At this time, Ye Changfeng was still outside the three-point line in Xiangbei, and he was in no hurry to return to the defense.

At this moment, a fiery red figure suddenly jumped up in front of Yuzhu, it was Sakuragi!

Sakuragi raised her hands high and printed them on the basketball that Yuzumi stretched out.

Boom!After a dull body collision, the two of them stayed on the ground heavily at the same time, and Sakuragi turned out to be suppressing Yuzu's strength.

Snapped!The basketball fell directly to the floor and flew over the baseline at an angle that no one could touch.

"Sakuragi... Hey~▉ Are you okay?" Mitsui hurriedly asked.

"Senior Yuzhu!" Zhicao from Lingnan High School was also worried and glanced at Yuzhu, who was blocking the ground.

"Drink!" Sakuragi straightened up with a carp and jumped up.

"Haha, handsome! Flower arrangement!" The four members of the Sakuragi Legion in the stands began to beat gongs and drums.

"Sakuragi, it was obviously painful to death just now!" The corner of Ye Changfeng's mouth was slightly upturned.

"Ah... it hurts..." Sakuragi shouted in his heart, but Sakuragi looked very handsome on his face.

"Under the basket in Xiangbei, this is our home... I won't allow you to mess around! Monkey boss!" Sakuragi pointed at Yuzhu and said.

"Damn... stinky boy!" Yu Zhu was stopped by such a provocation.

"It's amazing! That red-headed boy covered the fish!"

"And let Yuzhu fall on all fours!"

"What an amazing bouncing power!" After a brief silence in the stands, a commotion broke out in an instant.

"Sakuragi, well done!" Even Caizi couldn't help shouting loudly.

Du~▉ The referee actually blew the whistle, "Xiangbei No. [-] fouled! Two free throws!"

"What? How can I foul the referee, which eye did you see my thug?" Sakuragi stared at the referee angrily, and was then pulled away by Ye Changfeng.

The whistle for this ball was obviously late, and at most one scrimmage was blown, and calling a foul seemed a bit amateur.

However, Ye Changfeng is already used to the referee in the Japanese high school basketball league. He is an amateur and can't be considered a professional, and there are many misjudgments.

Snapped!Snapped!Yu Zhu fell hard just now, and his free throws were not very good, so both free throws were mistakes.

The game has been going on for almost eight minutes, and the score of the two teams is still an exaggerated 4-4!

Except for the big windmill that Ye Changfeng made an anti-basket just now, the offense of the two teams was lackluster.

Snapped!After the free throw was missed, the basketball bounced high in the air.

Xiandao under the basket turned out to point the basketball into the basket before Akagi!

6-4!Lingnan High School is ahead!

"Beautiful, Senior Xiandao!" Everyone on the bench in Lingnan High School shouted in unison.

"What?" Mitsui was completely stunned.

Ye Changfeng on the side also turned to look at Akagi, "What kind of plane are you doing?"

"Chimu, what's wrong with you?" Mitsui was even more excited than Ye Changfeng, and walked directly in front of Chimu and grabbed Chimu's collar.

"What are you doing? It's so easy for Xiandao to grab the basketball under the basket, and let him point the basketball into the basket!" Mitsui said angrily, "Do you still want to play games? Do you think that we will enter the country steadily? Is there a competition?"

Snapped!Akagi patted off Mitsui's hand and said solemnly, "Of course not!"

Du~▉~▉ The whistle of the judgment sounded, "Hey~▉ Don't talk on the field, continue the game!"

"TIMEOUT!" Ye Changfeng had no choice but to put his hands up and motioned to Mu Mu to call a pause.

beep!A pause came from the technical station, "Xiangbei High School, please pause!"

"What's going on? Why is Akagi's performance so abnormal, let alone help Xiangbei, now he's dragging Xiangbei's back!" Mu Shen in the stands looked at Akagi and said slowly, "If it's always like this, it doesn't matter. No matter how strong Ye Changfeng is, Xiangbei will fight very hard!"

The people from Xiangbei came off the stage and sat on the bench.

Ye Changfeng was also a little depressed. Without Chimu in the interior, he was as stable as Mount Tai, and Ye Changfeng's attacking organization was not as smooth as before.

The importance of Chimu to Xiangbei is self-evident, it is only the second core point of Ye Changfeng.

"This timeout is timely, Changfeng!" Mitsui said.

"What?" Akagi wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel.

"If the gorilla can't do it, then let my genius rule the inside line!" Sakuragi pointed to himself and said.

"Can you be more serious?" Rukawa Feng hit.

5.5 "What did you say, you dead fox is not guarded to death by Immortal Dao!" Sakuragi said dissatisfied.

"What?" Rukawa Feng also glanced at Sakuragi dissatisfied.

The Xiangbei bench was completely noisy, and Ye Changfeng sat aside, drinking mineral water without saying a word.

"Changfeng, what do you say, if it goes on like this, it won't be good!" Mu Mu looked very anxious.

"If you don't want to fight, don't go!" Ye Changfeng finally said.

"You?" Everyone in Xiangbei turned to look at Ye Changfeng.

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