On the field, Toyotama High's offense came to a deadlock.

Sakuragi suffered a loss and did not fall for the ponytail man again, and the defensive ability of other players in Xiangbei has been greatly improved, especially with Akagi Gangxian sitting in the interior, it is more difficult for the opponent to score in the interior than to reach the sky.

On the outside, there is Ye Changfeng's assist defense and clip defense, and intercepting the ball is simply commonplace.

Once there is an interception, Rukawa Feng is the first to rush out, and Ye Changfeng's pass can always find Rukawa Feng who is going down quickly.

Then Rukawa Kaede put the basketball into the basket very easily, so easy!

Fengyu High School's defense was useless in front of Xiangbei, who was organized by Ye Changfeng. After that, Ye Changfeng didn't score much, and it was all assists.

NOLOOKPASS, the back of the head, the crotch pass, the ground pass, the alley pass, Ye Changfeng's left and right hands changed the ball to make the players of Fengyu High School at a loss.

They didn't dare to flank Ye Changfeng at all, and they also tried to flank Ye Changfeng, and the result was Sakuragi and Akagi's dunks at the basket.

You can defend a guy's drive, but you can't defend a guy's pass.

That's the power of passing the ball!

Swish!Swish!唰~▉ Chuanfeng's condition on the court is getting better and better, Ye Changfeng's passing speed is very fast, and Rukawafeng's shooting speed is also very fast.

The sound of the swoosh net kept ringing, and the offensive of Xiangbei was an unstoppable rhythm.

"It seems that Rukawa Feng has also improved!"

"Yeah, I know how to cooperate. Ye Changfeng has pushed his offensive ability to the extreme! It's terrible. This kind of player who can attack and defend himself and pass the ball with his left and right hands can create opportunities!" Gao Tau Li wiped his forehead Sweat, Xiangbei's progress is greater than he imagined.

"That No. [-] is not bad, Xiangbei's strength is good!" The coach of Shanwang Industry was a little surprised by Xiangbei's offensive strength.

"Awesome! The competition in Xiangbei is so exciting!"

"Yeah! I'm already a fan of that No. [-]!"

"I'm No. [-]!" The audience in the stands was originally bored to watch the game, but unexpectedly, they were conquered by the performance of Xiangbei players on the field, and gradually became fans of Xiangbei.

Swish!After Mitsui hit a three-pointer again, the score on the field was already 27-4, and the game was less than six minutes away...【

Fengyu High School only got four points with two lucky balls to avoid the embarrassment of zero points, but even so, the gap between the scores on the field was widened to more than [-] points.

Even viewers who don't understand basketball at all can see that the two teams are not of the same magnitude.

"Damn! It's too arrogant! Xiangbei!" The ponytail man was sweating profusely, and was completely fooled by the attack of Xiangbei. He remembered Ye Changfeng's rhetoric of defeating Shanwang Industry, "It goes on like this, really saying Not sure!"

"Nan!" A ruthless look flashed in the ponytail man's eyes, "We have a hard time, don't let them have it!"

"Ah!" Nan Lie nodded, his face darkened with gloom.

"Toyotama High School has no chance, this ball is meaningless!" Nobunaga Kiyoda said in the stands with his hands behind his head.

"No!" Mu Shenyi suddenly said.

"Huh? What do you mean? Senior Mu, isn't it obvious? It's almost twenty minutes away!" Nobunaga Kiyoda asked in confusion.

"Pay attention to that Fengyu High School's No. [-] player - Nan Lie!" Mu Shenyi's eyes fell on Nan Lie on the field, "Do you know what everyone calls that guy?"


"Everyone calls him the ace killer, and it was he who ended Xiangyang's trip to the national competition last year!" Mu Shen said solemnly.

At this moment, Rukawa Feng received another 3.6 pass from Ye Changfeng in the frontcourt.

bass!Rukawa Feng just took off and suddenly fell to the ground with a painful expression on his face, and the basketball slipped from his hand and rolled beyond the boundary.

"Yeah!" The anger in Ye Changfeng's eyes instantly boiled, and Sakuragi on the side rushed directly to Nan Lie next to Rukawa Feng.

It was Nan Lie who defended Rukawa Feng just now, and he made a very dangerous little move from an angle that the referee did not see.

Sakuragi was probably the one who paid the most attention to Rukawa Feng on the field, so Sakuragi clearly saw Nan Lie's small movements. He reacted more violently than Ye Changfeng and rushed over.

"Bastard! You did it on purpose!" Sakuragi rushed towards Nan Lie.

"Sakuragi, don't be impulsive!" Akagi hugged Sakuragi.

"Hurry up and stop what you are doing!" The referee also ran over, and the scene was chaotic for a time.

Chapter 121, Playing or beating?

"Gorilla, let me go! He definitely did it on purpose!" Sakuragi blushed, obviously not wanting to let Nan Lie go.


"Don't talk nonsense, bastard!" On the contrary, the players from Fengyu High School looked very angry when they were wronged.

"Shut up! Do you think you can fool my Sakuragi eyes?" Sakuragi shouted.

"Bring a stretcher, he seems to have a concussion!" The referee checked Rukawa Feng's situation, and then turned his head and said to the staff behind him.

"That guy made a small move!" Yuji Okusu in the stands said coldly.

"Yeah! I saw it too, it's the elbow!" Noma Chuichiro echoed.

"Sakuragi! Don't mess around, leave it to me!" Ye Changfeng held Sakuragi's shoulder, and Sakuragi became quiet all of a sudden.

"Huh? What's the matter, this guy seems to be fine?" The players from Fengyu High School were surprised.

The flames in Ye Changfeng's eyes were raging, and a team of this level would not be able to arouse Ye Changfeng's nature at all, and Ye Changfeng also focused on assists before.

But now it's different, because Ye Changfeng is really angry.

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