"So-so!" Chimu Gangxian replied casually, but there was an uncontrollable smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the end of half-time, both teams will be given a ten-minute break.

The locker room of the High School Attached to Hainan.

boom!Gao Tou Li slammed a heavy punch on the wardrobe door of the locker room.

"How many points do you plan to get Ye Changfeng from Xiangbei to be satisfied? So far, he has scored more than [-] points alone! Do you plan to let him get more than [-] points in the audience!" Force began to growl.

"Of course not!" Nobunaga Kiyoda replied loudly, "Coach... please let me be in charge of defense in the second half. I will try my best to block Ye Changfeng's attack! Although I don't want to admit that my current strength is not as good as his. !"

"But if it's just defense... I should (dbcc) you can block him. As long as you block him, the rest of Xiangbei won't have to worry about it!" Nobunaga Kiyoda said anxiously, wiping the sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Can you do it with your current physical strength? Qingtian!" Gao Tou Li was taken aback.

At this moment, a hand was placed on the head of Kiyoda Nobunaga, it was Mu Shenyi!

"It can be done, right!" Mu Shen said in a deep voice, "Otherwise, it will be yours!"

"I can do it! I can do it!" Kiyoda Nobunaga shouted excitedly.

"Really?" Mu Shen's mouth turned up slightly, as if he didn't take the extremely dangerous situation to heart.

"God! You've already warmed up for the first half, and the second half is up to you!" Mu Shen turned his head and said to Ichiro Shenzong.

"No problem...my hands have been waiting for a long time!" Kam Soichiro looked confident.

On the Xiangbei side, Akagi Gangxian stood up again, "Mu Mu, you've worked hard for you, go down and rest!"

"What? Akagi, are you ready to play?" Mu Mu was surprised]

"Of course, how could I be absent from such an important game!" Akagi Gangxian said solemnly.

Ye Changfeng turned to look at Caizi, "Caizi, are you alright?"

"Well...Changfeng, the swelling of Akagi has disappeared. It shouldn't be a problem at halftime!" Caizi made an OK gesture to Ye Changfeng.

"Okay!" The people in Xiangbei formed a circle.

"Now, the victory is there! We just walk over and bring it over!" Ye Changfeng said, glancing at the people in northern Hunan.

"Oh!" The five tigers in Xiangbei shouted in unison, and Ye Changfeng became the real captain of Xiangbei.

In the stands, Yu Zhu saw the familiar figure walking into the stadium with firm steps, "Akagi!"

"Can Akagi-san still play?" Aida Yayoi, a reporter outside the field, asked in surprise.

"Is his injury okay?" Nakamura on the side was also taken aback.

"Okay! The gorilla is resurrected!"

"Gorilla! Gorilla! Gorilla!" The four members of the Sakuragi Legion in the stands began to wave their flags and shout.

Players from both teams came on stage again, and the second half resumed.

"Even Akagi is on the court, Xiangbei should have won this game!" Xiangyang's Takano Zhaoyi said slowly.

"Yeah! Today's Ye Changfeng is just like a god's help, and it can't be stopped at all!" Yong Yeman agreed.

On the field.

Ye Changfeng looked at Akagi, Akagi was already sweating profusely before the game started.

"Chimu, your injury isn't healed yet, you tell Caizi that your injury is healed!" Ye Changfeng whispered.

"..." Akagi wiped the sweat from his forehead and didn't reply.

"Whatever you want, if I find that your feet are not good, I will immediately let Coach Anxi replace you!" Ye Changfeng said solemnly.

"Ah!" Akagi nodded and looked at his ankle, "You have to hold on!"

"Players on both sides, jump the ball!" the referee said, standing above the center line.

"Come on!" Chimu slowly walked towards the middle circle, but was stopped by Ye Changfeng.

"It's better for me to come!" Ye Changfeng blocked in front of Chimu.

The one who jumped the ball in Hainan High School was already Takasago Ichima.

Bass~▉ After the whistle blows, the basketball is thrown in the air, and the two players scrambling for the ball jumped at the same time.

Obviously, Kazuma Takasago is far inferior to Ye Changfeng in terms of jumping height and speed.

Ye Changfeng slapped the basketball towards the half court of the High School Affiliated to Hainan.

The first person to react on the court was Rukawa Feng. His position was also very good. Ye Changfeng's shot seemed to lead Ruchuan Feng toward the Hainan Affiliated High School half-court while holding the basketball in his hands.

Snapped!Snapped!After catching the ball, Rukawa Feng started to run wildly, and frantically rushed towards the half of Hainan Affiliated Middle School. The ball was in Ye Changfeng's hands in the first half, but Ruchuan Feng was suffocated.

boom!However, when Rukawa Feng jumped up and stretched out the basketball in the three-second zone, he could see the gap between him and Ye Changfeng now.

Because Kiyoda Nobunaga interfered with Rukawa Kaede's shot, he encountered the basketball shot by Rukawa Kaede.

Snapped!The basketball hit directly on the backboard and bounced back!

"What!" Rukawa Feng was slightly taken aback.

And behind Rukawa Kaede, two red figures jumped up, Akagi Goken and Sakuragi Huadao!

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