And this greatly limits the power of Rukawa Feng that should have been stronger. Rukawa Feng's original work is called the ghost of scoring. Although its offensive ability is not as good as Ye Changfeng, it is still very powerful.

However, Rukawa Kaede's offensive ability is still to attack with the ball, which is different from Mitsui Shou.

Mitsui Shou is a pitcher-type player whose combat effectiveness will increase exponentially when Ye Changfeng is on the court, while Rukawa Kaede is a player who wants to attack with the ball.

The basketballs are all in Ye Changfeng's hands. If Rukawa Feng can't get the ball, his power will be greatly weakened, and Rukawa Feng's defense is not very good, and his role in the Xiangbei formation has become embarrassing.

It's not that Ye Changfeng didn't propose to Rukawa Feng to let him change his attacking style. Ye Changfeng wanted Ye Changfeng to become a player like Marion used by the Suns.

Fast speed, quick response, good defense, catch and shoot, become another conventional offensive weapon of Xiangbei basketball team.

However, Ruchuanfeng seems to be unwilling to change his style of play. Since the day he was defeated by Ye Changfeng, Ruchuanfeng has been catching up with Ye Changfeng, and surpassing Ye Changfeng, becoming the new core of Xiangbei.

Competitiveness is always the strength of Rukawa Feng.

"It's hard work!" After a day of practice, most of the members of Xiangbei took a shower and went home.

Ye Changfeng still chose to practice as usual, but at this moment, Rukawa Feng came to Ye Changfeng with a basketball.

"Senior..." Rukawa Feng called Ye Changfeng a rare sight.

"Oh?" Ye Changfeng turned to look at Liuchuan Feng in confusion, "Ruchuan, what's the matter?"

"I want to play one-on-one with you again!" Rukawa Feng said solemnly.

"I see!" The corner of Ye Changfeng's mouth was slightly upturned, "It's not impossible to fight with me, but it would be meaningless without the lucky head."


"It's just a bet!"

"What are you gambling?"

"It's still five goals to win. If you win, Xiangbei will play according to your style of play and attack around you. However, if you lose..." Ye Changfeng changed the conversation.

"How about it?"

"You have to play according to my method, how about it? Dare to come?" Ye Changfeng laughed.

"Huh?" Sakuragi, who was practicing shooting, and Miyagi, who stayed in the basketball hall to practice, also noticed Ye Changfeng and Rukawa Kaede standing on the court.

"Want to compete?" Mu Mu was taken aback.

▉ ask for flowers

"Is that kid Rukawa Feng going to challenge Changfeng again?" Mitsui smiled, "It's good to be young!"

"Come on!" Rukawa Feng nodded, golden light flashing in his eyes.

Akagi Takeken's residence.

"I'm back!" Chimu opened the door to his house.

"Brother, come back. Today is earlier than usual!" Akagi Haruko hurriedly went to the entrance to greet Akagi Goxian.

"Yeah! Haruko, why are you panicking!" Akagi replied, "My foot injury is not completely healed, so I can't exercise too much!"

"Huh? Are there any guests coming?" Akagi noticed the shoes under the floor of the entrance.

"Yes, it's a very difficult guest!" Haruko replied playfully.

"Oh!" After Akagi changed his shoes, he walked into the living room and was instantly stunned.

"Sugiyama... sir?" Akagi pointed at one of the tall men who was sitting, stunned.


"Oh, Akagi, you're back!" Sugiyama smiled.

"Why is the center of the Japanese national team at my house?" Akagi was surprised.

"Classmate Akagi, come here and do it!" The old man sitting next to Sugiyama said. This old man is not an ordinary person. He is Kazuo, the coach of the basketball club of Fukasawa Sports University.

"Akagi-san, we're talking about a lot of good centers in Kanagawa this year!" Kazuo laughed.

"Xiangyang's flower shape is transparent, Takasha Ichima from Hainan High School, Yu Zhuchun from Lingnan High School, and you, who I highly rated, Akagi Goken from Xiangbei High School!" Kazuo continued.

"Me too!" Sugiyama on the side echoed.

"Then why are you here today?"

"I think you also know that Fukasawa Sports University is the number one college basketball team in Japan!" Kazuo said, hugging his shoulders.

"Are you interested in coming to our place? Akagi classmate!" Sugiyama answered, who was a player of the Japanese national team and a player of the basketball club of Fukasawa Sports University.

"I think you have better choices, such as our Xiangbei member - Ye Changfeng!" Chimu replied.

"Of course, as the MVP of this Kanagawa prefecture qualifier, we would also like to recruit him, but..." Kazuo looked embarrassed.

"But what?"

"Student Ye Changfeng just replied 'don't disturb my training' and completely kicked us out!" Sugiyama explained.

"Stinky boy, don't even give face to the players of the national team!" Akagi tried his best to hold back his smile.

Chapter 115, still far from

Xiangbei High School Basketball Hall.

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