At this moment, Akagi Gangxian shouted and jumped up, which strongly interfered with Mu Shenyi's shot.

Swish!Under the interference of Akagi Gangxian, Mu Shenyi still sent the basketball into the basket!

beep!At this moment, the referee's whistle also sounded, "Xiangbei No. [-] player pushes a foul, the goal is valid, and a penalty is added!"

"Wow! Good! Two plus one!" Nobunaga Qingtian rushed over and gave Mu Shen a high five, "Senior Mu, you did a great job!"

"Is this your true strength? Mu!" Ye Changfeng stood aside and smiled. He had a chance to help defend the shot just now.

However, Ye Changfeng wanted to see what the trump card of the guy who became the number one person in Kanagawa Prefecture had. In fact, it seemed that Mu Shenyi gave Ye Changfeng the feeling that he was Sir Barkley.

Barkley and Joe are one of life's rivals. They are also very famous. They have excellent jumping and strength, and they are very fast. They are quite comprehensive basketball superstars.

"This is Mu Shenyi, the biggest difference between Tengzhen and him is strength!" Hua Xingtu in the stands said slowly.

唰~▉ Shinichi's free throw hit without any accident!

Hit a three-point success!Hainan Affiliated High School finally narrowed the score gap!

"Good! Well done! Shepherd!" Gao Touli was very excited.

The second half was less than two minutes into the game, but the situation on the field was even more enthusiastic than in the first half. The most important thing was that Hainan Affiliated High School seemed to have awakened.

Obviously, Mu Shenyi, the core of Hainan Affiliated High School, will also start the personal attack mode like Ye Changfeng's second quarter!

The battle situation of the two teams has also risen to a new level without knowing it...

Chapter 085, Hainan chase points

Offensive and defensive conversion, Xiangbei's attack.

On the Xiangbei side, Ye Changfeng still carried the basketball past the half court. At this time, Akagi Gangxian was quite active in the interior and directly reached out for the ball.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng didn't even think about it, he just passed the basketball to Goxian Akagi on the inside.

scold!Akagi snorted softly, turned around in an instant, and directly knocked away Kazuma Takasago behind him, and then sent the basketball board into the basket.

Akagi scored again. At the beginning of the second half, Akagi Gangxian was not injured at all, but he was imposing!

64 to 48!The difference between the two teams has not only not been narrowed, but it has been expanded by one point.

"Okay!" Everyone in Xiangbei was shocked and gave Chimu high fives one by one.

"Akagi-san's mental power... has already surpassed the boundaries of the body?" On the Xiangbei bench, Anxi's forehead was sweating coldly. "Four Four Three"

"Hmph... Akagi, you're really not easy!" As soon as Mu Shen was carrying the basketball, the fire of fighting intent in his eyes became even more intense!

"Damn!" Rukawa Feng gritted his teeth, and he was pushed away by Mu Shenyi again.

"Although Rukawa Feng is known as a talented player, now the focus of Xiangbei's offense is the dual core of Ye Changfeng and Akagi, and Rukawa Feng's defense is not as strong as imagined!" Shigeru Tian Gang hugged his shoulders and said slowly.

"It's better to say that Mu Shenyi is too strong. In fact, he is a bit similar to Ye Changfeng. He has both speed and strength, and his technique is also perfect!

After Mu Shen broke into the interior line of Xiangbei, Akagi and Sakuragi jumped up at the same time to form a steel defense line!

"Don't even think about scoring!" Sakuragi stretched out his right hand, trying his best to fan the basketball that Mu Shenyi lifted.

In the physical confrontation with Sakuragi and Akagi in the air, Mu Shenyi didn't fall behind at all and threw the basketball out.

His body had been hit by Sakuragi and completely lost his balance in the air, but Mu Shenyi still threw the basketball out.

"What!" Sakuragi was shocked, and everyone looked at the basketball thrown by Mu Shenyi.

唰~▉ The ball went into the net with a hollow, and Mu Shenyi sat on the floor with a stubborn streak!

"Good goal!" Kiyoda Nobunaga roared excitedly, as if he had scored a goal.

"The two-point goal is valid, the player No. [-] in Xiangbei pushes someone for a foul, and an extra penalty will be added!" The referee's raised two fingers fell like lightning.

Under such strict defense, Mu Shenyi staged a two-plus-one show twice in a row.

"It's great!" Several people on the field of Hainan Affiliated Middle School pulled Mu Shenyi up from the floor, all with excitement on their faces.

"well done!"

"As expected of Senior Mu!" The bench of Hainan Affiliated High School was boiling.

In the first half, the cheering group in the stand, which was beaten to death by Ye Changfeng, also boiled over and began to shout Mu Shenyi's name.

Although Hainan Affiliated High School is still ten points behind, as long as Mu Shenyi plays, everyone in Hainan Affiliated High School will have incomparable confidence, because Mu Shenyi has saved the team many times by himself.

"But I... Where did I touch him?" Sakuragi looked at the referee with dissatisfaction.

"Haha... This guy is as eager for victory as we are, Sakuragi!" Ye Changfeng patted Sakuragi on the shoulder with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Changfeng, your kid is actually smiling!" Akagi was taken aback.

"Haha, Akagi! If the opponent has no fighting spirit, the joy of winning the game will be reduced ten million times!" Ye Changfeng haha ​​metabolized.

唰~▉ Shinichi's free throw hit without a doubt, and he made another three-pointer.

51 is better than 64!

"Sakuragi, look at it, after today... Kanagawa County's chief player should be replaced!" Ye Changfeng smiled.

"This kid is still so crazy!" Akagi shook his head.

"Haha, I'm going to knock this middle-aged uncle down too!" Sakuragi yelled.

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