the direct of the night-length air-drums have won the broken arm in Xijian mystery: "What is given me!"

The broken bee is not happy, and the unhappy saying: "Hey, kid, we haven't finished yet, you look at the things of my arm, let's talk about it. Don't think that it is okay."

Night wind is not going to break the bee, but pretended to look at the broken arm in his hand: "This thing is not audible, you are really stupid."


The night hard is directly broken in his hand, and then the way is still the same as the shot: "Such death law is really cheaper for the guy."

"I am not sure now." There is a Zhaoyamu Xuan shrugged at this time, and then looked at the broken slag of the ground on the ground.

The bee is directly blown to the temple: "Hey! You see what you did! You see! Do you give our plans to disruption, because you! Do you go to him? "

"Yeah, let me go, who do you want to go? You said it is really right, you and I have destroyed your plan, but your life is my saved, you want to say a word, I saw your head. "Said the night is cold and cold.

When the hive suddenly didn't fire, the night's grew-up is really right, because the third blade of the broken is solved to the night long wind, they do not have this strength to get it.

Seeing that the bee did not speak, the night grew is to continue his own business, and the direct shooting, there is a Zhaoyang mission to say: "Hey, give me a layer of shield."

"Well? What? How do you know that I have an arc you? Let's have seen it, but my ability is not released. How do you know that I have a shield?" The mysterious says.

This is called an annoyance in the heart of the night! Of course, I know that there is this ability, or even the night's life is more than the people who have a Zhaobian mission!

Night live wind is not so much patience: "I ask you the last time, is you giving me a shield set, or I am giving it?"

There is Xiza Xuan Xuan, it is, and it is a bit that night is a trick of the night. Therefore, he said that there is no repetition: "Okay, don't you be angry, I don't do it?"

"This is almost, if you are so good, can we still do this?" The night patted it.

"Five Covered!" There is a lot of Zhaobian mijavia directly extended his hands on the night of the night, but after using the skill, there is a Zhaoya immediately lying on the ground.

The spiritual pressure of the night is too big, and there is a Zhaoyang mission almost nearly all the spiritual power of his body, you know a shield!

The golden quad-shaped shield is directly to save the two nights of the long wind package, so that the night's wind is too safe, the main energy of the five-raised cover is to make it impossible to continue the injury. So now the night is not scarred, that is, the theory should be able to resist death sigh!

Although I haven't tried it, the night grows is also very confident, then the smile starts to go forward: "Hello. Thank you, you can go now." Night long wind said.

The two behind him also have seen the strength of the night's wind, so it is also very very good to listen to the night, it is backwards.

Baygang Runeson also found that the night growing and slowly inciting wings, or wrapped in a golden shield.

At this time, Bayley Rooney laughed, although it was just a big mouth, but the night grew well also knew that he was laughing: "Oh, I don't know if you wear a vest. I don't know? Do you know? "

"Oh, you are the forced, your death sigh has not used it? You have to remember the name of the night, he is the end of your humanity!" Night lived to Byligu The body of Yeming is in front.

Baygang Runeon is also looking at the night long saying: "Have to say, human beings are very quirky, it is definitely no one after no ancient people, but you are here, you are not! It is not a hard blow! "

"The strength of your braggy is still very powerful. If you enter the price of cultivation, you can advance to the king of bragging, I don't think that you are also called a blindstone, and you will be more suitable for you. "Night long style."

Bayel Gang Ruissen is also a big ax in the hand. "" Kid, I see you is really unable to be a day! Laozi lets you see, feel from hell! "

At this time, the Bayu Gang Ruysen is once again inhaled, this is the prelude to death sigh! However, at this time, the night length did not choose to escape, and it was still moving in front of Bayu Gang Ruysen.

Everyone does not understand what it means, the part of the forehead in the night, suddenly opened his eyes!

"Death sigh!"

Bygang Ruissen directly rushed to the night long body, and said very happy: "Oh, the most difficult enemy is finally resolved! It seems that your default Arrived! "

At this time, when the smoke was scattered, Bayley Ruysen stunned, and the night-lived wind is still in front of the unusually hurt.

At this time, the Bayu Gang Runeson is also discovered that he can't move.

"Curse eyes!"


At this time, the brunette of the Bayu Gang Luysen flashed the yellow light! This is to be controlled by the night grow!

Although the shield on the body disappeared, Bayir Gang Runeson no longer has the strength of attacking the night!

At this time, the night's long said: "Death sigh is launched, then swallowed."

"You, your guy! Ah!" Bai Ruyason's paindish!

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Night wind turned out to swallow their death sigh directly to the birth of his death!

At this time, although the Baygang Runeson can't see the expression, it is also very painful! But this doesn't seem to kill his chips! Still need to continue attacks!

Night live wind is also directly closed his own curse. Bygang Runes is also a big injury after suffering from his death sigh!

But there is still no edge of death, Bayir Gang Runes seems to be very angry, said: "Cough, humans, you are really bold! Dare to let this king! Let the king are so wolf!"

"There is also a wolf, you can experience it, but if you can see it, it's another saying, you must first live to that time. ㄨ ㄨ ≦ ≦ ≦ ㄨ ㄨ" Night wind is also very The Sherri looked at the Bygang Runeson.

Bygang Runeson waved the big ax in his hand: "Kid you finish! I want you to follow! Eat this king an ax!"

At this time, the night is still in place, once again, I will insert the spiritual power into the left hand, and then immediately form a shield!

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