Snapped!Under the almost dull gazes of everyone, Ye Changfeng threw the basketball at almost the same position for the third time, and instantly bounced into the air.

It was another battle for rebounds. At this time, Takasago Yima, who was on the inside of Hainan Affiliated Middle School, had already jumped twice in a row, and he couldn't jump for the third time.

The height of Qingtian Nobunaga and Mu Shenyi's third consecutive jump was also much lower than before, but Ye Changfeng's third jump turned out to be faster and higher than the previous two.

After grabbing the rebound, Ye Changfeng threw the basketball to the same position for the fourth time.

"Nani! Did he do it on purpose?" Shenzong Ichiro, who was on the bench of Hainan High School, was the first to see Ye Changfeng's intention.

That's right, Ye Changfeng is deliberately and frantically brushing offensive rebounds, and he is simply a brushing madman.

On the field.

"Why can't you jump up?" Ye Changfeng jumped twice in a row under the basket of Hainan Affiliated Middle School, and swiped two rebounds angrily.

A total of six jumps in a row, at this time, no one in Hainan High School can jump up.

"You!" Mu Shen looked at Ye Changfeng with a shocked expression. He didn't expect Ye Changfeng to play the King's Hainan Affiliated Middle School in such an extreme way. This was a great shame for King's Hainan.

"If you can't jump, it's up to me!" Ye Changfeng jumped high in the air for the seventh time, raised the basketball with both hands, and swung the basketball forward!


Chapter 074, the battle is stalemate

Under the basket of the High School Attached to Hainan, Ye Changfeng ruled the world and smashed the basketball into the basket!

32 is better than 33!

In one attack, Ye Changfeng swiped six offensive rebounds, and the smashing madness Ye Changfeng was the answer to the attack at the basket demonstrated to Sakuragi Huadao.

Ye Changfeng patted Sakuragi Huadao, who was dazed at the free throw line at this time, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Sakuragi, I have already demonstrated it to you once, then it's up to you!"

It doesn't matter if you don't make a shot at the basket, as long as you jump high and grab the offensive rebound, you can keep shooting until you make a shot or simply pour it in.

This is the domineering answer given by Ye Changfeng.

"It really fits the arrogant character of this brat!" Akagi Gangxian shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect Ye Changfeng to use such an extreme way to show Sakuragi how to crack the tactics of high head force.

The so-called tactic of seeing through Sakuragi as a novice, Gao Tou Li, is actually not technical at all. As long as Sakuragi calms down, he wants to score points in front of Gong Yi.

Can't make the basket?

It doesn't matter, we have rebounds, crazy shots, and we can always throw them in. If it really doesn't work, it's better to just slam the basketball into the hoop.

"I still can't solve No. [-] in Xiangbei!" At this time, Gao Touli was constantly oozing fine sweat on his forehead.

At this time, the audience in the stands also suddenly realized that Ye Changfeng deliberately brushed the board, which is simply despising the inside defense of Hainan Affiliated Middle School.

"Ignoring the defense of the king Hainan, this No. [-] in Xiangbei is too domineering!"

"Yeah, he can pass the ball well, has great strength, and has unparalleled jumping ability. Is he really just a high school student?" The audience in the stands focused their attention on Ye Changfeng for a while.

"Changfeng, he's so handsome!" Akagi Haruko in the stands also looked at Ye Changfeng with bright eyes, with bright lights flashing in his eyes.

On the field.

Several people in Hainan Affiliated High School all had sullen faces, being played by Ye Changfeng like this, the anger in several people's chests was rising sharply.

However, there is no way for a few people to take Ye Changfeng temporarily. Ye Changfeng's strength and bounce on the inside are unmatched, and even Mu Shenyi, the strongest defender, can't defend against Ye Changfeng, so there is nothing to say.

Du~▉ The whistle sounded again, and the Hainan Affiliated High School's continuous requests were suspended!

Gao Touli stood up. After the five players from Hainan Affiliated Middle School came off the field, they formed a circle. Gao Touli was holding the tactical board and kept talking about something.

On the other hand, Coach Anxi from Xiangbei High School has been giggling all the time.

After the long timeout, the five tigers in Xiangbei returned to the court. At this time, because of Ye Changfeng's dunk, the morale of everyone in Xiangbei was shaken, especially Sakuragi, who was very anxious before, and his heart sank at this time.

"Yes, I am the genius rebounding king Yingmu, as long as I grab the rebound!" A confident smile began to appear on Yingmu's face again.

"Sakuragi, stop pitching!" At this time, the four members of the Sakuragi Corps took the opportunity to attack.

"Shut up you guys, look at my genius Sakuragi, you must score on that alien head!" Sakuragi yelled.

beep!The referee's whistle blew and the game started again.

Offensive and defensive conversion, the attack of Hainan Affiliated Middle School.

"Pass it to me, Senior Mu!" Nobunaga Kiyoda asked for the ball in the inside line of Xiangbei High School.

Snapped!Mu Shen threw the basketball to Kiyoda Nobunaga on the inside with his right hand.

Kiyoda Nobunaga faced Rukawa Kaede who was defending him, without any hesitation, he turned around and jumped up, raising the basketball with both hands.

boom!Rukawa Kaede, who didn't play much in the first quarter, had long been suffocating. Seeing Nobunaga Kiyoda despised him so much, he was also a little angry. He jumped with both feet and jumped at the same time, showing his hands higher than Kiyoda Nobunaga jumped. .

Boom!With both hands on the basketball held up by Kiyoda Nobunaga, a neat block was made.

Snapped!The basketball covered by Rukawa Feng fell into Ye Changfeng's hands, and Ye Changfeng started it instantly with one step.

At the same time, the other three people in Xiangbei also started to go down quickly and counterattack quickly.

"Return to defense!" Hainan Affiliated High School's return to defense was also very fast, except for Nobunaga Kiyoda who quickly returned to their own half.

Snapped!Snapped!Ye Changfeng was carrying the basketball with extreme speed, without much hesitation, a hit-to-the-ground pass passed the basketball directly to Sakuragi on the inside.

At this time, the defender of Sakuragi was Gong Yi, who was only [-] meters tall.

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