"Idiot!" One turned around, Hua Xingtuo jumped directly under the basket in Xiangbei, and raised the basketball with his right hand, "Come in!"

Chapter 063, Sakuragi Slam Dunk

At this moment, another giant palm fell from the sky, and the flower-shaped through-connected person swiped the ball to the ground!

"What?" Hua Xingtong sat on the ground.

"Changfeng!" At this time, Mitsui Shou had already run to the half court of Xiangyang High School and shouted at Ye Changfeng.

Bang!After Ye Changfeng took off the basketball in Hua Xingtou's hand, he directly threw it to Mitsui Shou who was in the front court, and at the same time he began to rush forward at a high speed.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng's long pass was still extremely accurate, and it was firmly in the hands of Mitsui Shou.

This time, Xiangyang High School sandwiched Mitsui in the middle, one left and one right, not giving him a chance to shoot three-pointers.

The players at Xiangyang High School knew that if Mitsui Shou made another three-pointer, the probability of getting back in the game would be very low.

bass!At this moment, a figure rushed directly into the three-point line in the half court of Xiangyang High School.

"Mitsui!" Ye Changfeng raised his right hand to ask for the ball!

Snapped!Hisamitsu Mitsui passed the basketball to Ye Changfeng who had entered the inside line of Xiangyang High School with one hit.

"Changfeng! Come in!" Mu Mu, who was on the bench in Xiangbei, yelled.

bass!After Ye Changfeng caught the ball, he stepped forward and jumped directly.

At this time, only Takano Akio was left in the inside line of Xiangyang High School. He also jumped up and raised his hands to interfere with Ye Changfeng's attack.

唰~▉Chang-887-Wind simply stretched the basketball to the back of his head in the air, completely opening it, looking like a Dapeng flying with wings outstretched, gliding directly by Takano Akichi.

boom!With a neat one-handed over-dunk, Ye Changfeng sunk the basketball into the basket.

30 to 9!Xiangbei finally expanded the advantage of the score to more than [-] points.

And Ye Changfeng's super-long air sliding action also made the audience at the scene boil instantly.

"It's so beautiful, this dunk!" The audience in the stands couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's exactly the same as the NBA player Drexler's glider! No, the No. [-] glider in Xiangbei is even longer!" The audience on the side covered their faces, looking very excited, "He really just A high school student?"

"This kid has all kinds of dunks, and he is extremely talented!" Mu Shenyi also looked at Ye Changfeng and Mitsui Shou's back with high fives.

"What's the matter, Sakuragi! It's not like you at all, being so begged by your opponents, where is our rebounding king in Xiangbei!" Ye Changfeng smiled at Sakuragi.

"Ugh... Damn!" Sakuragi, who was sweating profusely (dbch), suddenly slammed his head against the floor.

A loud bang resounded throughout the basketball arena.

"What are you doing?" Everyone in Xiangbei was stunned, and their eyes were all attracted by Sakuragi.

Even the referee on the side noticed Sakuragi's strange movements.

"Are you finally going to cheer up?" Ye Changfeng smiled.

"Xiaofeng is right, I, Sakuragi Huadao, are a talented player and the rebounding king of Xiangbei. Without my performance, Xiangbei would not have been able to win!" Sakuragi shouted.

Offensive and defensive conversion, Xiangyang High School's offense.

The recent offense of Xiangyang High School was not bad under the organization of Fuji really, but the players of Xiangyang High School couldn't be complimented. They have been working continuously, and they can all go back to the blacksmith's shop.

boom!Takano Akichi missed his shot again and bounced off the edge of the basket.


"It's mine!" Sakuragi jumped in anticipation and took off the rebound.

This was Sakuragi's eighth rebound in the first quarter, and he was the player with the most catches among all the players in the game.

"Hey, did you see it? Xiaofeng, I really am a genius!" Sakuragi passed the basketball to Ye Changfeng next to him.

Ye Changfeng didn't even think about it, he just put the basketball behind him, and then threw it again!

At this time, Rukawa Kaede, who was in the frontcourt of Xiangyang High School, caught the basketball. Under the pincer attack of two players from Xiangyang High School, the basketball was forcibly picked out.

唰~▉ The ball rolled over the hoop for several laps, and finally turned over and fell into the hoop.

32 to 9!Xiangbei finished this fast break within three seconds again. With less than two minutes left in the first quarter, Xiangbei had already scored a super high score of [-] points in a frenzy.

You must know that this is not a score obtained by a fish-belly team. This is a [-]-point score from Xiangyang High School, which is the second seed in the county competition and has a good chance of winning.

Moreover, Xiangbei also exaggeratedly controlled Xiangyang High School's score to be less than [-]. If you haven't watched the game, and people who are familiar with the two teams see this score, they will think they are dreaming.

On the field, Fuji really looked up at the score difference on the scoreboard, and was a little dazed for a while.

He has never regarded Xiangbei High School as his opponent. In Fujishin's opinion, the only one who can fight Xiangyang in Kanagawa County is King Hainan High School.

"Why is this happening?" Fujima, who has always been calm, was also a little blank at this time.

"Ye Changfeng with super organizational skills and super physical talent, as well as junior high school MVP Mitsui Shou with outstanding shooting ability, in addition to super rookie Rukawa Kaede, and rebounding master Sakuragi Huadao, the original core Akagi Takeken has not yet How to do it!" Xiandao in the stands looked at the Xiangbei Five Tigers on the field.

"The power of the five-person team is really like a bomb exploded in this high school basketball circle in Kanagawa Prefecture!"

"Xiaofeng, why did you pass it on to Rukawa Kaede again, this is how I grabbed the rebound! Really, I was in the limelight again by that dead fox!" Sakuragi complained dissatisfiedly.

Looking back, Xiangyang High School's offense is still relying on the strong play inside.

Hua Xingtou also wanted to avoid Akagi and beat Sakuragi Flower Road, but Sakuragi directly slammed the basketball down.

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