Then the fish stopped and passed the ball, and then passed the basketball back to Xiandao.

After a series of dazzling cooperation, Xiandao finally got rid of Rukawa Feng completely and entered the interior line of Xiangbei.

"Damn it!" Akagi, who was behind Yu Zhuo's back, was disturbed by his sight, but he still forcibly took off and stretched out his hand to cover the basketball that was stretched out after Xian Dao jumped.

Snapped!Xiandao turned his right hand to the back, picked it up again, and forcibly threw the basketball.

Swish!After the basketball crossed an arc in the air, it hollowed into the net!

beep!The referee's whistle also sounded at the same time, "Xiangbei No. [-] player fouled by a thug, the two-point goal is valid, and a penalty is added!"

It turned out to be a two plus one, and Akagi also committed three fouls on his back.

"Okay!" Everyone on the bench of Lingnan High School couldn't help standing up and cheering loudly. Their ace Xiandao Zhang was finally resurrected.

Snapped!Xiandao and Yu lived a high five, and Lingnan High School's momentum was great.

"Akagi, it's your third foul, so be careful not to foul!" Mu Mu loudly reminded outside the court.

"Yeah!" Akagi nodded and glanced at Yuzhu who was back on defense, "This guy, Yuzhu, really gave up everything and wants to win!"

"By the way, then again, Mitsui ▉▉▉ is also fouled three times!" Mu Mu's face was a little worried.

"Yeah, even Rukawa Feng has done it twice!" Caizi looked at the record book in her hand.

"So that's the case!" Ye Feng's eyes flashed with gold on the side, "This old fox Tian Gang is waiting for this opportunity, our foul crisis!"

Swish!On the free throw line, Xiandao easily kicked the basketball in! [-] industries

37 to 56!Lingnan High School finally reduced the score to less than [-] points. There are still more than ten minutes in the game, and there are still opportunities.

"Defense! Defend! Defend!" At this time, everyone in the Lingnan High School support group who had been silent in the stands also revived and began to shout in unison to cheer for Lingnan High School.

On the field, offense and defense transition.

When the basketball was in the hands of Rukawa Feng, Rukawa Feng did not choose to pass the ball, but dribbled the ball alone, and he still wanted to prove himself.

But Rukawa Kaede's intention for this shot was too obvious. As soon as his body leaned forward, Xiandao, who was defending him, saw his intention to attack.

Snapped!Xiandao stretched out his right hand like lightning, and instantly intercepted the basketball in Rukawa Feng's hand, and his body passed Rukawa Feng in an instant!

"It's a steal! Senior Xiandao has completely recovered!" Aida Yanichi was also excited.

"Damn!" Rukawa Feng frowned and turned to pursue.

And Xiandao's dribbling speed seemed to be twice as fast as before. The whole body was like electricity, and he soon reached the three-point line in the northern half of Xiangbei.

"The idiot Rukawa Feng, in the end, he still has to rely on this genius to defend Xiandao!" Sakuragi dodged and came to Xiandao.

"Go on! Senior Xiandao!" Everyone on the bench of Lingnan High School shouted in unison.

"Don't make a foul, Sakuragi!" Mu Mu reminded loudly from the sidelines.

"Sit down, Mu Mu! That kid can't take care of that much once he arrives on the field!" Ye Changfeng said slowly.

on the field.

"Xiandao, let the horse come over! I'm going to knock you down!" Sakuragi stepped away, the fire of fighting spirit in his eyes blazing brightly.

"The flower arrangement is coming!" Several members of the Sakuragi Army in the stands also set their sights on the two of them.

bass!Immediately, Xiandao continued to turn around in front of Sakuragi, his speed did not decrease, he directly carried Sakuragi behind his back, and passed Sakuragi in the blink of an eye!

"Ah!" Sakuragi was speechless in astonishment, he was thoroughly swept away by Immortal Dao.

At this time, Xiandao had reached the basket of Xiangbei, and it was unmarked.

bang!Immediately, Xiandao got up and threw the basketball into the basket with one hand!

39 is better than 56!

Xiandao's consecutive scores sounded the horn of a counterattack for Ling 733 South High School!

"Wow! This is so beautiful! Why haven't I seen him so powerful just now!" the audience in the stands exclaimed.

"Bastard!" Mitsui looked up at Xiandao, and his physical strength also declined.

In the next game, it seemed to have completely entered the rhythm of Lingnan High School. The Xiangbei side only relied on Akagi to score in the interior, while Lingnan High School used the cooperation between Xiandao and Yuzhu dual-core. Flowing clouds.

"Xiangbei, rely too much on Ye Changfeng!" Mu Shen said in a deep voice in the stands, "When Ye Changfeng is off the field, there are problems at both ends of the offense and defense."

"And there are too many fouls by players on the Xiangbei court now. I think they have all committed four fouls except Miyagi!" Ichiro Shenzong on the side said slowly, "Is Ye Changfeng still on the court?"

"What should I do! I'm going to be pulled back by my opponent!" Mu Mu was in a hurry on the Xiangbei bench like an ant on a hot pot.

"Don't worry, Mu Mu!" Ye Changfeng said in a deep voice.

"But..." Before Mu Mu could finish speaking, on the field, Xiandao hit a three-pointer on Rukawa Feng's head!

58 to 68!Lingnan High School narrowed the score gap from twenty-five points to ten!

beep!At this time, the referee also blew the whistle for the end of the third quarter. Lingnan High School pulled back [-] points in this quarter, which can be said to have reversed the situation of the game.

Chapter 112, the five offenders leave the field

"That's it, the foul crisis in Xiangbei that I've been waiting for!" At this time, Lingnan High School's coach Tian Gangshige had a flash of gold in his eyes.

Everyone in Lingnan High School is also in high spirits. There is still one quarter before the end of the game, and they can completely pull the game back.

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