Snapped!The basketball hit the backboard and quickly bounced back, and Ye Changfeng, who jumped in the air, just caught the rebounding basketball.

"Wow! It's not letting go, you see what he wants to do?" The audience held their breath, watching Ye Changfeng's movements.

"Damn, he wants to dunk!" Mu Shen instantly understood Ye Changfeng's intention, why Ye Changfeng said he passed him in the air.

"Don't even think about it!" Mu Shenyi was also a top-level player, and his body's reaction was also very fast. He turned around and jumped backwards. He wanted to at least interfere with Ye Changfeng.

Looking at Mu Shenyi, who jumped back and wanted to interfere with him, a trace of disdain flashed in Ye Changfeng's eyes.

"You also want to stop me with this angle and posture now, you can dream!" Ye Changfeng stretched the basketball behind his head, bending the bow and pulling the arrow!

At this time, Ye Changfeng's body turned out to be exaggerated and stopped in the air, showing a super ability to stay in the air, which is impossible to see in the high school basketball league.

"My God!" Many audience members at the scene covered their mouths with a ghostly expression on their faces.

With a bang, Ye Changfeng's giant bow with a full moon finally launched, smashing the basketball into the basket.

The baskets were all pulled by Ye Changfeng's enormous force, and the baskets kept shaking, making creaking noises, making people feel that it was about to break.


Since the one-handed dunk after the suspension of throwing and hitting the ball in the air, Ye Changfeng is still and moving, showing the tension and beauty of the dunk incisively and vividly!

Wow!The bench in Xiangbei boiled first, followed by the explosion of the audience, and the cheers were deafening.

"Excellent, Changfeng!" Mu Mu and everyone in Xiangbei shouted in unison.

"Phew~▉! This ball is the most beautiful slam dunk I've ever seen in reality. Who is he?" Many spectators in the stands began to ask people around.

"Well poured!" Akagi Gangxian is also rare to come over and give Ye Changfeng a high five.

"You kid, you are very motivated at the beginning of today!" Akagi Gangxian laughed.

"Of course, isn't Akagi the opponent you've been waiting for for a long time? It's impossible to justify if you don't show a little strength!" Ye Changfeng replied.

" really is amazing jumping power!" Mu Shen stared at the back of Ye Changfeng who had turned back to defend.

I didn't feel it before in the off-court battle, but when I really got on the field and faced Ye Changfeng's jumping power, Mu Shenyi really felt the pain of everyone in Xiangyang.

Ye Changfeng's physical fitness is really like a bug!

"Haha, this game is interesting!" Mu Shenyi picked up the basketball on the ground and threw it to Ichiro Shenzong, "Serve! If you don't return one of this ball, you can't justify it!"

Chapter 069, the end of the first section

Offensive and defensive conversion, the attack of Hainan Affiliated Middle School.

After Mu Shenyi hauled the basketball past half court, he directly passed the basketball to Ichima Takasago on the inside.

Snapped!Takasago stably caught the pass from Mu Shenyi.

"Wow! Beautiful pass, passed inside!" Nakamura said in surprise.

bass!After Ichima Takasago received the ball, he turned around in a very consistent manner, raising the basketball and projecting it directly.

At this time, he has reached the depths of Xiangbei's inner line, and this ball is bound to be won by Takasago!

boom!At this moment, Akagi Goken who was defending him also jumped high and slapped Takasago Ichima's shot down like a fly!

It's a gorilla's super hot pot!

"Good shot!" Mu Mu on the Xiangbei bench cheered with a fist.

"Gorilla, good!" Several people from the Sakuragi Legion in the stands also applauded in unison.

"Go! Quick attack!" Akagi Gangxian shouted after landing.

The basketball that was fanned by Akagi was grabbed by the extremely fast Ye Changfeng and began to organize a quick counterattack.

"Come on, this fast break is the advantage of Xiangbei!" Xiangyang High School in the stands also came to watch the game.

"Go on!" Akagi Haruko stared at Ye Changfeng's background with burning eyes.

"Is this how Shobei plays? A quick counterattack!" Aida Yayoi thought outside the field.

Snapped!Snapped!Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball directly into the three-point line of Hainan Affiliated Middle School.

"You don't want to score this time!" Mu Shenyi quickly returned to the defense, blocking Ye Changfeng.

At this time, the basketball in Ye Changfeng's hands was no longer in the hands of Mitsui Shou, who was beyond the three-point line.

"What?" Mu Shenyi didn't notice Ye Changfeng's extremely hidden behind-the-scenes pass.

"It's Mitsui! Is it a three-pointer?" The coach of the Hainan High School Affiliated High School was shocked.

"Ah! Ah!" At this time, Ichiro Shenzong of Hainan High School had quickly returned to the front of Mitsui and jumped up to cover Mitsui Shou.

So I thought Mitsui Shou was going to shoot a three-pointer!

Snapped!However, when Mitsui Shou actually made a fake shot, he lowered his body and crossed Soichiro Shen.

"Nani!" Kam Soichiro was slightly surprised.

And Mitsui Shou has already dribbled the ball into the three-second zone of Hainan Affiliated Middle School.

"Good job! Mitsui!" Mu Mu shouted loudly.

"Huh! This guy Mitsui!" Even Ye Changfeng, who passed the ball to Mitsui, didn't expect Mitsui to choose a breakthrough.

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